Picketing cops, fiery activists challenge Emanuel during emotionally charged demonstrations
Gee, sounds like typical Chicago Dumbocrap responses, not a Republicrat in sight either, just the Romans having a good ol' bash. “Name-calling and making accusations isn’t really going to move the ball down the field or improve the dialogue. I look at this as venting,” he said of the officers. “Hopefully, now we can sit down and work out some meaningful compromise with our partners in the FOP.”he said of the officers.
Guess they don't want the police to be taught such things as good public relations and how not to constitutionally trample on human rights such as using excessive force.
I base what I wrote above for having graduated from the Alabama Department Of Corrections Academy next door to the state troopers academy in Selma. Not to mention all me dino's annual week-long advanced training for 20 years thereafter and training by a couple of contracting security companies when I was semi-retired.
Some people of Chicago must think that a good cop is a dumb cop who cracks heads "A-huck! A-huck!" for not knowing any better.
Yeah, bring back the bullying easy to buy Chicago cops of the Roaring Twenties. Keep your cops dumb, you dummies!
It is not going to happen by peaceful means.
Everyone there is looking for their 5 minutes of social media "fame."
"Oooh, I got 87 new followers since yesterday."
Yeah, I know, probably isn't many places where that happens nowadays.