Remote Mind Control
Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 10 months ago to Government
The US government has been secretly collecting documents on 'remote mind control' and 'forced memory blanking', accidentally leaked files suggest. In what sounds like a plot from the X-files, they revealed research into bizarre 'psycho-electronic' weaponry
Store all knowledge, memories and history in a safe place...The MIND!'s unhackable.
Even if it takes a while for the "power" to come back on...All will be there waiting.
PS...they left one way out...has to do with the back side...deletes use it all the time in their deep dark dungeons.
Or the remotely inflicted symptoms thereof
Harvard has since gone on to greater depths of mind control through general educational propaganda.
The latest version exploiting electromagnetism gives new meaning to the tin foil hat: you have to protect yourself by keeping your head in a Faraday cage.
I don't doubt if someone thinks for a moment that it can be done the government will be looking into it spending millions of taxpayer dollars to discover something that would be dismissed outright by almost any credible thinking being. In the 1960's they were experimenting with LSD and numerous other drugs during the Viet Nam War to find if they could get more effective soldiers without fear who would do what ever they were told and thereby conquer the enemy. Unfortunately the opposite occurred when those who have no fear do not protect their lives they become easy targets for the 'enemy',whoever that might be, and die wholesale accomplishing less than nothing in that your resources (people) are now depleted.
Is it possible using mind mapping to find out where the thoughts are occurring to then use magnetic fields to influence a mind? Possibly. With a strong enough electromagnetic force you can make people feel ill. Could they be controlled and told exactly what to do? Not likely.
Still the cheapest and most reliable mind control is to teach children lies in schools and as Jefferson once said once the government controls the schools they will raise socialists who will demand their freedom be taken by requesting the government care for them. The government will tell them who their enemies are and who they should kill and the citizens will go nobly forth and do as they are told. Add religion to the mix and you now have two 'authorities' telling people what to do if they don't believe both they will probably still believe one and become enslaved.