San Francisco Zombie like Homeless Mobs leave Pandering Elitist Libs Baffled & Tourists Terrified

Posted by Eagleye13 6 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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San Francisco Zombie like Homeless Mobs leave Pandering Elitist Libs Baffled & Tourists Terrified

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 7 months ago
    Many years ago I did a redesign of a building near Market Street. I had to scale some ladders and get up on some equipment racks. There were needles all over. Right next to the place was a commercial parking garage and I remember seeing a few small packs of normal-looking yuppies standing there smoking meth at lunch time. I figured they were just doing that at lunch to keep up at work(?) It was surreal. Years before that, when I was 16 I was walking down Market with my family, lagging behind, when a homeless guy carrying a purse, with bubble gum smeared on his face, walked up and said something threatening to my little brother. I got in the guys face and squared off. He fled like a cockroach. My dad turned around just in time to see the guy scurrying off...seemed to get a kick out of it. That guy was 1 second from getting his face caved in.
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  • Posted by dansail 6 years, 7 months ago
    Eventually, the City of San Francisco will become another to join the ranks of bankrupt and perhaps new leadership with a bent toward laissez-faire capitalism can step in?
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    • Posted by Riftsrunner 6 years, 7 months ago
      Unfortunately, progressives can never be wrong. It is always someone else's fault for their failed policies. They will blame the rich for not giving them enough of their property (ie. Money) to help these poor destitute people to better themselves. They just don't understand the axioms of government. If you want to curtail something people want, you tax it. If you want to increase something (for example, homelessness, drug users, welfare queens, etc.), you subsidize it.
      Let's now give them $500 a month to let these people get on their feet or if they are making minimum wage and more than 30% of their monthly budget goes to paying for their rent, we (the taxpayers) could pay their rent for them. Both are two bills introduced in California to solve these 'ills'.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 6 years, 7 months ago
    Yuck! I could not even finish watching it. How disgusting. I was born and raised in Northern California. (We do not consider San Francisco Northern California BTW). I moved to LA when I was 21. I left Cali six years ago and will never go back, except to visit friends and relatives.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
    I, me Sir Dino Allosaurus Esquire III, hereby dub the, oh, so tolerant syringe distributing city fathers of San Francisco as being the Grandest High Poobahs of the entire United States of America.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 6 years, 7 months ago
    About the only way I can see to stop this would be to start privatizing SF's public spaces, so the landlords can use fences and guards to keep the bums out.

    If I still lived there I'd propose this as a law. It would make the city an example to the world.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 7 months ago
    I had an aunt who lived in one of the preserved historic homes overlooking the Golden Gate. We visited there twice. Every time it was an enjoyable experience.But, I wouldn't go there today, if it was free and you paid the airfair. I don't need to travel 3,000 miles in order to be disgusted. I can find places closer to home for that. Every town has a touch of homeless mess. But 'Frisco's is like comparing small pox to measles.Michael Savage may well be right when he says that Liberalism is a mental disorder..How can anyone see what's happening and not want to do something about it. Madness.
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