White men and sons coerced wives to vote Trump

Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 6 months ago to Culture
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Check snopes they claim it is false.FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Says Women 'Caved' to Men in Voting Against Her? - Snopes.com
Snopes › clinton-women-caved-voting
Claim: Hillary Clinton said women voted for Donald Trump because they "caved" to pressure from the men around them.
Claimed by: Facebook
Fact check by Snopes.com: MOSTLY FALSE
Don't believe your lying ears folks and give Snopes credence.
Perfect audience a nation the has a caste system.
SOURCE URL: https://youtu.be/gqJIR-gXExQ

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  • Posted by MrSmiggles 6 years, 6 months ago
    Based on recent reports, she is " trippin' "
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    • Posted by mrdenis 6 years, 6 months ago
      Hillary Takes Two Tumbles in India...http://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/03/13/wa...
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      • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
        She was injured probably getting her cut from the pallets of $100 dollar bills that OBAMA sent IRAN. Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered what they describe as a "nasty bout with stomach flu" and a "concussion" which have kept her missing from public view the past three weeks. This GRU report, however, states that US military flight logs recorded by Russian air and space forces confirm that Commander Price, and other members of US Navy Seal Team 4, left their base in Urozgan Province, Afghanistan on a flight to US Naval Support Activity Bahrain where they met up with Secretary Clinton and all of them transferred to the C- 12 Huron that began a flight path to Baghdad, Iraq. Within minutes of leaving Bahrain airspace, this report says, the C-12 Huron carrying Secretary Clinton and her US Navy Seal protectors, "without notice," deviated from their assigned flight path heading, instead, directly towards Iran's Ahwaz International Airport where, coincidentally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had previously landed on an "unscheduled" visit. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05797628 Date: 02/29/2016 Important to note, GRU analysts say in this report, was that when the C-12 Huron entered into Iranian airspace neither American nor Iran air force units responded clearly indicating that this secret mission was sanctioned. Upon the C-12 Huron landing at Ahwaz, however, this report says it encountered "extreme turbulence" causing it to leave the runway where its main landing gear then collapsed causing it to crash. Within seconds of the C-12 Huron crashing, this report continues, Iranian emergency and security personal responded freeing the victims, including Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and "bleeding profusely." After emergency aid was given, GRU agents stationed in Iran state that another US military flight was dispatched from Bahrain to Ahwaz which evacuated all of those wounded and killed in the crash including Secretary Clinton. Strangely to note, this report says, is that in the aftermath of this crash, Iran's main oil company announced today that they were buying the Ahwaz airport with the intention of moving it because, they say, oil was discovered beneath it. To what the Americans mission to Iran was about this report doesn't speculate upon, other than to note that with the Gulf State Monarchies rapidly approaching a union of their oil rich nations to counter Iranian power, and with President Obama signing a new law this past week to strengthen American borders against threats from Iran, and with the highly-publicized "Velayat 91" Iranian military exercises now taking place across a wide area from the Strait of Hormuz, a new and catastrophic war in this region is much closer to being a reality than many realize. To if Secretary Clinton's mission was meant to forestall such a war it is not in our knowing, other than to note, that with the United States continued backing of some of the cruelest dictatorships in the world, our entire planet is but one spark away from a fire that could very well consume us all. Source Breaking News A new report by Israeli media and Mossad now FULLY CONFIRMS THIS REPORT, Hillary Clinton was indeed injured in Iran, the new report also shows that Obama has already named the new US Secretary of State: John Kerry, click here to read this new STUNNING REPORT: Obama Warned To Prepare For Hillary Clinton Death GD Star Rating. a WordPress rating system Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran, 4.0 out of 5 based on 122 ratings UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05797628 Date: 02/29/2016
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  • Posted by voodoo59 6 years, 6 months ago
    I don't understand the allure of this old hag? It seems there's a cadre of scribes (myrmidons) following this pathetic creature around 24/7/365 documenting a slow-motion plane crash that no one can take their eyes off of . Everyone knows what she thinks- verbalizing it doesn't make any difference! She redefines the meaning of narcissist every day.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
      In the quietude of the voting booth, people just didnt LIKE Hillary. She had a thin veneer of civility which covered over a very evil woman. Her handlers had her put on this smiling fafce during this election to try and cover over her real nature. But people are not that stupid, and they saw through it. At least half the people did !! The others just were manipulated by emotional propaganda
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      She is likely in India to murder the people she worked with to fraud Australia and others out of their Clinton Foundation donation when CF purchased sugar pills to give the HIV sufferers in Africa.

      The Clinton Foundation likely partnered with a corrupt drug company producing “watered down” HIV/AIDS drugs for African patients in exchange for donations to the foundation and million-dollar consulting contracts for Bill Clinton.

      Prescription bottle with pills spilling out.
      The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation likely partnered with a corrupt drug company producing “watered down” HIV/AIDS drugs for African patients in exchange for donations to the foundation and million-dollar consulting contracts for Bill Clinton, a new congressional report states.

      The foundation partnered with the Indian drug manufacturer Ranbaxy in 2003 to procure cheap HIV/AIDs drugs for African patients. Ranbaxy deceived the U.S. government into buying watered-down drugs in multi-billion-dollar deals likely negotiated by the foundation, according to a September 2016 report by Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) office. Her website summarized the report’s key findings in this way:
      •“The Clinton Foundation likely facilitated the distribution of watered down HIV/AIDS medications in sub-Saharan Africa through its Health Access Initiative.
      •“The distribution of watered down HIV/AIDS medications in sub-Saharan Africa may have increased patient mortality rates.
      •“Watered down HIV/AIDS [anti-retrovirals] were purchased with taxpayer money … as a result of price agreements, some of which were likely negotiated by the Clinton Foundation.
      •“President Clinton was personally enriched with million dollar consulting contracts by a friend of convicted felon, and Ranbaxy advocate, Rajat Gupta from 2002­–2008.”

      Ranbaxy pled guilty to seven felonies, admitted lying to multiple federal health care agencies, and was fined $500 million in 2013, the same year former President Bill Clinton praised the firm’s AIDS-fighting efforts to an audience of 600 businessmen in Mumbai, India, The Economic Times reported in 2013.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
    How about just recognizing that the liberal agenda is just bankrupt and people who actually think instead of just emote didnt vote for her.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 6 months ago
    The woman was ethically challenged clear back to college. Then she began "standing by her man" when engaged to the rover when he was a prof. and got a student pregnant, sent for Hillary to clean up his mess, and a suicide resulted.
    More recently, she has been flakey ever since her Iran runway plane crash, which she and Obama lied about, telling the public she hit her head at home. Foreign press reported she was "bleeding profusely from the head:" Tye woman was once hospitalized for out of control manic behavior, she seems to be getting more unstable all the time.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 6 months ago
    She reminds me of the high popularity clique, trying to figure out why someone doesn't like her and how can she change that. Seeking the permission of the slaves to be their master and upset when they don't choose her.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 6 years, 6 months ago
    Well, I must be one strong woman. I married a man who was a diehard Democrat. He was in politics and ran for a few things in the county. I am proud to say that I never voted for "Mr. Democrat". However, after a few years of "arguing" and being very persuasive on my part, "Mr. Democrat" became an ardent Conservative.
    And oh, yes, never trust Snopes.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 6 months ago
    Those white devils! They hate white women who are married to white men who have white children. It is amazing how reflected light from a person's skin influences the way they vote. There must be some scientific fact we have yet to discover.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
    Dobrien, you have a mouse coward.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      Ouch . Consequences for responding to an anti-Trump comment yesterday. He apparently would like Trump to be more presidential ,You know a corrupt lying anti-American Muslem worshipping Traitor. But I stand by my very short
      one word 5 letter response that starts with I and ends with a T. At least I know he read the response.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
        During a usual Trump being Trump speech that I partway somewhere in the middle watched during the weekend, Trump put on a being more presidential act.
        He approached the microphone like a walking stick, spoke some bland words and then withdrew like a walking stick.
        Then he stepped back up as his old flawed but trying his best to make America great again self.
        Me dino never saw someone so flawlessly flawed as The Donald.
        He ain't perfect but is way preferable over a career politician.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
          I could care a less what the presidents say as we have been lied to almost every time they open their mouths. Maybe people think the lie is pretty if it said presidentially. Trump is the ONLY president in my lifetime who has done what he says he will do.
          Except Barry Husein Obammmma who wanted to change America fundamentally and said it so presidentially.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
            As for a "GD America" Constitution-hating socialist telling the truth, me dino found it so interesting that, when Candidate Obamawammadingdong told Joe the Plumber "I want to spread the wealth around," the lib media were thrown into a berserk damage control tizzy to dig up dirt on Joe the plumber as if Joe was a candidate himself.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
    So she has risen from the dead. This woman is unable to remain silent. I am sure there is a name in pathology for her condition. Her therapy is the opening of her mouth and uttering the most outlandish lies. Bill was known as an "unusually good liar" and his female counterpart is no way less. The problem is that the press keeps feeding the manure by her and we are exposed to it. The first reaction when I see her photo is nausea. It must take an extraordinary level of corruption to navigate in the self-generated sewer.
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