Oregon attorney general issues ballot title for initiative to ban sales of assault weapons

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 8 months ago to Government
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And so it begins, nibble here, nibble there...then they come for everything with the list you gave them....roll over canoe...my, what a major coincidence, all these crazy kids choose just the right time of year to go off the rails too....
SOURCE URL: http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/05/oregon_attorney_general_issues.html

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  • Posted by dukem 6 years, 8 months ago
    I moved from Oregon about a year ago, with my two simple handguns, to a place where open carry is permitted.
    Had I stayed in Oregon, I would be a felon under this proposed law.
    I'm 75 years old, quite physically fit, just want to be left alone, yet very afraid of what is happening.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      I agree with you, in all respects, and we are looking an moving further out. My wife wants to stay west of the Cascades though. 3 communist states to choose from. Oh well, all my guns fell out the canoe when it turned over in the lake, sorry..that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 8 months ago
        Honestly, I would stay out of California/Oregon/Washington. I group them all the same, and my reasoning:

        California, no explanation needed. To make it even worse than the $80 billion train to nowhere, Mooon Beam's kooky "Delta Tunnels" idea to build 100 miles of 60 foot diameter tunnels under the Bay delta to haul more Northern California water south (without disturbing migratory wetlands), and $4.8 billion a MONTH on Medicaid for illegal immigrants now allowed by federal law - Now Gavin Newsome, his kooky named-successor, is running on a campaign promise to ban "assault weapon ammunition". What the hell is "assault weapon ammunition? a .223 or 7.54x39mm round? What about all the other firearms that happen to use those calibers? Why are they so dangerous compared to my .300 winmag custom-loads with 500% more knock-down power (than a .223)? The world will never know... Apparently, he wants to ban anything sold in a spam can, and we can't have it shipped in either anymore (and why I'm getting an FFL). Typical liberal logic - they can't "infringe on the right to keep and bear arms" - but they will ban the ammunition for them! Whatever, anyone that is a good shooter loads their own anyway, I'm sure I can technically have brass and projectiles shipped via FedEx still. Dumb asses.

        Oregon: We actually looked few times, we have an RV we love to travel with, we've made several 5+ day trips to Oregon in different parts. I'm putting my foot down, generally, when the RV I tow behind my Ram truck is better than most of the houses people live in, it's a bad economic sign... Add to that, all the kookiness of the People's Republic I'm trying to escape.

        Washington State: Some parts are fine, stay out of Seattle. My last few business trips there which tend to be spaced a year or two apart are unmistakable - Seattle has already become San Francisco without the Poop-Guide app (yet) for marking your walking route around the city to avoid the human poop on the sidewalks. Last trip I spent $200+ a night on a mediocre hotel to watch 3 different hookers walking a stroll in front. Yes, they don't have income tax, that's the only advantage and they certainly gouge you on everything else anyway. I'm sure Seattle will chase Amazon out and the "HQ 2" plan will become the "relocation plan" after taxing them $275 per employee (just for being in Seattle) to pay for Seattle's horrible utopian socialist failures.

        Recommendations - The Nevada side of Lake Tahoe is very nice, just very expensive. California side = $600k, Nevada side 100 yards east (same house), $1.6 million. No joke.

        The rest of Nevada... hard to say, too many Californians.

        Utah = awesome

        Idaho = awesome (though struggling with growth I fear). Politically sound.

        New Mexico = might not be bad, we're doing a trip there soon. It's a blue state, but one of the better ones.

        Colorado = meh, lots of friends there, great elk hunting, very very blue. It will look more like Calfiornia every year.

        Arizona = awesome politics, too damn hot in the summer, hunting sucks (unless you buy a $20,000 "outfitter" guide license every year and pretend your dog is your client). Too far to pull the RV from Phoenix to the better states around it. We're considering it though and just leave every spring & return in the fall. Unfortunately, I don't like the Phoenix mega-lopolis much and I'm looking for smaller towns than that. Northern part isn't bad (just no water).

        Kansas = love their property tax assessment plan... something like 3% of 11% of your home's appraised value (give or take)

        Many others are much better as well in red country, I'm partial to places where I can elk hunt though.. or within range of Colorado/Washington/Idaho without having to do a 2000 mile RV trek. Planning to do epic hunts every year when I retire, so I'm looking at it through that lens. Nashville is awesome, Ohio, Indiana, etc.. No elk hunting and shitty RV camping though, which is why they are not on my list- I know others will view those differently.
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        • Posted by dukem 6 years, 8 months ago
          Regarding New Mexico, that is where I wound up after 15 years in Oregon and 20 years in California. It's paradise compared to them, but heavily liberal, very poor, high crime. Santa Fe is kept afloat by tourism, and we are south of there on the prairie, where people are still people, it's cheaper, people mind their own business. Google Turquoise Trail.
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        • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 6 years, 8 months ago
          Here's the deal: Make your money in Washington (where there is no income tax) and Spend it in Oregon (where there is no sales tax). This works for anything that does not require licensing and registration (such as cars and trucks). If you buy a vehicle in Oregon, they still tag you for sales tax when you try to license the vehicle in Washington. But, this approach works very well on just about everything else (guns, ammo, home entertainment equipment, computers, major appliances, etc.). Of course, it helps to live close to the border. On your last point, if one has enough money, Alaska is THE last frontier for big game hunting!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 8 months ago
    "And so it begins"
    Not if we don't want it to.I don't own an arsenal, but I treasure my firearms. Ain't nobody gonna git 'em.
    At my age, a marshal doesn't scare me any more than prostate surgery. So I'd advise anyone coming for my guns to tread softly and put aside your big stick. I haven't been practicing all these years for nothing. All those who crave a 3rd eye, come visit. We'll serve tea made with water heavy in lead content.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 8 months ago
    In Oregon me dino's concealed carry would pass muster if you can conceal carry there.
    I could not have my 17-shot 9mm highway to hell glove compartment pistol or the two 30-round clips for "The Evil Hag," my thus named carbine
    with an AR-15 frame that I had constructed after I heard Candidate Clintonista say, "I dream of open borders," which scared the hell outta me.
    At least I'd get to keep my 12-guage pump shotgun. That's actually the deadliest weapon I have.
    But all that's okay. Me dino is gonna stay right here in the Free State Of Alabama.
    My last will and testament instructs my desire to be buried at a pretty cemetery with a funeral home that's a 7-minute drive from here. .
    Guess what my spell checker's only alternative to Clintonista is? Stalinist!
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Actually, Dino, if your 12 gauge can hold 5 rounds or more, it is considered a "semi-auto" weapons and is banned with everything else. The controllers want us limited to six shooters (well they would all have to go to "4 shooters" and double barreled shot guns, then they will take those. An unarmed public is a controlled public. No revolution is possible when they have given police armored cars with automatic weapons, and upscaled all their rifles.
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  • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
    Hmmm, in oregon, this may have gone really bad if they do this, as the guy would not have had a gun to stop the nut with, yet the nut would have had his gun, because he would have just "ignored" the law:


    The flaw in all the gun taker arguments is just that, bad people will not follow the law, that IS why they are bad people....
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    • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 6 years, 8 months ago
      The other flaw in the liberal's logic is that we "law abiding" citizens will always obey the law, no matter how stupid and idiotic the new law is. If they did pass a law requiring firearm confiscation, I will not obey that law. Molon labe!
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 6 years, 8 months ago
    So, what is an "assault weapon?" A weapon used to assault someone? If that were the case, a baseball bat can be used to assault someone! But, maybe the Left means "a weapon of war?" If that is the case, does that mean at any point in history? The bolt-action repeating rifle was the main infantry weapon of war from the 1890s up until WW-I (think Mauser '98, .30-40 Krag, Model 1903 Springfield, etc.). Before that, the flintlock muzzleloader was the main infantry weapon during the Revolution and the War of 1812. I could go on, but you get the point. Many civilian small arms of today were first invented for the battlefield. The AR-15 is NOT (and never was) a military battlefield weapon. It was designed as a (semi-auto) civilian variant of the military M16 (which was full-auto at first, but then later was modified to replace full-auto with a 3-shot burst selector switch to "encourage" better aiming and accuracy, and not waste as much ammo!). I grew up in Oregon. The entire state is RED except for Portland and Eugene (site of the University of Oregon). The problem is that too many liberals live in Portland. Especially out in eastern Oregon, "Portlanders" are hated by the ranchers.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 6 years, 8 months ago
      Good post. Your question goes to some of the fundamental problems associated with the modern era of cognitive dissonance. The words "assault weapons" conflate together a verb and a noun to create a confused mental picture of something that just simply does not exist.

      The word assault means an action intended to inflict damage upon a target. It says nothing of the motive. If one were to "assault" a home invader, we are now to believe that is bad?

      A weapon as a noun is only that. It is an object that can be used to any intended motive. So, it is imperative to understand the difference in epistemological definitions when an "assault weapon" becomes a "defense weapon".

      The deliberate conflation of these words is just that - deliberate obfuscation.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      There is the crux of it, it is the power bases ruling the vast majority of the state, this is exactly why the Dems want to get rid of the Electoral college, it would mean the big cities would rule the 90%.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 8 months ago
    Not that I was seriously considering a relocation to the Oregon state trailer park, but I can absolutely cross it off the list for retirement relocation destinations in 5 years.

    Generally speaking, only states that recognize my Utah CCW are even remotely being considered.
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  • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 6 years, 8 months ago
    I'm very concerned about this, and will be very active in the campaign AGAINST this measure. Virtually every firearm I own (more than a dozen) will be considered an "assault weapon" under this bill. Very disheartening.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 8 months ago
      In California, we are supposed to supply 8 photos of our pre-ban AR-15's online with the "registration" - apparently, the DROS registration isn't good enough, now they practically want 3D imagery of it. Probably because my charging handle has a biblical verse reference on it - they must want to identify all of us right-wing nuts for when their storm troopers take over with the book burning, seizures, and concentration camps.

      I actually had some idiot flame a comment of mine that I was 'ignorant for pointing out that NAZIs were on the LEFT when they were really on the RIGHT"... umm.. no.. they were socialists, they planned their economy, they assigned jobs to workers (and slaves), they were totalitarian, and absolutely a left-wing regime. The idiot pointed out they were racist like all right wing people... really? Because the GOP was founded to fight slavery, the GOP "carried" the Civil Rights Act, which nearly every Democrat voted against, the Dems fired on Fort Sumter, and they voted in unison against the Suffrage movement. This will get to the extreme point sooner or later when they go the violent route again, it's inevitable, they want their socialism that bad - make no mistake. The country snapped out of it with suffering through 8 years of Obama, now they are beside themselves with anger (look at Antifa).
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
        Yes, it is a bad thing all around, and the parties do not want to acknowledge any responsibility. I firmly believe though this has all been engineered by whoever is wanting the whole "one world rule" to remove the U.S. as the obstacle. The US has been the one nation that has revolted against the whole regime, and that is why they are gunning for Trump and our guns.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
    [Sarcasm]They only want to ban the guns used for crimes, the bad guns, certainly not the good guns.[/Sarcasm] I avoid articles about the war on people who use guns or drugs except for action-alerts where I can write a letter that might make a difference.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      UH it is pretty open in it's descriptions and implementation, I am NOT going to ask any Democrat moron for permission to have what the 2nd amendment says I can have, End of story.
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