Even the judges are idiots!
The California Supreme Court has upheld a law that is impossible to comply with - and would be ineffective if it could be done. Reminds me of when the California Legislature declared that Pi was 3.14 period, no more decimal points to confuse things. Are there no brains left in California?
This way, evildoers of white privilege could no longer defend their plantation mansions from invasions of the poor downtrodden hungry homeless and undocumented immigrants who refuse to assimilate while somehow managing to vote for Democrats, go about waving Mexican flags and saying offbeat peculiar Spanish things like "Allahu Akbar."
And lo it also came to pass that evil white privilege challenged this law in want of something to load into their loathsome murder death kill devices only to defend their little selfish selves against the depredations of the woefully deprived.
And lo it also came to pass that this challenge went all the way to the top to the libtard idiots of the Kalifornia Supreme Court.
It was a given, dear readers, it was a big time given that these supreme idiots would put their pointy pin-headed noggins together and with snickering whispers decide to and uphold a law that cannot be complied with.
Tis also a given that Moonbeam enjoyed a big time "Bwa-ha-ha!" belly laugh.
We need a law requiring every gun, when the trigger is activated, to put an entry on Fakebook, cc Tax Office, giving owner's ss no., name, inside leg measurement, and the finger print on the trigger.
Praise to Maxine Waters for being honest about the real agendas of the liberals. I hope she gets lots of press. Unfortunately, I bet the democrats will try to shut her down, because she could definitely be saying too much truth that will hurt the liberal cause.
It's easy to 86 them at will since none of them have a conscience anyway...not to mention BRAINS!