
Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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Ayn Rand said: "The man who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone."
By extension, a country which does not value itself cannot value anyone or anything. I put it to you, Obama and his Socialist minions have planned the shaming of America so that they and only they are the determinators of the collective, and in their childish minds, the greater good.

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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 6 months ago
    I agree with your sentiment, however, a country is simply a big group of individuals. There are too many of us individuals and we are too busy to take care of the administrative stuff so we have an elected government do that. We let our government get too big and gave it too much power. We allowed the government to give itself too much power. Now individuals are screwed because the government thinks that they know better than us and they can do whatever they want. They actually think that we need them because there are so many who do. There are plenty of individuals who value themselves, but we have allowed individuals who do not value themselves as individuals to govern us. If our government was not so big we wouldn't have this problem. Obama never would have made the cut to be president if the balance of power was where it should have been (with the individuals, not the collective).
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