Sustainable, resilient Community in central Chile.

Posted by CerrodelAngel 6 years, 7 months ago
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Just start a sustainable Galts Gulch community in central Chile. And I’m looking for partner, or up to three partners.

82 acres of flat farmland and mountain facing the Maule-Pencahue valley.

Why I choose Chile;

- is a first world country with low corruption, low taxes, low regulations and ranks high on freedom.
- Chilean passports are very valuable, you can travel the world visa free. Good option if you want to stop paying taxes by renouncing you’re citizenship.
- almost no bugs, mosquitos or poison snakes. And no tropical diseases exist in Chile.
- mild Mediterranean weather similar to Napa valley in California. Never to hot or to cold,

About the community:

82 acres.

- river with fish runs thru, irrigation canal 24/7 and spring fed well. Lots of water.
- 21 acres are being use for tomatoes and nets 40k every year.
- a cabin was build on community lot and over 50 fruit trees planted.
- no neighbors close by, just the big valley with outstanding views.
- one hour east-west to either Pacific Ocean or Andes mountains.
- three hours from Santiago de Chile the capital
- I was able to live with less than 600 a month for 6 months, eating organic produce and meats, Pay for cell phone, electric, Satellite cable, wine and gas.

- you can get good private health insurance for 200-300 a Month.

Have tons of information and more reasons why Chile is the best option, just send me a message and let’s start our own Galts Gulch community in Chile. email:

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  • Posted by mshupe 6 years, 7 months ago
    Seems to me I heard about this a couple of years ago and the development had failed. Am I missing something?
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    • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
      Yes, Jeff Berwick from Dollar vigilante and others start Galt Gulch Chile in 2013-2014, they have zero money invested and they start selling lots, and believe it or not they sold like ten million dollars in lots. Eventually they bough the land from the land owner without doing the due diligences, at the end the land was not suitable and sustainable for residential because it has environmental protection and water right was own by somebody else.

      Knowing that, they keep selling the lots until they got cought and they run with the money.
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  • Posted by mccwho 3 years, 4 months ago
    Sounded nice at first but after reading many of the comments I'll pass.
    If you were going to establish a Gault's Gulch community then invite people there and let them use their ingenuity to build the community based on the principal's of capitalism and value based exchange of goods. That would mean they can build their home the way they want and they would have land ownership and businesses where others would want what they produce, all without restrictions.
    Does look like you might have a nice bit of land that would make an excellent retreat for vacationers. You have the potential to build something there that no other vacation destination anywhere in the world has. Use your imagination you have a very nice opportunity to build something of great value to yourself and others.
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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 5 years, 3 months ago
    Would it be economically safer to buy out the dictators of a small African nation, paying them to leave and taking over the entire government, then setting up a Galt's Gulch that is truly sovereign? Difficulties include the payment to the dictators and setting up a national defense, also if people are already there then there is a moral duty to make sure that by taking over you are not making their bad lives even worse. But if you make their lives better, then the international community will be hard pressed to oppose you. The startup expense would be immense, but the potential return on investment would be impressive too.
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    • Posted by SVB 4 years, 5 months ago
      Thank you for the giggle. Oh my gosh, as someone who has lived in developing countries where government is not always there to serve others I definitely lol'd.
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  • Posted by NealS 5 years, 3 months ago
    Sounds great, but have you looked into the politics in Chile right now? Are there any havens left on this earth?
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    • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
      30 days of riots mainly in Santiago, people wants social justice, older people living with $150.00 a month and $300.00 salaries are way to low for the cost of living in Santiago. People is just fed up with system, and in between protester are criminals looting and destroying. Lots of those criminals are on jain now. Things are back to normal now and life is good around here.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years, 1 month ago
    Friends of mine have just returned from a month long trip to Merida (Yucatan). They report wonderful hospitals, no crime, very clean, the cabs cost $2 and they even have our restaurants and stores! Sounds lovely. Lots of Americans and Irish.
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  • Posted by HARD_ROAR 6 years, 7 months ago
    right off the top, it sounds like you planned it well.

    but there is one thing in what you glibly wrote, that bothers me, hence throws a shadow, over all else.

    "I was able to live with less than 600 a month for 6 months, eating organic produce and meats, Pay for cell phone, electric, cable, wine and gas."

    it all sounds possible, until you get to 'cable.'
    you got to be kidding.
    no way you get cable.

    or did you mean satellite internet and tv?

    that said, i may be interested in partnership.
    but let's start by clarifying incorrect information.

    p.s. imo, you should write a bio of your life on your website, so it can be double-checked.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
      Yes by cable I meant dish network / satellite, cell phone co just installed a cellphone tower near by and cell phone signal is great.

      Thanks, I will write my bio on the web site and also get some references from friends and customers.

      In development projects you'll have the financial guy, the web-advertisement guy, developer and the contractors. I fit right into developer-contractor, usually I finance my own projects and Im learning the web-advertisement part of it. I have lots of information to share about the project, also I'm open to suggestions or ideas you may have, thanks for your input. Cesar
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      • Posted by HARD_ROAR 6 years, 7 months ago
        nice pic of your cantilevered wood/glass house. is that where you yourself live with your family? or is this just the typical model you offer to your land buyers?

        however, the posts supporting the house look sort of slim to me, and they are not cross-braced to each other, as they probably should be. doesn't chile have earthquakes, similar to california?

        what about security? i mean, in a 'end of the world' scenario, security is highly important, for you'll have roving bands of criminals looting anything, and most especially a solitary little community in the outback. does chile allow ownership of guns, for example?

        what about status of roads, especially if there is bad weather, and rains leading to flooding or road erosion?
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        • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
          All cabins are going to be built without posts, flat on graded lots. Wall cross braced with tension wire anchored to concrete. I want to build similar looking cabins but without the posts. Yes, Chile have earthquakes like California and cabins must be built earthquake proof, at the property I have a small cabin that is over 100 years old made of adobe, it has no visible damage and could last another 500 years probably.

          The property borders a river and you need to cross the bridge to access the property, so, no bridge, no access. All neighbors own big farms, the area is well known for olive, grapes, pecans and kiwi plantations, some raise pigs, cows and sheep. I currently have 50 sheep at the farm. The area is overly self sufficient in food and water. The area is very safe and there is no looting. Yes you can own a gun and keep it on you’re property, no carry ons.

          Roads are in good shape, easy access. Only last few kilometers are not asphalted, but they just install gravel base for asphalt. No flooding or road erosions.
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