The Real Military Record of John McCain

Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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John McCain's approaching death should be a good reason for us to examine the real history of this looter of the American taxpayer.

While his political shadiness is well-known, there is a lot of misunderstanding out there about his military career, upon which he has derived so much of his political career.

First, Trump's surrogates have eluded to the rumors that he caused the USS Forrestal fire, and this probably isn't an accurate statement. There is plenty to criticize though, before and after the Forrestal.

For those that don't know, the Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer, the USS John McCain, is not named after Senator McCain, after all, we don't name a lot of ships after living people - but there have been a few. For example, the carrier USS George Herbert Walker Bush.

In this case, though, the destroyer is named after John McCain's father, Admiral John McCain.

Senator John McCain destroyed 5 aircraft when he was in the Navy - for anyone that didn't have an admiral for a father, the first would have doomed their careers.

#1 - The first was actually listed as "pilot error" while at flight school. Crashing a jet at advanced flight training school should have been a career-ender, particularly for someone that graduated from the Naval Academy at #5 from the BOTTOM - but he's selected to be a fighter pilot(?) - #4 & #6 were no-doubt supply officers. He called it "engine failure" on his report, the official Navy report says "pilot error, inattention to altitude". How do we know the engine was running? (It sucked up a pile of earth on impact). Having some crash investigation experience while in the Air Force, I can state it's very simple to know if the engine was running or not. If an engine flames-out, it will 'drift' the fan blades at idle with the 450 mph airstream or whatever, but nothing like thousands of horsepower and 25,000 RPM will do when it hits the mud. An Air Force cargo jet sitting on a wet tarmac for example, will suck standing water off the ground into vortices that look like small tornadoes at engine idle speed. At take-off roll, those vortices look like a tsunami being sucked up from the wet runway. Stating whether or not the engine is running at impact is a very, very easy thing for an investigator to confirm or dispute. If the engine is running the sod will be thrown all the way through the engine. If it's idling, we would expect to see an impact and some dirt shoved through the intake as the engine embeds itself, but it wouldn't ingest the material like it would at 25,000 RPM. Even after the admiral's fixing, this one was still called pilot error - "inattentive to altitude".

#2 - In 1961 while "clowning" (his words in his book) over Spain, he flew so low he took out a bunch of power lines and that was the end of jet 2. Again, daddy the Admiral to the rescue of who should have been a Naval Academy drop-out.
After taking the electricity out in numerous Spanish villages. This caused an international incident, not surprising, and I'm sure the Navy wrote a huge check to protect their base at Rota from Spanish backlash. How did the Navy discipline the young John McCain? He was promoted a few months later - to full lieutenant after the Spain incident... Again, this would have been a career-ender for anyone else.

#3 - Then in 1965 he "borrowed" a fighter jet to fly from Mississippi to Baltimore to take in the Army-Navy game with his dad. So - a trip on leave, normally means buying an airline ticket for anyone else - but if your dad is an admiral, you can get some orders cut and get the fighter fueled up. On the way back, citing the weight of all of the Christmas gifts he bought for his family in the baggage storage area, he ended up falling short of the runway and landing in Chesapeake Bay. In his book he says he was "coming in for refueling when the engine flamed out" - or sounds more like he ran out of gas after the party at the Army Navy game (note he previously has a problem paying attention to instruments). This one was called a "routine ejection" by the Navy. Really? "Routine"? The first report of the crash said there was no damage or failure in the engine. Then it was revised a couple of weeks later to read "engine flameout caused by the failure of unknown engine component". 12 months later, he is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

#4 - During the Forrestal fire - McCain writes about his heroism in fighting the fires after his plane was struck by the missile, etc.. but the Navy official record doesn't list his plane as being among the ones initially struck, and all the ones that had dead pilots among the KIAs. John would have us believe he jumped out of his plane after the missile flew through his belly tank and took command of the firefighting crew on deck. There is conflicting testimony that says he ran below and was watching the fire from the closed captioned tv screens.

#5 - Hanoi.

John also blames Sarah Palin for his loss in his bid to be President. Funny, the GOP grassroots loved her and still do. They hate his ass. That's called "Jealousy" because she stole the show and he knows it.

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  • Posted by Andy 6 years, 10 months ago
    I wish we had unearthed all this closer to when it happened, 53 to 57 years ago. It would have been like a small investment growing hugely after decades of growth.
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