The Overton Window
In the chilly climes of the upper part of Michigan's lower peninsula,Joe Overton has the kind of job that gives him time time to do a lot of thinking. Actually, he works for a think tank His idea is as follows:Politicians can only voice opinions within a band from left to right that falls within the political spectrum. To voice opinions outside the acceptable space is to invite sure defeat Working within the window, a politician can be pretty sure that nothing he has said will get him condemned. Along comes Donald Trump. He seems to be saying all sorts of things outside the window.He should pay a heavy price for that because it proves that he is not "Presidential." However, what the current potfull of pols fail to recognize is that the Overton Window has shifted, making all those no-no opinions acceptable, even desirable. Trump recognized the shift and used it with a joyful vivacity. What he realized was that certain "down and dirty" phrases and expressions were now common usage, expressed freely by most people and no longer shocking, except to his opponents. They are still mumbling over the fact that his words are unacceptable. Maybe that was true as late as 1990, but not today.
His opponents, ordinary parasitical humanoids, are too small brained to govern their own affairs and behaviors, much less the affairs of Conscious Human Beings.
Most of them are unqualified for any job in the private sector. Come to think of it, in the public sector as well. I'll bet most of them never read the Constitution, let alone study it, or the Declaration. They are a ship of fools, but we must reckon with them.
We still have not the answer to: "Who ties their shoe laces"...
Re your post .....Well said Herb7734,
The truthful Trump tweets triumph today.
He has tweeted thousands of times and although I have not heard them all , the ones I have resonate with truth (unfamiliar with politicians typically).
The freedom caucus has members that I find are not beholden to the typical special interest groups and are favorable for the future.
Generally the guidance from the top has been detrimental to progress and corrupt. Trump by (leaving those negatives out of the equation) default is outside of the box. The economy is roaring , the nuclear clock is winding back and the deep state is panicking even hopeing for a disaster or a catastrophe to happen so as to blame President Donald J Trump.
Three grand kids so far two boys and a girl.
Dropping everything to assist Todd says enough.
A mensch selling himself short as usual. Shalom
Happy Fathers Day