MH370 Didn’t Just Disappear, It Was Caught in a Swamp of Corruption
Boy, this reads a lot like what the US can descend into with just a little shove from the left. Rich patrons, a controlled media and an incompetent government. Maybe a poster child for the left wing "greatness".....
Giving money to government is a guarantee it will be (a) at best, thrown away, or (b)used to enslave you.
Malaysia under under Najib, now deposed by the recent election result, was
indeed very corrupt. But one of the most corrupt? Many nations are ahead in
that unsavory race, nations where there is no semblance of national accounting.
Malaysia has at least some level of accounting where the scale of the scandals
can be estimated.
MH370 loss due to corruption? No. The pilot deviated from the approved flight plan.
Crucial tracking systems were turned off during the flight. The pilot chose a route
he knew could be ignored by military radars of neighboring countries. Evidence of the
deviations is on the flight simulator at the pilot's home.
It is correct to say that the handling of the disaster by Malaysian government agencies
has been inadequate. All the evidence is that the pilot had planned the diversion, the
route and the direction so as to hit the ocean where the chance of finding wreckage
would be low.
Malaysian politics are a good source of entertainment for those of cynical dispositions.
There is the usual combination of old fashioned corruption, racial and religious prejudice,
and incompetence. The newer red/green/black dogmas are insignificant.
New PM Mahathir, age 92, made some weird ideological statements before he retired
in 2003, he has done a fine job in building the alliance to get rid of Hajib.
The linking of corruption with the MH370 disappearance makes a controversial
headline but that is all.