Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...
Posted by nicktheitguy 7 years ago to Politics
So, a large portion of your clientele is legal gun owners, and ya go and do this. Dick's just lived up to their name. I will no longer purchase anything from them.
Any guess on who Edward Stack voted for in the 2016 election?
Statist Idiot.
Never mind, I just wrote more but political incorrectness might get me incarcerated or at least put under observation, so again I deleted it before posting it. Come to think of it, is there a “Politically Incorrect” series book on the Second Amendment?
However, one of my concerns; after banning the AR15 and all the look-alike semi-automatics, what models will be banned next. Will you want to take away our AK47’s, Thompson 1927’s, M1’s, M1A’s, all of which are semi-automatic rifles. Or is it only the emotionally scary looking ones? Who will define the emotionally scary rifles or even hand guns? Personally I prefer the AR15 because of the light weight, especially at my age now. In Vietnam, being in the artillery, most of my men got M14’s, I bought an M16, the military assault version of the civilian AR15, because I was only issued and old WWI Colt 1911. The M16 was civilianized to the AR15 by making it a semi-automatic, just like thousands of other semi-automatic rifles. How about an AR16 without a pistol grip, or an AR17 without a barrel shroud, or an AR18 without a flash suppressor, or an AR19 that isn’t black? Will they be banned and what will be banned next?
Why can’t “they” just tell us the truth, that they want to take all our arms away and just delete the second amendment? I propose we ban cars, they kill a lot of people especially the black cars, but I also would think that the WWII Japanese didn’t land here in the US because they were afraid that everyone had a car. Personally I think we should have a right to own weapons equal to our governments, how else will we be able to fight them when things go astray? Some of you might even remember that the American Revolution was a colonial revolt that took place from 1765 and 1783. If the British had been able to keep us unarmed we probably wouldn’t be talking about this issue today, and we might even be speaking English.☺
That aside, this is a pure publicity stunt-- if the problem is guns, they'd stop selling guns altogether, but they're not going to. All this is really doing is banning the black version of some of the same guns they still carry, or other cosmetic issues when they still sell guns that can "do the same damage." Completely playing into the lack of knowledge of the extremist "gun control" advocates. Also .. the headlines are portraying it as a new thing, but this little nugget is in the announcement:
"We had already removed them from all DICK’S stores after the Sandy Hook massacre, but we will now remove them from sale at all 35 Field & Stream stores."
Just a big "whatever" to me.
Students telling people what to do has always worked out.
Also, remarks such as "if one life is saved..."and then how many will be taken because the victim couldn't defend himself? And what if one life is saved, but 3 or 4 victims are raped?!--If people want to live in their own fantasy world, that is their own business. But they have no right to violate other people's rights just in order to force them to help prop up their fantasy world.