THIS IS NOT RIGHT (But it isn't left either)
When Trump won the presidency, the screams of fear and loathing reverberated throughout the nation.His attacks on the media, and his stream of consciousness bizarre commentaries, his P.T. Barnum appeal to his supporters, and then, horror of horrors, his use of social media, especially his poison pen Twitter entries.He has said some pretty awful things. Things no politician in his right mind would ever say. He certainly isn't predictable.But what has the sheninigans of this wild man billionaire done to the country?What has happened is what the Democrats fear the most. The economy is booming, foreign policy is working better in the one year Trump has been in office, than 8 years of Obama. The Constitution is still intact and the structures of government a settling down and are beginning to to function as they should,. The Trump rhetoric may be just the wrong side of toxic but all the nuts and bolts of government remain tightly screwed in place. It looks as if society is being governed well and proper. Perhaps we need more unconventional leaders in the seats of power in Washington.
Slapping a tariff on the imported steel and aluminum is both a shot across China and Korea's bows. But wait, Korea is an ally... not really, they dumped so many cheap TVs on the US market that none of our domestic (or Japanese manufacturers for that matter) survived. They are just as predatory as the Chinese, so why not call them out. We have been protecting them for 60 f'ing years for free.. they are not going to run to the Chinese because they would cease to exist and they know it... maybe it really is time to learn how to play fair and share, like everyone learned in kindergarten.
There is a massive political victory in this - restoring coal jobs guarantees West Virginia will vote GOP or at least conservative democrat for the next 30 years. Restoring the US steel business will guarantee Pennsylvania and Michigan go for the GOP. Minnesota's taconite range on the north shore of Lake Superior supplies almost all the raw materials for the steel industry (or did - now they ship it to China).. Sadly, the GOP Senators are only pissed because their donations will go down - they don't care, or likely are too dumb to understand the math. Flip West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and potentially Minnesota and there will not be a Democrat in the White House for 30 years. Our heated politics will subside because we won't be down to counting chads every cycle. The 50/50 split of politics would be overturned significantly, and we can go back to life as normal with the democrats occupying the "loyal opposition" seats.
Generally, I agree on the Twin Cities.
No idea what you are talking about with brain freeze mentality.. Minnesota has and continues to be generally in the top half-dozen in the country for quality of public education.
If you drive across the border to Grand Forks, ND though, it's a different world (60 miles from where I grew up), ultra conservative, high incomes, pro-development, pro-NRA.
The twin cites 59 years. Even with all the corruption exposed by the Clinton/Obama statists people's minds for a large part still think the dems are for the greater good. That's what I mean by brain freeze their mind is set and no facts will change it. Https:// The state has a great history of production and innovation that has been slowly suffocated by regulations and taxes. Mom and pop businesses are becoming rare and The heirs of great businesses like Gov Dayton have no clue
What it took to accumulate the fortune they benifit from.
Genuine competition that is more efficient is good for the economy, as you say, when on a level playing field and just better at what they do. Subsidized competition damages legitimate businesses.
Complaining about something doesn't get action, Trump knows that, slap a tariff on them to get their attention. They will either adjust their behavior, or sell less, or reach a new deal.
The Chinese have to be dealt with before they become too wealthy and too powerful. Right now they have a row boat of an aircraft carrier and a token military force, 10 years from now if unchecked, they will probably overtake us, their pace of improvement has been impressive and they steal everything they don't have.
Millennials have no concept or recollection of full employment... we have been in a phony paper-inflated economy their entire lives. They will jump off the lefty train when they see American industry pumping at full speed for the first time in their lives.
The old plan hasn't worked out very well.. ever since Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton jumped us on the free-trade wagon, we went from about $500 billion in national debt under Reagan to $22 trillion now. 3 years from now, 50% of Federal annual revenues will be allocated only to INTEREST on the debt. It really is time to try a different approach.
Recall that under Reagan, the debt increased by almost 1.7 trillion dollars.
Back in the early 1960s, I started to watch how the slow exponential growth of government budgets and debts were going and knew that they would be running away in the future. That future has arrived. There is no painless cure. The debt growth sometimes declines a bit but the exponential growth rate will continue.
You seem to make balance of payments an important thing. You buy something and give something in return. You buy something from Japan, say, and give a, somewhat quasi-value as dollars, in return and somehow believe that those dollars are still yours! They belong to whomever you bought from to do as they desire with them. Do you get all worked up for the balance of payments of purchases with another state? Is the other state required to buy from your state with the dollars you payed? It is no different between countries. In fact, it might be good to send worthless paper out of the US economy since the government keeps inflating the money supply which would cause price rises if it were suddenly returned. In the market, that money can be returned if you produced something desired that the other countries peoples would want. USA does that in certain areas but as more wealth is created, many countries produce most everything that the citizens want. New technology is the main way to get the money back. Just keep producing new killing machines that the money holders want and the money will trickle back to the USA.
Then you stop throwing fish, and teach them how to fish for themselves.
We are about to embark on a trillion dollars or so of much-needed and very overdue infrastructure repair. My wife is a civil engineer for storm water systems on freeways and an expert on water-scour degradation on bridge embutments. You have no idea how bad it is, the freeway collapsing in Minneapolis into the river could happen in any American city, in fact, that one wasn’t even the worst-rated one.
If we don’t do this, we would borrow and spend a trillion dollars that would basically go straight to China for materials, and only create more temporary “installer” jobs here. Building the stuff here gets 5 times the economic effect, and for materials, it at most would add 5-10% to the project cost.
We are not going to nationalize our industries and convert to socialism (at least now that Obama is gone), but we do need to protect our struggling businesses and workers.
We just gave them a great tax cut and the ability to repatriate their money - now protect their business wile they recover.
We cannot keep supporting people with the socialist safety net, that never fixes the problem and only fetches more gangs, drugs, and violence.
If you look at the debt, it has gone out of control since Bush 41 in lockstep with free trade. Sure crap from China got cheaper, but then we incurred massive welfare, Medicaid, housing allowance, and food stamp costs. Around 25% are on some form of welfare, and that doesn't include social security or the questionable permanent disability claims.
History, Economics, and how to handle money.
Many in this country have been taught and it is reinforced thru the media to react emotionally rather than considerate reasoning.
An example is the uproar from people
Because Trump suggested Teachers arm themselves. You never hear any uproar about armed guards in banks and armored trucks.
Is that because money is more valuable than children? I have never heard of a an incident caused by those guards harming the general public. Can't say I actually really ever thought about it.
Certain types have ruined and destroyed
Many lives , they deserve to expirience the amenities non stop.
Each month features a quote by a Founding Father.
I just glanced up at a drawing of John Adams' face after hanging that calendar back up. I pulled it down to again read a quote George Washington made on the January page, which is~
"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light."
When I first read that during New Years Day, I immediately thought of all of Trump's Tweets about Fake News.
"--pains taken to bright it to light" is not what Obama's "It's Bush's fault" did about being lied about. Even while he was president, Bush would just smile and be what he thought was being presidential above it all while the fake news merchants smeared the crap out of him.
I prefer Trump's approach over being a sitting duck for a bunch of jabbering feces-throwing chimpanzees.
Me dino apologizes if I have offended any jabbering feces-throwing chimpanzees for making this comparison to the toxic lowest of the low life forms of the drive-by media. I only did it for illustrative purposes.
Forgotten is the lesson of how the government handled the stock market crash of 1920. That time some things failed and some things didn't because the free market was allowed to correct itself in its own way. Next thing that happened was the boom called The Roaring Twenties.
What goes up must come down and along came the crash of 1929 that was handled just the opposite way by an all-knowing all-seeing progressive Big Brother.
Bush set his own self up as the perfect fall-guy for Obama's "lookit him not me" art of deflection.
~What Ronald Reagan called the scariest words you could ever hear.
How much of that so-called "salivation" was "fake news"?
"America" doesn't jump to such conclusions without lots of widely spread lies. Bush was the "decider" at the time. He had the bully pulpit to counter the lies, but he encouraged it instead.
Bush gets the blame for his actions and inaction, whether complicit or just stupid.
Bush agreed to policies that bankrupted the country and destroyed privacy and liberty. Obama carried on those policies and added more; he knew the GOP would not stand in the way. They all betrayed all Americans and are deserving of execution for treason.
28 years of Bushes Clinton's Obama's painstakingly destroying the American way of life.
I don't know if I ever heard anything come out of any of those oh so presidential mouths that wasn't a lie. Except this but we were not supposed to hear it.
Trump is more presidential in one little tweet
than all of them combined.
Who is worse, good people who make evil decisions out of misguided principles, or evil people who make evil decisions in order to gain power or riches?
That hot mic catching that Obamanable treasonous kissing up to Putin should be played over and over much more.
Entitling future displays as "Real Russian Collusion" would work for me.
No way, Jose, could The Donald get away with that like that being a special progressive with a skin pigment did.
On second thought, methinks any progressive can get away with that, especially The Evil Hag.
So far $hillary has gotten away with all kinds of crap--way, way more than Tricky Dicky.
Hint: Its related to porn.
Just looked up fluffer. Golly gee whiz boy howdy!
One thing I keep a-saying about The Gulch is that I keep learning stuff here.
Wonder if Slick Willie needs one of those these days.
Now imagine a flick made of Bill and Shillary--NO! Oh, no! I just p;physically cringed!
The horror! The horror!
Another doofus on TV sang that right after 9/11. Some doofuses are hard to Imagine--forget, I mean.
Some one mentioned the cialis commercial
Where the couple are outside watching the sunset in separate bath tubs. Judy my secretary
Who had seen better days several decades before and had let herself go so to speak. She said "Can you imagine Donald and me in those tubs?
Yikes . I just thought about the stress from that sexual innuendo and think maybe I should contact the HR dept. and claim harassment and disability
We, me dino just said no. And I just said no. And I just said no. Sometimes I'd just shrug but that also meant no. No. And no. No. Another day another no. No. No. No.
Then one day the security company won another contract and transferred me to a fancy outdoor shopping mall called The Summit.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yay!
The DeepStateCrimeColluders killed the source of the leaked emails then blamed the Russians for hacking. Nobody gave a second thought to the Podesto "Satanic Spirit Dinner" or other stomach turning corruption. They were so proud of that false flag (Russia) it has been their lifeline for a year. Of course the truth is prevailing. Some long vacations to gitzmo are in order . Military tribunal style for the treason. Crowdstrike a cybersecurity firm claimed evidence of a hacked DNC server. They are like Fussian GPS a hired tool for deception.
CrowdStrike is owned by a guy who is a member of the Atlantic Council. Evelyn Farkas is also a member of the Atlantic Council. Evelyn was one of Hillary Clinton's campaign advisers and she worked as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia under Obama. Such cozy incestuous connections happening last year during the campaign! Even though Evelyn was done in 2015 under President Obama, she was obviously still getting security updates (most likely through Hillary Clinton) and during the transition period from November to January, Evelyn has admitted that there was a second surveillance going on against Trump and his transition team, because she told Mika on Morning Joe that she was worried that all the information that had been gathered by Obama's people would be lost forever and then she pointed out that that's why there were leaks to the media in January!
The elephant should be a hippo for the hipocracy
I can think of four different corrupt corrections officers who were into that shortly before they got caught.
Such misuse was made of a reinstated officer who was transferred to our prison after he won a lawsuit against against a warden who fired him from another.
He was called a crook by an officer who was caught smuggling in marijuana the very next day.
Another officer caught drug smuggling the very next day told me dino he was smarter than me.
Noting that the dude seemed to be acting a tad intoxicated, I was all like "Well, you made the highest grade point average when we went to advanced training last week."
That was the last time I ever saw that genius, though I did hear that deputies took him from the prison to the county jail.
Once officer who ran ICS (Inmate Control Systems) picked on me dino when I was getting a divorce. He even told a deputy warden to look out for me because I "may go off in One Block" where I was being assigned a lot at the time.
Turned out that the ICS officer was making parents pay him cash if they wanted Inmate Sonny Boy assigned to preferred prison job or moved into cell blocks with relatives, friends, lovers and whatnot.
One morning I was assigned to a tower and headed for the front gate when I saw the cur in handcuffs escorted by the warden and a couple of DOC detectives. Feeling kinda raw over what the cur had been saying about me, I actually had to force myself not smile as I pretended cur was not there and merely said, "Morning, sir," to the warden, who looked just a tad amused. He wasn't that deputy warden but those uppity-ups do talk to each other.
Last I heard about the cur was that he was doing life without parole at a prison beside Montgomery. Guess he committed other crimes when released on bond.
A gray-headed officer who liked to laugh and cut up while joking about the failings of other officers was caught having homosexual sex with an inmate in a cell. That inmate had. That officer had actually given that inmate photographs of himself.
BTW, we lost two females for having heterosexual sex. One was doing with an inmate and the other with a male officer, who also was fired. The last two got caught because they were too busy up in a dorm cubicle to notice inmates fighting.
I know you are working on the novel with the red headed girl avenging her family and I hope you are progressing to your satisfaction. The next book should be of your expirience guarding the prisoners in the slammer and the crazy ass stuff that went on.
As for the prison, I don't want to see that place ever again. I came to hate it. Sticking it out bagged me the retirement I now enjoy. I freaking earned it for a fact.
One very important thing to consider about writing straight fiction about people a century ago. You can't get sued.
When I was a teen all wanted to hear was car radio rock n' roll. To hell with my brothers. Buncha whining pests anyway.
Now one became smart enough to help me do my taxes.
In the story he told about a man who made lamp shades out of skin from little boys. I thought it was a "ghost story" . Turned out he was talking about Ed Gein the man people say was the real chainsaw massacre perp.
I self describe my self as anti establishment.
Trump has the establishment reeling .
His resilient strength and confidence coupled with honesty and ............a true desire to improve the USA.
The Political parties be damned
Lying phony elected anti-American frauds that have systematically ruined the potential of this country for decades. The "uncivil war" is being waged and casualties have been piling up.
In case you have not noticed the media is a joke they are a propaganda machine for the statists and are useful idiots (to be kind).
Except!!!, in Trumpets case, behind the fake shadows, his is doing America's work, reducing regulations, getting rid of undesirables and working on eradicating the left's agenda.
Today, was a bit weird though, but, I hope, it was the same kind of thing, sounding like democrap, he states: "we have to take the guns first because the justice system is too slow."
I agree, the justice system is way to slow and way too costly but...if he means what he just said and the way he said it...I might just jump OFF the band wagon...
My so-called libertarian friends who had read Rand proclaimed that everyone should support them because their causes were inspired by Rand. Trump comes along, has obviously read Rand but hardly ever mentions her, and uses a style of communication and misdirection that drives the Left batty.
I've been a fan of H. C. Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes" since I was a wee lad, wishing someone would pull a trick like that in the Real World. Now the little kid with the orange hair seems to be doing it, but I think he was preparing during the entire time I was waiting.