North Korea comment / no attached document

Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 10 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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On NK leader Kim Jong-un. How do you treat a mass murdering, sadistic, narcissist dictator when he decides to join “Crimes Against Humanity Anonymous”?

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  • Posted by bsmith51 6 years, 10 months ago
    My name is Kim.
    Hi, Kim....
    First you give him a Nobel Prize, to reward him for revealing the nice boy inside you always knew was there. Then he gets free lifetime counseling - and meetings - so he can cry out the pain that made him rage./s
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  • Posted by strugatsky 6 years, 10 months ago
    He would have to compete for a leadership position in the UN. After all, other UN luminaries in the area of human rights have accomplishments not much lesser than Kim's.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 10 months ago
    I suspect this time, the Norks will have to cave and deliver on promises. I have a feeling that when little Kimmee was summoned to Beijing, he was told the Chinese were not about to bleed for him if he kept provoking the Americans and got his ass kicked. Survival is an amazing motivator. The question is not how we deal with him, but how his own people deal with him once they wake up to the horror show that's been their life under the Kim monarchy. I have this picture of Mussolini hanging by his heels.
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  • Posted by MrSmiggles 6 years, 10 months ago
    At this point he's not going to just dismantle his nukes, and he's cautious. He's looking for a way right now to keep in power, remove sanctions, get Trump off his back, and make him look like he did it all himself to his people.

    That being said, if you jump him and throw a Criminal Court at him he'll stop with the friendliness and go back to nuke testing. You have to make him comfortable coming out more and more from his hovel. When he slack's off that's when you take him out (choose your own method). So long as you don't piss China off they could go along with a full merger of the 2 Korea's.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 10 months ago
    That's the next topic on N. Korea, isn't it? What about the camps? I was thinking that we could have hammered every target except the camps, then go in and make sure the gates are opened...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 10 months ago
    Ignore him, since a cowed Rocket Man is no longer terrorizing allies with overflying missiles and threatening the USA with a nuke strike.
    It really boils down to a matter of affordability~
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    • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 10 months ago
      he like russia was/is no threat. AR was very clear that russia was never a threat and that holds true today.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 10 months ago
        I strongly disagree with the assessment on Russia. Russia has been a threat to world wide stability since the Bolshevik Revolution put the communists in power in 1923. They were co-aggressors with Germany at the start of WW II when they parceled out the Eastern European nations between them. Churchill in fact warned the US about Stalin's aggressions even before WW II ended, but he was voted out of office and FDR died before anything could be done (though it is doubtful FDR would have done anything). Since then they've been actively supporting communism throughout the globe - from supporting Mao in China's bloody civil war to Castro's regime in Cuba (and the threat of nuclear missiles in Cuba) to various other forms. Yes, they took a hit under Gorbachev because Reagan basically spent them under the table in the arms race, but militarily, they are second only to the US in overall firepower. They are still the only nation with a true long range bomber force and have far more ICBM's than any other nation save the US. They have an active navy - again second only to the US - with very capable attack and nuclear missile submarines.

        Do they have their weaknesses? Certainly. Their governmental structure supports a black market instead of free markets which decreases tax revenue. They openly suppress and control the media. They are largely dependent on oil revenue. And they like to throw around their military weight in neighboring countries like the Ukraine and now Syria. Have they to some degree been overshadowed by the Chinese and the North Koreans in political circles? Sure. But I think Russia is far from a paper tiger.
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        • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 10 months ago
          Tragically you are not well read if at all of Ayn Rand's assessment of russia. They are a paper tiger have always been and probably always will be. their saving grace if you research Ayn Rand's writings on the subject state the only reason they have hung in their is because the USA has helped them!!!
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          • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 10 months ago
            Anything Rand wrote about Russia is at this point more than 40 years old - and things have changed in that time. Nor can I find anything which lends to her credibility as a military analyst. You're overstating her authority on this matter ... a lot.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 10 months ago
        The Soviet Union of AR's day knew that nuking the USA would be suicide due to a near simultaneous retaliatory strike.
        This is why the USSR backed off from the Cuban Crisis that me dino and friends sweated though as kids. Those "duck and cover" Civil Defense films were scary back then.
        Methinks Rocket Man came to realize that North Korea is by far a smaller target than Russia that the USA can obliterate with pinpoint accuracy with a lot more nukes.
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