Looking for a book cover designer in the Gulch

Posted by BrettRocketSci 6 years, 6 months ago to Books
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If we are to have a respectable self-reliant community of thinkers, doers, and artists in a Galt's Gulch, don't we need the ability to produce our own books? I say Yes!

I've got a lot of the elements and skills assembled already, but one person I really need is someone who is passionate about Objectivist ideas and artistically skilled with conveying them on book covers. If you think you can be that person, or you have any recommendations, please write a comment below.

On a related point, here is a very popular and entertaining TED talk about how to make an awesome book cover design from one of the most successful and sought-after book cover designers in the world. (I'm not going to try and hire him. Don't ask. He is out of my league for hiring plus I would much prefer finding a hidden talent here in the Gulch.)

The hilarious art of book design by Chip Kidd

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years, 3 months ago
    I just published a book. I am so disappointed. All that work and they didn't use the cover I had paid for. They put a tacky cover on it! Won't ever publish with them again.
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