This is extremely dangerous to our demonocracy!
Amazing how the liberal choir can sing in perfect unison...
Think the lamestream isn't coordinated, right down to the same words and phrases?
Think again...could you ever have imagined it was this pervasive???
Here is why:
Think the lamestream isn't coordinated, right down to the same words and phrases?
Think again...could you ever have imagined it was this pervasive???
Here is why:
The ABC NBC CNN should all have the same call letters SHIT Stupid Hysterical Idiotic Trash
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Jefferson Public Radio
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Valley Public Radio
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
Sinclair Broadcast Group Forces Nearly 200 Station Anchors To Read Same Script
(Got tired of doing this. There are pages and pages of these)
Just Google it yourself.
But you can all copy each other's liberal stories and that's ok.
Although neither is the right.
Just learned a new word today. Can you say, "anathema"
Seems to me to be more an indication of how a wide variety of outlets are owned by a handful of major companies rather an any indication of left/right-specific bias.
---Funny how a lot of them seemed to be all saying the same thing, when they were run at the same time.
---By the way, is it legal to run someone else's broadcast? I've noticed it being done on the radio, too. Or does copyright not apply because it is not put forth as a work of fiction, but is (or at least purports to be) fact?
Anyone buying?
I am not watching these in an effort to keep my peace. Under other circumstances it would be considered an ostrich-like policy however, it is the individual's right to protect himself/herself from unwanted influence. There is nothing to be gained from listening to these people when they are unreasonable and closed to arguments.
I reached the point where Fox is in the past for me as well. With the elimination of the last sane voice in O'Reilly, the current anchor has no moral and philosophical strength to oppose the left he is putting on the screen so what one is left with is hearing their lies and distortions that I have no desire to do.
I find my information and news and up to date on what's going on: delightfully I don't need the press to get that from.