A Nuclear Bomb And A Rabbit's Foot

Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 11 months ago to Philosophy
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"Mankind is rolling at supersonic speed, back to the dark ages, with a nuclear bomb in one hand and a rabbit's foot in the other." -- Ayn Rand
You may not take statements at face value, even if they appear to be axiomatic. An example is science.They tell you it is the province of reason -- but ethics, they say, is the province of a higher power, which man's impotent, fallible intellect must not be so presumptuous as to challenge. What power? Why, feelings?
Before you can accept that doctrine you must concretely identify what that means. If you are a scientist you are competent to discover new knowledge -- but not competent to judge for what purpose that knowledge is to be used.Your judgement is to be disqualified, if, when and becauseit is rational -- while human purposesare to be determined by the representatives of non-reason.You choose the means but they choose the ends.

How would you choose to argue against that? It is an argument faced by producers every day.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 11 months ago
    Simple...Never harm the end user of your product or service or you will find yourself out of business.

    One of the First questions one should ask is: would I myself, the creator of this product or service, use that product or service in it's present state.

    I wonder if Monsanto employees and scientist have never asked that question of themselves.

    For a scientist to answer that question of his own discovery is difficult because he is prejudice and compartmentalized; having not the integrated big picture of the present or the future to see the outcome or result of his discovery.
    There must be some protocol to fall back on and in my estimation, most scientist are totally unqualified to decide what is ethical and what is not, they have limited vision.
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