Where is the live stream now? Why did we move it?

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 5 months ago to Government
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Here is a good example of the MSM, deep state attack on facts, real stories, and people not supporting their agenda. Dutchsinse does a really good job of reporting data from several sources and using common science to show how the force in the earth can be distributed and causing earthquakes. He gets about 70% accuracy and he just does data. This is a wide sweep of social media, just starting and part of what everyone was warned would happen. Another Q post comes true. I don't know about Alex Jones, some of his stuff seems valid and some a wee bit off, but with all the stuff Hillary did, and nothing reported, just confirms it. Hw won't be the last, as he points out, there is no "conspiracy theorists allowed" in their terms of service.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L4QPBwZGJI

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