This guy seems to have his act together (Earthquake predictions)

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 9 months ago to Science
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This guy has got his act together, in fact, he is SO accurate, he forecasted the Guatemala volcano and earthquake, and seems to have a unique ability to interpret a huge picture into reasonable, and accurate forcasts. In fact, he isnow getting requests for mainstream interviews and is cautious,as the state science people want to seemingly discredit him, because he is doing what they wont. Also not that USGS appears to be "tweaking" data (at the 11:00-12;00 min marks he discusses this) in order for causaulity to not be established. Yest he makes excellent arguments for his predictions and seems fairly accurate.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
    Earthquakes are going on all the time all over the globe. If I started worrying about all of the 3, 4, and 5 quakes I wouldn't have time to worry about the morons on the left and why they get elected in the first place. I live on the Gulf of Mexico. and if I worried about every hurricane prediction, and volcano eruption, I wouldn't have any time left for enjoyment.What I'm going to think about instead, is what my son & daughter-in-law is getting me for father's day. Every year he fools me with something unexpected that turns out to be a thing I need or a thing I enjoy, but didn't know it until I got it.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
      I gave up on the predictions. I moved to vegas. No tornados, no hurricanes, no big floods, no upstream dams to burst, no blizzards. Just some heat in summer
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      • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
        I dunno. When it rains it really pours in LV. I once exhibited at a book fair at the Expo hall there and just before the opening there was a cloudburst. The area hadn't seen rain in many years and the ground was rock hard. The water accumulated in the higher elevations and came flooding into the streets. Even though all the high doors designed to allow large equipment in were securely locked the water came into the exhibition hall in a torrent. I had electrical wires all over the floor because I was setting up my lights. I tried to rescue what I could but the water was faster than me. The exhibition hall toted up for an electrician and a new pair of shoes to replace my water logged ones. I got a neato pair of Fils tennis shoes. But you can never tell. Mayhem is lurking everywhere like the commercial says.
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        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
          The early 90’s were like that but just like in New Orleans where certain parts were underwater, vegas has a few known places water collects. I don’t live there
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
          It was a couple years ago Vegas got hammered, and the flash floods were pretty bad. You would also be amazed at the number of 4.0 quakes that come from fracking, and there are wells everywhere today. A lot of times quakes in the US he will zoom in on Google earth and there are hundreds of wells laid out in a grid.
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          • Posted by Lucky 6 years, 8 months ago
            Yes there is some evidence that fracking can cause earth movements.
            But relax- a level '4' is small, and, small earthquakes reduce the chance of
            big ones by releasing the energy earlier.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
              True, but he has some good evidence that multiple earthquakes will release energy that travels on the lines of thrust along to another site, or will cause one in the middle at the "fulcrum" as he calls it, and he has been right numerous times.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Well, thats fine Herb, but this guy is imprressive, he seems to have an understanding beyond what anyone else has as far as how the system works, he runs a good percentage of accurate, He even has a good model for the Left Coast and what to look for as a doorbell into something larger. Right now there are a lot of deep quakes int the 4-5 range, and these seem to apply upward pressure that spreads out along his plate and stress lines and he is pretty good at predicting the area and the strength. Had they listened to him when he predicted the Guatemalan volcano going off the day before it did, over a 100 people would be alive. And he is upfront at saying "I don't do volcanoes" but the does correlate deep quakes that bracket volcanoes as warnings, and that was just what happened.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
        I guess my pea brain only has so much capacity for worry. Although when I hit 75, which was the number I thought that would be the end of me, and I continued on for another 9 years come July, I figure that worrying doesn't help. I do not worfy about anything anymore. It is quite a liberating feeling. I have outlived some friends and many enemies. There's a certain satisfaction in that. I know, I'm getting way off topic but I've got a feeling you're one of those Gulchers who understands.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
          OH. indeed I do, and I do not blame you, I am climbing to 61 and already am not overwhelmed with people or the crazy things going on. I have a hard enough time not getting fired for doing stupid things like getting excited when 2 od 4 shift teams do almost nothing and then look at you like you have lost your mind when you ask why, and they just say " I don't know"....I just marvel at the occasional person who actually excels at something and at the blowback they get.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
            Seems to be a universal complaint.It must start very early.We would hire high school kids to work at our store part-time during the summer. As an illustration of attitude I'll relate this tale:We hired a boy, nice kid, nice family, well spoken, does well in school. First task, sweep he floor. Then dust the shelves. After a while I noticed that he was sweeping the floor in the same spot for the last 15 minutes or so. So I told him it's the whole floor not just where he was standing when given the broom. He looked at me quizzically and said, "Is this some sort of a test?" I didn't know whether to laugh or kick him in the booty.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 6 years, 8 months ago
    I'll just have another beer and wait for Yellowstone to blow, here in Wyoming.....
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Believe it or not, there is not a lot of any real evidence Yellowstone has anything going on in it. The quake swarms just indicate magma moving, and it will always have them, as the chamber shifts in response to other movements. He rarely says anything about yellowstone directly, but the fracking wells to the west and south get them a lot.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 8 months ago
    Thanks for posting. This really makes sense, with his addressing the earthquake mechanisms and energy transport. I sympathize with his caution regarding the USGS, as they're the unclassified side of an agency I supported, the National Geospatial intelligence Agency (NGA), and intelligence agencies are suspicious of outsiders who question their work.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Doc, I have seen several times he has reports of quakes and they do not appear in the USGS feed, but do in the Canadian and Mexican ones, He caught a steam plume coming up form some "extinct" cones (I didin't even know AZ had any extinct cones) and it was clear it was a plume from a pinpoint source, and all the agencies went out of their way to make up stories and debunk him, as if such a revelation was indicative of some top secret program. Maybe it is...
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 9 months ago
    Thanks Nickursis,
    What do you think was happening at 9:48-10:00
    In Arizona ?
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 9 months ago
      If you look at the first part in the upper right corner of Arizona, it looks like a plume coming from a very specific point, then, the next morning, he replays it and nothing.

      Go to this video at 39:30 and he details the whole thing and why he was so weird about it:
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 9 months ago
        Fascinating stuff. The short lived huge plume of steam venting is interesting . I see an increase in
        Volcanic activity across the globe. That is what we can expect from a grand solar minimum and a weakened Magnetisphere . I saw a video on the Hawaiian event discussing the hottest lava fountaining . The video also showed Goes Satelite
        Images of a solar event as the massive energy from the sun hits the "shield" compresses it and flows into the back side much like water in a river eddying around a rock. The images show a penetration of energy to our planet. The thought is that the interior of the planet in being energized and heated.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 9 months ago
          If that is the one MrBB333 did he also showed how CERN activates and the magnetosphere bends in towards it as it is then the largest single source of magnetic moment on the planet. That thing could cause some bad stuff they don't care to think of...
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