Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 9 months ago to Government
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If you want to talk about bravery, you've got to talk about the infantry. Here's how Lee Child describes it: "The infantry puts up with a world of shit. They live in holes in the ground, cold, wet, muddy, , hungry, with incoming mortars and artillery and rockets and bombs, and gas, and air assault and missiles, and they have nothing ahead of themexcept barbed wireand machine gun nests."

If you want to talk of bravery, just be an infantryman in an invasion scenario for just one day. And, the miracle is that we have thousands of these young men doing this, not only day after day, but month after month and yes, year after year.If you wonder why good good leaders are reluctant to to put boots on the ground , the above is one reason. Not because of a political concern , but because of a human one.And, that's only the good leaders. Some leaders do this for personal aggrandizement, with no regard for for human life, on either side . That's why when I hear certain generals who are touted as great winning strategists, I think about the guys in the holesin the ground and I wonder where he would be without those brave souls who kill people and break things for him?

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 9 months ago
    Unfortunately the "brave" are used (killed/maimed) by filthy cowards in government more often than not.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
      At least, Trump has filled his cabinet with many who know what war actually is,(Gen. Mattis) because they were actually there. Trump just keeps getting better..I am told that there is more to it than is apparent, and the workings of what truly goes on is hidden and we''ll never know. As an ordinary citizen, I can only judge by what My senses tell me.Either Trump is a fool being fooled, or he is truly what you see is what you get.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 9 months ago
        We live on hope at present, that liberty will get the chance to recover and the people will take it back by reducing government. That will require a lot of re-education of the people.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
          I think that they're finally beginning to learn that government is not your friend, and that more government only works to take away your freedom. But most of all, you are being lied to. You have been getting lied to, for no one knows how long. and, that government, by and large, holds you in contempt.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 9 months ago
            Southerners have been lied to since 1859, and were looted without representation from 1860 to the 1890's. By 1913 everyone was being lied to and enslaved by the feds and bankster looters.
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            • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
              Probably true. But somehow, I've always been able to slough off the mendacity until this last go-around where Trump hatred revealed lies from the left and the right was up there with them.I finally exploded. Even duct tape would not hold my head together. I.lost all my faith in Washington, knowing there's not a soul working there who cannot be corrupted.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 9 months ago
    Fortunately, effective defensive war has moved a bit from the infantry days. Now its cruise missiles, cyber warfare, ICBMs that really do the damage.

    Infantry seems to be relegated to stupid "wars" that we seem to get involved in, like in Iraq, Syria, and places like that. Wars where there is no booty to get taken, and no real reason for us to be there.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 6 years, 9 months ago
    When one side of my brain dared the other side of my brain to join the service, the ground, the wet, the mud, the mortars,etc. was why I joined the Navy. The office I walked into was shared by all four branches. I literally walked in one day and walked out enlisted, shipped out for boot two weeks later. I wanted metal around me and a shit load of firepower facing whoever the bad guy I had confidence in Reagan.

    I trust our tech more than I'll ever trust a politician. Yes, there is brave as you described but then again the wood going into the chipper....
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    • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
      How many realize what they're in for when they sign up?
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 9 months ago
        Those who want to sign up should first sit through Saving Private Ryan on the same day.
        Me dino had seen the original and very impressionable 1930 All Quiet On The Western Front about four years before getting drafted during 1969 the same year we landed men on the moon.
        Me dino did not have any choice. Getting on the bus, a scared fellow draftee asked the draft board lady, "Mrs. Kennedy, are they taking any Marines?"
        Yeah, I even remember her name. And I have good reason to remember what she said:"Don't worry, they haven't taken any Marines for a whole month."
        When we arrived at base near Montgomery, AL, a lieutenant told our group, "This is the end of the month when they take Marines. I have five names."
        The scared guy wasn't among that five. I was.
        Seconds after I heard my name, I imagined myself charging a machine gun nest screaming, "Gung ho!" Yes, I had see John Wayne movies, too.
        Parris Island was brutal and very much like the first half of Full Metal Jacket, but me dino got lucky in the long run. Never went to Vietnam. Somewhere along the line~I think Camp Lejeune~I was actually told that "the Marines had to draft smart people to be admin and supply clerks." I was the latter.
        "In the rear with the gear"~is a line I heard in a war movie.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
          The marines, when first devised stayed on warships, but did not participate in ship duties. They wore colorful uniforms with high leather collars. Sailors stayed on the ship, marines went ashore to fight. They were at first a warning when they went ashore. They tacetly said, "Give up now or we'll send a thousand more of these to invade you."
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 9 months ago
            Those high collars you mention were made of leather as protection from sword and bayonet cuts.
            Once you fired those slow to load single shot flintlocks at close quarters, you went to work with steel.
            Those collars are why Marines used to be called Leathernecks.
            I know this because the Marines taught some Marine Corps history during my happy pampered little stay on Parris Island.
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        • Posted by NealS 6 years, 9 months ago
          Sounds slightly familiar, drafted in '66 at a ripe old age of 24 years, but I stayed with the Army. Oldest in my basic and AIT classes, and much better prepared than most. Went to Artillery OCS to be able to still make my full house payments, and it only cost me an extra year. One year in the Nam, lost 43 artillery comrades, and saw a whole bunch of Marines die up at Camp Carroll near the DMZ. Almost stayed in, but a newly appointed Major helped me decide a career in the Army was not for me, I got out August '69. What was I thinking (about staying in), I must have had some kind of temporary insanity? The reasons never became really obvious to me until now, the politics, the greed, the graft, the over extension of power in the government,etc. It's getting out of control. Make sure you read, "Georgia city sued by fed-up residents over 'ridiculous' fines for chipped paint, driveway cracks" in the Gulch. Somehow today just boggles my mind. I guess that's why I've got three boats now, but that's another story.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 9 months ago
            I commented on that Georgia story with some "going medieval" satire.
            When I worked for the Department Of Corrections and had some seniority, I changed shifts to get away from certain supervisors.
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          • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
            There are certain attractions to being an officer in the military. I had a friend who worked up to a full bird colonel and a Brigadier General just before he retired, then got a corporate job as head of security. Did very well with his double retirement plus social security.Actually made more at retirement than when working.
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            • Posted by NealS 6 years, 9 months ago
              I'd probably be in Leavenworth Prison if I had stayed in. Everyone in the service was okay, with the exception of this one Major. He was an @$$#)!&, I found myself holding an M16, loaded, with the safety off in his stomach. My guys teased me for the next three months asking me why I didn't take him out. They all said they would still cover for me if I did. He was the first and only officer I met in the service that let his rank go to his head. I'm not sure he made it home, but he's not listed on the wall. I probably would have stayed in, my Colonel almost begged me to, if it hadn't been for this one Major. My life would have been a lot different for sure, and my choice then all hinged around one jerk.
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              • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
                Majors are the worst. They either did something and were demoted from Colonel, or were never promoted up to colonel. Because at Lt. Colonel is when you just get started getting the cool perks. Majors are all frustrated master sargeants.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 9 months ago
    It's sad that history is no longer taught in schools anymore and seems to to be less relevant today. The sacrifices made by the Infantry in war is almost forgotten and those who served the Merchant Marines during WW2 are totally forgotten about. It really irks me that the younger generation has no clue what has historically occurred in the last 100 yrs.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 9 months ago
    I am certain the Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove
    that this Helps these world leaders ignore the excruciating pain and heartbreak the weapon peddling and war causes. They simply don't care. Go President Trump first Saudi Arabia, now N Korea next Iran. Trump wants peace and he knows it takes strength to achieve. He is not an arms dealer like Bush
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    • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
      All wars hide multitudes of motives, none of which relate to the reason put out for public consumption.And, someone always profits. I hate to be cynical, but I can never find a reason for a real blood-dripping war except certain non-Randian selfish http://motives.As a result we are duped into spilling our blood. The true answer to your post would take up a many page reply, If the motives were as presented, and they were true, I'm the 1st one to volunteer (At my age - no longer) Just one example: FDR knew that the American people would not go for a 2nd world war, but he felt he should save his buddy Churchill's ass. He needed an incident like sinking the Lusitania. He was informed in January of '41 that the Japanese were preparing a raid on Hawaii.He figured how bad could it be? He could send a few ships and planes and sink their fleet in the harbor. But then he had a brilliant flash. If he did nothing and they attacked, a great wave of patriotism would get us involved in both theaters of the war. So, on December 7th,1941 Pearl harbor was attacked By the Japanese on a totally unprepared American fleet lying in the harbor. well over 3,000 men, women, and yes even children, gave their lives for Roosevelt's vanity. Examples such as this can be shown through the annals of history as far back as Attilla.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 9 months ago
        Thanks for taking the time to give a little history
        Lesson, always appreciate your view.
        The long lasting effects on US from WWII have been exasperated by operation paper clip and the installation of 2500 top NAZI into the CIA and NASA and other dark areas of govt.
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