How Hawaii made its lava disaster worse
Gee, Government made things worse? Nooooo I just cannot believe a benevolent peoples paradise who only wanted to make things better for all the people, would screw something up this bad. The Republicans must have done it. There is no reason why insurance companies should NOT be forced to ensure people living in a n active lava dump, as well and making up all the lost revenue from all the properties that do not pay tax when under 10 feet of hot lava. So, now the people just will HAVE to make it all up, after all, the government MUST continue, it is the whole reason the State exists, after all.....
Their programs simply do not work, but lack of performance is just ignored in favor of keeping the hope alive that it "could" work if dont right.
The basis of collectivism is just flawed at its core, and will NEVER work, no matter what they do (and history proves this out time and time again).
The free market solution is to own risk and own risk avoidance. Build in a flood zone or lava flow zone and see if any free, private insurance company wants to cover the risk for a price you're willing to pay. Ahhh.. freedom!