The Attack on Christians Continues (by Hiraghm)

Posted by ShrugInArgentina 10 years, 1 month ago to Culture
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Hiraghm recently submitted new a topic which is hidden due to to his low "member score". It will generate a lot more comments if it is visible to everyone, so I am re-posting it here.

This is Hirgham's comment:

"It's getting close to time to vote with our feet.
I'm tired of these intolerant JERKS using this as a forum to attack Christian beliefs, not simply as part of a logical argument, but as ad hominem assaults, with insults, condescension and misattribution.

Go ahead, drive us out. Make this an echo chamber. And when you have to deal with your Moslem or Communist overlords, I hope it's the latter, because I'd like to be there to hear you whine about being fellow atheists and therefore exempt from persecution.

Cause I ain't going to fight 'em for you. I'm going to point right at you and say, "There they are; be so kind as to eat me last so I can enjoy their education".

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 1 month ago
    This is why they have this strange and alien notion of separation of church and state... Because the gamut runs from Sun Worshipers to Moonies and everything in between.

    Ain't my opinion gonna matter one (sorry, reading a colloquial email from one of my field people) whether someone believes or not gonna make a difference. You want to be an atheist? Go with Ungod. Wiccan? Burn yourself up. Christian? I can hang...

    Not my business what someone believes (or doesn't), just like it's not my business what someone does behind closed doors or who they crawl in bed with at night. And that's what's great about these United States of America... we all got the freedom to believe as we want, and do what we want, as long as it's not impinging on someone else. Hell, someone can be an antitheist Leninist-Marxist Pinko that sleeps with sheep... as long as he's not harming me, not only what should I care, but WHY should I care... unless I'm so much of a busybody have to have my nose in everyone else's business. And the dotgov has that one pretty well covered for us.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
    I am having trouble following this. I am not a religious man but I respect those who are. Kh posted what I thought was an interesting article and she gets attacked by fellow Gulch members claiming they are being attacked. I am curious. Are you guys saying she should not have posted the article? Should we not discuss religion in the Gulch? I avoid religious discussions in part because I don't know enough about it but also because they tend to deteriorate into the equivalent of a food fight.
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 1 month ago
    The way I see it is that a religious person says "It's getting close to time to vote with our feet."
    I am not sure what that means, it could be that he means unless others grovel before his religion he will leave. As a result (according to the argument) we others will get Moslem or Communist overloads.
    Possible rational responses are 1. Ignore or 2. say. -Go ahead.
    Your choice. Do not impose your choice on others.

    To make an argument that may or may not have merit, then to accompany it with threats or emotional blackmail, is to shoot yourself in the foot.

    Cannot resist adding- there is a certain place that has an overlord who seems to be both.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      I'm hardly a "religious person". I doubt I've quoted the Bible once since I've been here. I'm a believer, but I don't wear it on my sleeve or let it dominate my life.

      Yes, leap to an extreme which has nothing to do with my assertions...

      No one is demanding that anyone grovel before Christianity... unless one considers basic, civil, respectful discourse "groveling".

      If you Objectivists, inside and outside this website, continue your singular attack on Christianity, by treating it and its adherents with contempt, you will lost Christian conservatives as supporters. And without the support of Christian conservatives, who vastly outnumber Objectivists... there will be no one to defend you from Islam and the collectivists. And those two factions aren't as stupid and helpless as Rand portrays the antagonists in AS.

      I don't care how god-like Rand made Galt in AS; any real-world man can be broken and made to obey. Even Objectivists. To paraphrase Archimedes, all you need is the right lever.

      A lesson our military had to start giving our pilots and others at risk of becoming PoWs.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 10 years, 1 month ago
    Sorry, you can claim you welcome Christians all you wan to but actions say otherwise.

    this thread:

    Is chumming the water for disagreement plain and simple.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
      Tech, please explain how that article says "christians need not come in?" I have a fundamental disagreement on the founding of the nation. I submit evidence. Because I dare to hijack the basis of our Constitution? What part of natural rights, "a wall between teh state and religion" do you not want to accept? You are free to believe what you want and live in peace in my gulch. But Christianity can not claim the founding of our country. Rational, natural rights respecting individuals can. We should agree on that.
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      • Posted by Technocracy 10 years, 1 month ago
        The comment you started with was simply....

        Opinion piece from 2011.

        A declarative thread title which some people would consider combative (not me oddly enough, but I can see how it looks that way)

        But no exposition on what you were looking to discuss, the point you are trying to make or anything else.

        To me that is baiting, not debating.

        Which doesn't say "Christians need not come in" but what it does do is tell them to not expect to feel welcome.

        I agree with the wall of separation, the problem I see is that each side is trying to use the wall to crush the other. Which was never the intent.

        As I said earlier if you want to debate, that's fine. But debate requires that a question be asked or a position for debate be stated.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
          we were already discussing this on another post. I put it up because there were excellent references all in one place. It saved me time and helped to make my point. I was in no way "baiting." You know, there were any number of posts on gay marriage in here. When I posted my commentary, I did not see you accusing me of "baiting." little insulted here tech
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          • Posted by Technocracy 10 years, 1 month ago
            Insult was not my intent.

            There are a whole lot of threads on here. Without some link or linking comment to where it started someone not already part of it has no way to know its a continuation.

            Without that link, looked at alone, the thread looks like baiting to me.

            I'll take your word on your intent and if you feel an apology is needed, consider it offered.

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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
        "What part of natural rights, "a wall between teh state and religion" do you not want to accept? "

        The part where "natural rights" exist (they don't) and the part where you assert that the wall exists to protect you from EXPOSURE to Christianity.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 1 month ago
    Thus his 'low member score'.
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    • Posted by ShruginArgentina 10 years, 1 month ago
      I understand why he has a low member score. Based on what he wrote in this post, here's an opportunity to drive him from the Gulch, if that's what those who have voted him down so much really want.

      I for one, would like to know how the absence of Christians in the Gulch will result in the rise of Moslem or Communist overlords and, if and when that happens, how the absence of Christians in the Gulch would make any difference in the way the overlords treat atheists.

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      • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
        I respect everyone's right to worship or serve as many immortal all-powerful supernatural infinite beings, as they want. And I hope they will respect the rights of others who choose to not worship nor serve any.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
          Your comments are disingenuous. I've not seen many (if any) person of faith on here who insisted that you must believe. I'm always accosted by the non-believers here that I should leave, shut-up, am stupid'/ignorant, etc.
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          • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
            I am continuously told to believe, accept, have faith in, sacrifice to, read the holy words, repent , and serve this religion or that. They at times can be very insistent. I'm guessing that you are not an atheist in a world of religious people.
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            • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
              Please point out who on this site has requested this of you. I admit, I cannot read everything on this site, so I might have missed it. If it has occurred, it is the exception, not the norm. On the flip side, we are perpetually belittled for our views.
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              • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
                I do not limit my life just to this one site. Individual rights do not exist only within this one site.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                  So you're now holding me accountable for how every other Christian interacts with you? Talk about enslavement.
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                  • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
                    What logic do you use to possibly come to those conclusions?
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                    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                      So, you start with "I am continuously told to believe, accept, have faith in, sacrifice to, read the holy words, repent , and serve this religion or that" as a complaint to me (about me?). You then follow with "I do not limit my life just to this one site." Ipso, facto, you must be blaming me for the conduct of others towards you. You have enslaved me to your feelings.
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                      • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
                        My post about what I go through as an atheist living in a religious world was in response to your complaints about “non-believers” on this site.

                        Any talk about me enslaving you is nonsensical.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
        Who's restricting it to the gulch? You're making enemies of Christians. You really think your "reason" is going to help you win the day when you have no allies left? Sorry, in spite of the catchphrase, Atlas Shrugged IS fiction.

        The presence or absence of Christians in the gulch is unrelated; Islam and communism are on the rise, the latter particularly in the U.S.

        And who's going to fight them? You? You going to "reason" them in to peaceful co-existence? Are you going to wave AS at them and *poof*, they disappear, or turn into rational little lambs?

        The absence of Christians fighting Islam and communism FOR YOU in the real world will result in the latter two winning. And all you'll have to fight them off is your "reason". Billions of them, led by real bad guys who laugh at the straw men the villains of AS are.

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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
          I will not debate your false choice. Use reasoned debate with me. this other stuff is unworthy of you
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
            Okay, let me put it to you in plain, simple, bricklayer language:

            Tell your husband to shut the f* up, if he can't engage in "reasoned debate" without resorting to ad hominem attacks and revisionist history.

            I can take ad hominems, I'm a expert at them. The problem I have is the bad taste it leaves in my mouth when people are allowed to inveigh ad hominems, and are protected from receiving them by the management and the majority of the membership. The instant anyone tries to point out the flaws in "purist" Objectivism (ie, the Word as handed down by her holiness Ayn Rand), there is a firestorm of attacks on them, usually involving ad hominem, but especially inviting them to leave if they don't like the flavor of the kool-aide.

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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      No. And that comment is unfair. That was for a comment that I believe was taken out of context and blown way out of proportion. But this is not my site, so I defer to Scott's rules.

      But if you are so intolerant of what he and others have to say (me?), then I think that you might not be so secure in your own philosophy.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
        actually, it is NOT appropriate on this site to say stuff like what he said. or what he said today about having a"fundamentalist father who beat you for playing with yourself" those statements and the ones above are not rational. They are the statements made by someone who needs a nap because they're whining too much.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
          verb \ə-ˈprō-prē-ˌāt\

          : to get or save (money) for a specific use or purpose

          : to take or use (something) especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc.
          Full Definition of APPROPRIATE
          transitive verb
          : to take exclusive possession of : annex <no one should appropriate a common benefit>
          : to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use <appropriate money for the research program>
          : to take or make use of without authority or right

          Care to take another stab, this time using a word that actually means what you're trying to say?
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      My 'low member score' is a direct result of a perfect storm:

      Once again Christian beliefs were being insulted; the implication was being made that Christianity was bad because of pedophile priests. I countered, quoting an Objectivist pedophile as justifying an act of oral sodomy on a minor to whom he had given candy as "trading value for value". I did so in a vulgar way, using a vulgar vernacular to reference the act of oral sodomy. (the idea for the example came from an episode of "Law and Order; SVU" I'd been watching in which a "perp" tried that very justification for his actions).

      Khalling was for some bizarre reason outraged; I say bizarre, because within 24 hours she made a posting linking to a site relating a news story regarding the gang-rape of children. With pictures, iirc.

      Sdesapio actually left me voice mail on my phone (normally I don't give my phone number to sites that request it... turns out to be a good policy). I woke up, got the voice mail, and returned the call, before I was even aware of what post we were talking about.

      Instead of deleting it... *or allowing me to delete it*, as I offered to do, he wanted me to post a comment explaining it as I had explained it to him over the phone, after which he said he would step in and settle things down. Instead, he stepped in, feigned outrage, and joined in the condemnation.

      Part of the explanation was that I do not regard *any* thought as "unthinkable". Thinking a thought is not the same as *advocating* it. You can't think about condemning murder, for example, without thinking about murder.

      My point was, and still is, that bad people can hide behind, and be found advocating, any philosophy, no matter how hypocritical it may be for them to do so (they're bad people, therefore irrational justification is a likely recourse for them, anyway).

      THAT is how I got my "low member score". Not by defending Christianity's place in history from dbhalling's irrational attacks.

      It's also why, in spite of my general nature to be friendly with people, I will on occasion remember that I can not like or trust khalling or sdesapio.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago
    "There they are......" That about says it all...
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      Sorry, Shrug, but that's tame compared to what those of us expressing a position of faith have thrown at us. I know of some on here who refuse to acknowledge a belief in faith, or at least not very vocally, because of the abuse. Is that what you believe in? People who share 90% of the same sentiment, but are afraid of expressing that last 10%? Is that freedom?

      You'll never intimidate me, my faith is far too solid to be shaken by most of the arguments presented by those here.

      I do welcome the challenges, though, as it aids me in understanding my own rationale and reasoning and deepens my faith.

      There are some who keep insisting that I need to study Objectivism further. Yet they cannot provide me answers to rather straightforward queries that show that my concerns would be alleviated by further study.

      I have my answers. I'm not seeking answers. I do look to understand things that interest me, but only insofar as they actually advance some knowledge. Poor definitional presentation of words that misconstrue concepts that people say presents some new and profound understanding doesn't do it for me. Use the proper terminology so that we communicate effectively.

      I try to reason rationally, logically, and with facts. I often get insults and ad hominy's thrown back at me.
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      • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 1 month ago
        Here is a reasoned, rational and logical question for you Robbie. You just stated you have your answers and are not seeking answers. Then why do you continue to ask the same question?
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
          Which question? I ask many questions. I like to learn.
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          • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 1 month ago
            I think you just like to ask questions and don't worry about any answers. The question I was referring to is the altruism one, but there are many. Your choice.
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            • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 1 month ago
              I just gave a quote by Jefferson (?) on khalling's newest post that's always made a lot of sense to me and something I was taught from my earliest years. (Paraphrase) Religion is an individual choice best left as a matter between the individual and his faith or his God.
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            • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
              I use such interchanges to "proof" my beliefs. Notice that is not "prove", as I have already done that. Proofing is a method of verifying all is correct - such as proofing a page of newsprint or proofing an ad that might be used. It is to ensure correctness. I use it to sharpen my own understanding and beliefs.

              I do actually bother about the answers. Unfortunately, I rarely get anything in the form of answer that causes me to see that there is anything new or interesting. As several have said lately, what is often conveyed is nothing more than an echo chamber. Altruism is bad because AR said so. I ask what is altruism, and the response is AR said ..., but there is little challenge to how she twisted and tortured definitions - the two most critical being altruism and selfishness. Why did she see it so critical to do this torturous treatment to the definitions? My theory is that she recognized that many see altruism as a good and selfishness as being bad. She sought to undermine those definitions, so as to undermine those philosophies that recognized those definitions. Had she used proper terminology (from my perspective) of slavery or bondage, and self-interest, it would not have been controversial, would not have been given much attention, and would not have reached as many people. That's my evaluation.
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              • Posted by Solver 10 years, 1 month ago
                You'll be happy to know that using your definition I proved that John Galt practiced altruism, and was not selfish.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                  Why would that make me happy? In the first place, JG is a fictional character in a book, so has absolutely no impact on me other than as a concept. In the second place, so what?
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
                  Actually, John Galt didn't do anything that Hitler, Stalin, or Bill Ayers tried doing. Bringing down a good-but-ailing society to so he could replace it with a society which suited him, meaning one with him and his in charge.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
        "There are some who keep insisting that I need to study Objectivism further."

        Imagine the reaction if you suggested they needed to study Christianity further...
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