That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected president.

Posted by Storo 6 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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This piece from The American Spectator is perhaps the best analysis of President Trump’s style and approach that I have ever read. Trump is no dummy. But the Mind Strained Media has no clue.
SOURCE URL: https://spectator.org/everyone-is-smart-except-trump/

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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 8 months ago
    Great article. They , the MSM have been a deep state mouth piece . See project Mockingbird . They are a propaganda tool . They have been told a narrative and they run with it.
    The thing is President Trump is exposing this , slowly but surely the sheeple are waking up.
    The more the media freaks out it is more evidence their treasonous acts are being revealed.
    Trump likely squeezed Putin for some Russian evidence of Uranium One. Rumor has it the soccer ball gift signaled this. "The ball is in your court" hmmmm
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
    Jeez, I love sarcasm. Trump's critics, are for the most part, with few exceptions, stupid and follow anyone who says what they want to hear..How come a land developer billionaire from Queens beat out Harvard valedictorian persons with astronomical I.Q.'s. and became President? Here's why: "In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Get it? Trump's opponents on both left and right, totally forgot the purpose of being President.. It's as if the Baron or Count called the peasants behind the walls surrounding the castle so that they'd be safe from the marauders only to tell them to don armor and go out and fight. They'd yell. "What the hell do we need you for?" Which is how Trump won. They knew that they would be the ones to pay for the grandiose promises. And by the way, where did the money go? The politicians seemed to walk through a transformation machine going in a relative pauper and coming out a millionaire..The Anti-Trumpers think they are still dealing with uninformed citizenry but with social media and the ease of obtaining information, that is no longer true, Only died-in-the- wool democrats believe in Hillary who is easily the worse thief to ever populate the political pageant.
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 years, 8 months ago
    I am a regular reader of The spectator (UK) which has much the same standpoint with a somewhat more restrained writing style.
    Now this article - a burst of fresh air, this is the kind of writing from a nation once and will again be great.
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  • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 8 months ago
    I agree with the article, they have not done anything. Needless to say, they have led sheltered lives and still do, they live in a self-inflicted bubble. I am going on 60, have had 3 separate careers. I worked for several years after High School. My local economy went to shit in 1980 and I joined the military at age 21. Upped for 6 years, reenlisted for 6 more to get married and 6 more to get divorced. Saw the world and experienced several different cultures and participated in several conflicts. Saw people die and get wounded, negotiated contracts, met lots of interesting people. Left after 21 years and have now worked in various industries, dealt with good and bad bosses and co-workers, negotiated contracts and had contracts negotiated for me. Lots of things have affected my life and I have done more than any of these dweebs who prognosticate on the nightly news and talk programs. I do not consider most news people as they do not broadcast the news, they put their opinion on display and say they know more than anyone. Sorry but I stopped watching them long ago and hardly watch TV anymore. Nothing worth watching anyway. Sorry for the rant but the article got me thinking about a lot of things.
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    • Posted by dukem 6 years, 8 months ago
      Since my move a year ago from Oregon to New Mexico (I didn't think it could get worse, but NM is far worse than the west coast) I have completely give up TV of any sort, and get my information via the internet (no FB or Twitter), and I select my sources. I have more free time, less stressed, far more informed, and happier, relatively speaking. Try it, you'll like it!
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      • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 8 months ago
        I agree New Mexico is worse, it is definitely poorer. Where in New Mexico? I just left Albuquerque and moved to the Denver area ( my home area) but have a house in Clovis where I lived for 14 years.
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        • Posted by dukem 6 years, 8 months ago
          South of Santa Fe on the prairie, close to Madrid, due to my wife's family considerations. I cannot even handle opening the local newspaper without becoming angry. I'd love to go to the Grand Junction area for a number of reasons, but that does not look like a possibility now. Albuquerque is devolving rapidly into a crime infested urban nightmare, IMHO.
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          • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 8 months ago
            That is why I left, Albuquerque is on list as Number 1........in Auto Thefts. I lived in the South Valley about a mile south of Gun Club Road off of Coors Blvd. I got a job offer from a friend and am currently in Castle Rock, Colorado but work in Aurora. Have been to Grand Junction but actually like the mountain towns better but that is expensive.
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            • Posted by dukem 6 years, 8 months ago
              I hope I don't get in trouble for an off topic subject. I almost ended up in Castle Rock (loved the area) but my wife convinced me to stay in Oregon, until it was no longer tenable. Good for you!
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 8 months ago
    Not bad. Not bad at all.

    I would have added that the effete European parasites used the largess of U.S. protection to implement a hopeless socialist sh*thole in most of Europe and beyond.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 6 years, 8 months ago
    I am a high school teacher and regularly have to hear students bash President Trump. I have used several different ways to try to bring the kids around with some very limited success. I think I will use this approach in the future and see how it works.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 6 years, 8 months ago
    Awesome article. What is not mentioned is Trump's proactive dismantling of Agenda 30. By circling the wagons with tariffs and leaving ridiculous agreements ie Paris Climate Accord, he is getting us away from "one world government" via the UN. We are not the piggy bank for the world - as he so accurately stated. Something about "personal responsibility" comes to mind. The same applies to nations.
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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 8 months ago
    The more people and entities who stand firmly against President Trump the more that should tell us his Pragmatist approach is getting things done! The Talking Heads in the MSM are little more than entertainment TV suffering from that dreaded disease called Cranium Rectumous, Head up Ass.
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