(8) Chemplane Sprays a Rainbow Around Orbs & Disappears - Literally
This is interesting, if just because it is a decent demonstration of something that seems beyond a "contrail". Contrails will normally form from either water vapor from the engines, or low pressure edges from wing tips and appendages. This seems to indicate a cutoff of material being dispensed vice a sudden change in atmosphere. If you look at old bomber film, or even 50's/60's film, it was always above 20,000 feet, and because of cold, vapor laden air.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EU7IaMM_k
"Mayday" cannot be called because the radio's molecules are breaking up but then again there may be no one aboard due to this being a remotely controlled test..
In either case, the fuel cannot explode because chemically it is no longer fuel.
Why isn't the disintegrating plane falling out of the sky? Tractor beam.
Save for the chance video, we will never hear of this event because we don't need to know and me dino knows we don't need to know due having seen Men In Black flicks.
Now someone explain to me why me dino's outlandish theory cannot be viable as a theory.
There's nothing unusual in this guy's still photos. The "rainbow" is just that - a rainbow caused by diffraction of sunlight through the ice particles formed by what appear to be four engines operating at an altitude conducive to their formation (remember that differing altitudes do not have the same relative humidity, and therefore some altitudes are more conducive than others in the formation of condensation trails).
As to the disappearing plane? The limited dynamic range of his camera is causing that effect to occur.
Simple explanations are usually the correct explanations. Just my $0.02, YMMV.
It doesn't seem like very much in the way of studies have been done regarding toxicity, but some of their empirical examples did not go well:
The empirical link to Alzheimers seems somewhat valid:
Also, do not pooh pooh the whole idea, as it has been actually reported as an active experiment to geoengineer and control climate change:
I have no doubt these trails are more than condensation living near a major metro airport
For fifty years watching planes . The trails last literally for hours. I have posted on this topic. A lot of deniers
One response was that military jets use certain chemicals in the fuel . It made more sense then most responses. Mostly contrails as a reason for the extended nano particles trail. I often view multiple planes at the same time most do not have any contrail at all and the same time lines can be criss crossing the sky.
In the video it was a good example. The disappearing plane was not very convincing it looked pretty normal to me. Once the spray was turned off pin pointing a high altitude plane would
Of course be more difficult te see after 45 seconds.
Posted by DrZarkov99 2 months ago
The various metals she lists have been commonly used by the U.S. military as additives to fuel, primarily for better performance, range, and resisting evaporation in hot climates, or freezing at high altitude. The exact compound makeup is classified, and she should have been told it was a need to know. The geoengineering idea doesn't wash. I used to be part of a team involved in "weather war" studies, where we were examining the possibility of turning the weather into a kind of weapon, and we realized rather quickly that the amount of material needed to have even a limited local effect was prohibitively high. She does have a point that only a limited list of metals are now considered pollutants, and should be the subject of further study. Even a conspiracy theory can sometimes be partially right.
regarding posting this most on the gulch have no interest.
see I was down voted for my first response.
This whistleblower was convincing to me but not many others.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHm0XhtDyZA