Woman attacks Asian-American service member in racist tirade: 'Go back to f---ing China'
This story illustrates the whole breakdown of any logic or even law. Sop yea, the woman was an idiot, but you don't know much about what the Korean American did by the story. However the real issue is the Kalifornia kops dismissal of this as "Freedom of speech". Wait a minute liberals, didin't we just have 6 months of rioting and statue pulling and protests all over a bunch of crazy white supremacists wanting to protest minorities and praise Trump? Didn't we have Antifa rioting and looting and pillaging to protest the evil racisim and prejudice of the WS group? Yet the WS were just exercising their 1st amendment rights too. So, one is OK, and one is satan worship.... Ayn Rand would have a field day with all this illogical, manipulated BS.....
Maybe this is one of those red areas where people want to live in a separate state that's not governed by Moonbeam. .
Such was my training at Troy State University at Troy, Alabama. Me dino dunno what they teach there now.
I left with a journalism degree. Troy has changed that to "communications."
One thing I know for a fact about the "fake news" wild bunch, they do "communicate.".
a 1st amendment excercise" and others in other places "evil hates speech" that need protests, riots murders by car, and continual spreads of riots and statue pulling down events. The hypocrisy of all these SJW gangs is readily apparent, which leads you to wonder what is the real agenda behind it all. Along the same lines, why was Antifa such a huge group/active gang a year ago and the totally fell off the face of the earth? For such "committed" revolutionaries, their commitment seemed to dry up, maybe when the money dried up?
Did you note the “/s” in my previous response?
It does not matter what the other driver did. One thing I found here in Austin is that the drivers are generally more polite than anywhere else I have lived. Just for one thing, it is common here for people to not block the driveway of a shopping area so that others can exit. People cross two lanes all the time, far left to far right, just put on your directionals and start your move, someone will yield to you because it is the polite thing to do, even though you are being annoying. So, the idiot woman really had no grounds for yelling anything.
As for her racist rant, we get a lot of anti-anti-white warnings here. To me, it is just crypto-racism. Ayn Rand's famous essay, Racism, cuts to the core of the problem by exposing the essential collectivism.
Look up “postmodernism.” Their axioms, like knowledge is meaningless, explain a lot about what has been parasitically progressing.