Here's the Thing About Q

Posted by Kittyhawk 6 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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I agree with this video, in that I find it very hard to believe that Trump and Q are part of a white hat conspiracy to punish wrongdoers in the elite of politics and society. If Q is anti-establishment, why is he pushing war with Iran, which is what the power elites have wanted all along? If Trump is truly playing 3D chess to drain the swamp, why is there no retaliation from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who gave him his start in business, and then later bailed him out of bankruptcy? On Trump being a longtime front man for the power elites, see

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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 8 months ago
    Look at what President Trump has and is accomplishing all with resistance from all corners. Use your head. Nothing new from the philosophyofmetrics link.
    Just another Trump hit piece. Talking about an interview in 1988 as relevant today is a bit of a stretch. Sure Trump swam with the swamp as he built his business , brand and wealth but he was not compromised.

    "I agree with this video, in that I find it very hard to believe that Trump and Q are part of a white hat conspiracy to punish wrongdoers in the elite of politics and society. If Q is anti-establishment, why is he pushing war with Iran"

    Q is not pushing war with Iran. Period.
    If you want to be lazy and listen to a ten minute video to determine if your belief is affirmed .That is your choice.
    With hit pieces on Trump and the fake MSM. The people needed an information source that provided the truth. Q points to the smoke and the Anons find the fire.
    As evidence of the videos false claim "saying why hasn't the satanic elite been attacking him. I say The attacks against Trump have been relentless having had several assassination attempts and being called every vile filthy lie and name.

    Tell me one thing Trump has done in office that is
    Corrupt and self serving.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 8 months ago
      You said, "Use your head" and "If you want to be lazy and listen to a ten minute video to determine if your belief is affirmed..." I don't appreciate the personal insults rather than addressing the points I made.

      You said, "Tell me one thing Trump has done in office that is
      Corrupt and self serving." Who do you think tariffs help? It is not us, the average consumers, who are going to see much higher prices and fewer jobs. There's one thing he's done, among many.

      I'm spending much less time in the Gulch these days, since it's become not much more than a virtual pep rally for Trump.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 8 months ago
        Hardly an insult, but it must have hit a nerve. I addressed every point you made.
        Leveling the playing field regarding trade is hardly corrupt President Trump has expanded the work force to record low unemployment. You have a bias against Trump and say "among many".
        What else you are 0 for 1 now.
        Your participation averages 15 points a month hardly active . If you spend less time on the gulch that is your loss.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
    There are no rich and powerful people enslaving people. Most people who build significant wealth built it mostly themselves by creating value. Those people in debt he mentioned chose to borrow the money.

    On the other side, you can go to Villa Louis near Prairie du Chien and see how $100 million can be squandered in two generations.

    The boring reality is there is modern technology gives people great tools to build wealth through hard work and solving problems, but the gov't often intereferes with 1000 paper cuts of minor difficulties and the non-minor problem of having to send a third (more if you do really well) of income to the gov't. All of these imagined plots are nonsense IMHO and distract from the real but boring problems.
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