Hi. My name is...Alfred E. Newman
Posted by AlfredENewman 6 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...
Anarchist, Political Atheist, Religious Abolitionist, Spiritual Deist, Full Electorate, Member of No Society, and Ever Sui Juris.
"The apology, that is constantly put forth for the injustice of government, viz., that a man must consent to give up some of his rights, in order to have his other rights protected - involves a palpable absurdity, both legally and politically."
-- Lysander Spooner
Anarchist, Political Atheist, Religious Abolitionist, Spiritual Deist, Full Electorate, Member of No Society, and Ever Sui Juris.
"The apology, that is constantly put forth for the injustice of government, viz., that a man must consent to give up some of his rights, in order to have his other rights protected - involves a palpable absurdity, both legally and politically."
-- Lysander Spooner
i would like to read more about your detailed opinion on this interesting non-divergence.
but for me, all would be explained, if you tell me your honest opinion, of texas senator cruz.
Ted Cruz, interesting you should pick that particular individual.
"During the Republican campaign, Donald Trump attacked Ted Cruz’s father and wife and branded him “Lyin’ Ted,” and Cruz attempted to demonstrate his manhood by declaring, “Donald, you sniveling coward.” But times have changed, and now Cruz has been called upon to write a public tribute in Time magazine to the man who bullied him and attacked his family." http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/...
In my honest opinion I do believe Trump was way too diplomatic in his assessment.
As an example, prior to the 2016 debacle Ted stated he was ineligible having been the product of a Cuban father and American mother born in Canada which was an honest assessment. Then he turns and declares himself eligible for the office. This has always been the credo of Cruz, he is for something until he is against it but may change back to for again.
The man has no principle but for the expediency of the moment, a psychopath.
and he is extremely intelligent and knowledgeable. yet, his arrogance was his downfall. and his youth. for he severely underestimated veteran masses-manipulator, trump. and trump ate him for lunch, not even dinner. so now he has to grovel, to retain his texan standing, and future presidential aspirations.
but i got to tell you, if there is something this motherfuh stands for, is the constitution. and guns. and borders. and calling a jihad a jihad. and blasting them to kingdom come. and a fair tax for hard-working middle class. and that is good enough for me.
what he did at the republican convention was crazy. went against coalition of his own party. and there are some republican power-brokers that will never forgive him for that.
however... cruz learns fast. and since he has the heavy religious background to fall back on, his newly found humility towards trump, is something he and wife pray on...
look, cruz turned down a supreme court appointment.
why? still looking at that white house...
hey, if anything, and i mean anything, happens to trump before 2020 (and MUCH could happen, including what happened to lincoln), who do you think will be the rep pres candidate then, in 2020? pence? or the other usual rep congressional suspects?
i think it will be cruz. after all, he nearly won nomination in 2016, as a righteous rube senator, with supreme expertise in the constitution. damn. finally. someone to stand hard for the constitution, someone who knows it backwards and forward.
hard to believe, but cruz, even though he is a fuh-up in other areas, he has never wavered once, in him being constitution's top man.
so, what do you say to that, alfred e.?
I believe Cruz is part of the problem, not the solution.
Also, how do you rectify his birthright, not being a natural born citizen?
Not that it really matters all that much to me as I have posted above, I am an anarchist and political atheist.
But here is the big question, what makes you think there will be elections in 2019?
i think odds on election in 2020 is above 85%, so they are more than likely. and yes, i know where you are coming from, on that note. civil war yet i profoundly doubt it. for most modern american older men, are weaklings, to seriously organize and effect this monumental change.
mad al, do not underestimate cruz, like he underestimated trump. for this dude's brain is off the charts. and whether he is part of the problem, or one of many potential positive solutions, it is still out there to be seen.
libertarian ayn rand does not like anarchists, at all. so how do you politically justify that, mad al?
and a political atheist? what the hell is that?
me, i am an atheist. and as to politics, i am libertarian.
but libertarian party puts up such sh#t candidates, like that marijuana clown in 2016, can't recall name.
so i'll stick with ted cruz, for his love of constitution.
In Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 the delegates of the coup convention felt the need to exempt themselves even though they were born on the land, well except Hamilton.
I do not accept the opinions of those mystical frauds in black robes except as a means of control for them. Fraud, yes fraud, they are in violation of Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 which unfortunately only alludes to be does not directly state a penalty. That was the purpose of the original Amendment 13 which Lincoln purposely nullified in exchange for support for a promise of being president.
After Odumbo, all the little frauds came out of the woodwork for the 2016 selection period. But even Cruz disagrees with you right up to the point he changed course for his own benefit.
"When Cruz was my constitutional law student at Harvard, he aced the course after making a big point of opposing my views in class — arguing stridently for sticking with the “original meaning” against the idea of a more elastic “living Constitution” whenever such ideas came up. I enjoyed jousting with him, but Ted never convinced me — nor did I convince him.
At least he was consistent in those days. Now, he seems to be a fair weather originalist, abandoning that method’s narrow constraints when it suits his ambition." - https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2...
The only supreme courts (sic) where Pennsylvania and New Jersey which dismissed the suits on the old justice two step, the plaintiff could not demonstrate harm in the present so there is no standing. The only source for your claim is a satirical argument in the Huffington Post which also declared Trump ineligible because he was spawned, not born.
Guess that horse is not dead, in fact it's standing as stud for the 2020 run.
I believe your projection of 85% is overly optimistic for 2020. Based on the distinct possibility of a red route in November, I doubt it will last past November 7th. Of considering the state of banking on Germany and other EU countries, it may not make it to November. It has nothing to do with older men.
I never underestimate but I still have figured out if Cruz is sociopathic or psychopathic, leaning toward psychopathic due to some current actions. He is capable of anything.
As one of the people I admire for his work in the world of trends is wont to say, the six things wrong with this country are Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs and bankers.
Of course, Ayn Rand was a statist. It was her major flaw. She lived through the horrors of government at it's worse; chaos, rebellion, communism and then purge. Then she escaped to this country to only discover that it was all happening here. Still with all her philosophical prowess, she could not make two plus two equal four in this realm. She did not like government in the form she experienced but she just could not shake the concept and accept responsibility for her own actions.
As a political atheist, I do not need to politically justify anything. As an atheist, I reject the whole concept as fraud. Man was born in nature a free soul and to accept slavery goes against that very tenant. The concept of government is at best violence and at worse total slavery. I reject both.
Atheist. I have just spent the morning re-digesting Ayn Rand's paper, "The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made". In my opinion atheist is to deny consciousness, better described as solipsism. Personally I am a deist as how can I deny the existence of a superior being as man is incapable of creating or annihilating, he can only alter.
You got to do what you got to do. You elect them, I correct them.
and your thesis on being an anarchist, is totally and completely flawed, to the core.
so if you truly love randian views, you will ponder upon how they collide, with your own.
Actually my argument is not flawed to the core. Your argument is based on no knowledge of the subject upon which you are commenting. I would suggest you gain some knowledge of the subject and then perhaps we can have an honest debate on the issue.
"I will not ask one to live their live for me nor shall I ask another to live their life for me." This is from memory but still is the essence of the root of Ayn's philosophy. I suggest you ponder this studiously as what you are trying to imply as "randian views" are not in accordance with her philosophy. Her strength was in the metaphysical and epistemological not the ethical.
no knowledge, according to whom? you? haha. you can't even quote galt correctly:
“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
And I didn't quote Galt, he is a fictional character invented by Ayn. I quoted the essence of the philosophy of the author. Your argument demonstrates that you do not always pay attention to what you are debating.
I have more respect, but not that much more, for RT America, Al Jazeera English, and Euro News English. In reality they aren't any different from FOX or CNN, they just have a different slant.
I like listening to Carlson and Hannity but to believe they are any different would be an illusion, an illusion I do not have.
I find Levin and Shipiro offensive but do enjoy occasionally listen to then showing "snowflakes" some semblance of reality.
For the most part, King Donald supporters are deplorable, just as deplorable as Hitlerly supporters. If you can, please explain the difference between the two.
"Truth is singular and eternal. It has always been here and it will always be here. It is our perception that must be aligned with it.
The fact of the matter is that truth itself, by it's very nature, is belligerent, because it wages war against all forms of deception and mind control.
It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you feel when first seeing or hearing it."
Seems to describe your views to a tee.
"AR'ROGANCE, noun [Latin arrogantia, from arrogo, to claim; of ad and rogo, to beg, or desire. See Arrogate.]
The act or quality of taking much upon one's self; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; conceitedness; presumption." - Webster's Dictionary 1828.
I get and have but never beg nor desire. That is the mark of the looter and slave. I'm not a slave.
BELLIG'ERENT, adjective [Latin belliger, warlike; belligero, to wage war; from bellum, war, and gero, to wage; part. gerens, gerentis, waging. Gr. war.]
Waging war; carrying on war; as a belligerent nation.
BELLIG'ERENT, noun A nation, power or state carrying on war." - Webster's Dictionary 1828.
Words have meaning, I would suggest you use dictionaries as your choice of words leave much to be desired. Desired, perhaps it is yourself that is arrogant.
Personally, I'm belligerent which is a much nicer word than most use. I am a power of one at war against ignorance.
As to King Donald, I would have much preferred Hitlerly as the inevitable would have been well underway by this point. With King Donald, all we got was an extension of the inevitable which in the long run will be much worse.
I am in the twilight of my existence as this person and am just hanging on to catch the show. It promises to be one hell of a dozy.