Trump Signs Right To Try Before You Die Bill

Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 9 months ago to Legislation
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From the article~
"On Wednesday, President Trump signed the "right to try" bill, which permits terminally ill patients to gain access to experimental medical treatments not yet approved by the FDA."
"Democrats and public health groups opposed the bill, arguing that patients would be endangered."

Uh, say what? Me dino be confused, If you are terminally ill, how can you be endangered by an experimental treatment when you're already good as dead?
Your life may be shortened by, say, three months instead of a projected six, but if the experimental treatment beats the Grim Reaper with a cure, countless other lives will be saved plus yours.
Aw, but Big Brother will lose some power over others. How sad!
Me dino sez they should not have been allowed to have such tyrannical power over others in the first place.
Let's hear it for the Jackass Party from Poncho, a pampered and cuddled illegal~

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