THIS IS NOT RIGHT (But it isn't left either)

Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago to Politics
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When Trump won the presidency, the screams of fear and loathing reverberated throughout the nation.His attacks on the media, and his stream of consciousness bizarre commentaries, his P.T. Barnum appeal to his supporters, and then, horror of horrors, his use of social media, especially his poison pen Twitter entries.He has said some pretty awful things. Things no politician in his right mind would ever say. He certainly isn't predictable.But what has the sheninigans of this wild man billionaire done to the country?What has happened is what the Democrats fear the most. The economy is booming, foreign policy is working better in the one year Trump has been in office, than 8 years of Obama. The Constitution is still intact and the structures of government a settling down and are beginning to to function as they should,. The Trump rhetoric may be just the wrong side of toxic but all the nuts and bolts of government remain tightly screwed in place. It looks as if society is being governed well and proper. Perhaps we need more unconventional leaders in the seats of power in Washington.

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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
    While the left has been all over Russia Russia Russia and now phony "NRA blood money" narrative - Trump has quietly re-opened coal mining. Yesterday, he announced a 10% tariff on imported aluminum and 25% on steel. His advisors were asking for about 6% and 18% - but that's Trump, don't start negotiating where you need to be, ask for more and see what happens. For his first big development deal in New York, he asked the city for a 60 year tax abatement on it (to make it much more profitable). He really only needed 5 or 10 years, but he was shocked when they gave it to him. So why not ask? He wants a wall, but would probably settle for an adequately-staffed border guard.

    Slapping a tariff on the imported steel and aluminum is both a shot across China and Korea's bows. But wait, Korea is an ally... not really, they dumped so many cheap TVs on the US market that none of our domestic (or Japanese manufacturers for that matter) survived. They are just as predatory as the Chinese, so why not call them out. We have been protecting them for 60 f'ing years for free.. they are not going to run to the Chinese because they would cease to exist and they know it... maybe it really is time to learn how to play fair and share, like everyone learned in kindergarten.

    There is a massive political victory in this - restoring coal jobs guarantees West Virginia will vote GOP or at least conservative democrat for the next 30 years. Restoring the US steel business will guarantee Pennsylvania and Michigan go for the GOP. Minnesota's taconite range on the north shore of Lake Superior supplies almost all the raw materials for the steel industry (or did - now they ship it to China).. Sadly, the GOP Senators are only pissed because their donations will go down - they don't care, or likely are too dumb to understand the math. Flip West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and potentially Minnesota and there will not be a Democrat in the White House for 30 years. Our heated politics will subside because we won't be down to counting chads every cycle. The 50/50 split of politics would be overturned significantly, and we can go back to life as normal with the democrats occupying the "loyal opposition" seats.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
      I've been wrong before but Minnesota has a California envy with a brain freeze mentality. The iron range has been a Dumbocrat stronghold for decades. Obama pumped so many Somali and then burka clad Muslims to add to the previous flood of Chicago gangsters and the myopic dogooders in the twin cities.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
        I happen to have been born and raised in Bemidji, and have a shit-load of relatives on the iron range, and my father was from Duluth, so I spent a ton of time there as well. True, most of the iron range is fairly democrat, although a democrat in Minnesota is basically the equivalent of a moderate republican on the left coast. The majority of rural northern Minnesota is very conservative, and very pro-2nd Amendment. Most of the democrat voters are primarily uninformed and vote because that is how their parents voted, etc. There is also unfortunately a high welfare percentage, which also contributes, primarily derived from the large reservations, but also a lot of underemployed. Outside of the Twin Cities, private industry is nearly non-existent with more than 5-10 employees, if you don't own the farm or business, or work for the government, income is negligible.

        Generally, I agree on the Twin Cities.

        No idea what you are talking about with brain freeze mentality.. Minnesota has and continues to be generally in the top half-dozen in the country for quality of public education.

        If you drive across the border to Grand Forks, ND though, it's a different world (60 miles from where I grew up), ultra conservative, high incomes, pro-development, pro-NRA.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
          Outside of two years in Kalifornia's I have lived in
          The twin cites 59 years. Even with all the corruption exposed by the Clinton/Obama statists people's minds for a large part still think the dems are for the greater good. That's what I mean by brain freeze their mind is set and no facts will change it. Https:// The state has a great history of production and innovation that has been slowly suffocated by regulations and taxes. Mom and pop businesses are becoming rare and The heirs of great businesses like Gov Dayton have no clue
          What it took to accumulate the fortune they benifit from.
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          • Posted by 7 years ago
            In Detroit the great family department stores have melted away like the dew on a sunny morning. The have merged, or just given up. Soon their names won't even be remembered. If you want to see their names displayed you can visit the local cemataries. J.L. Hudson merged with Dayton and eventually disappeared. No more standing under the clock at Kern's to meet someone. Some stores are not even a memory. Bye-bye to 15 story retail stores with huge elevators and elevator operators who announce each floor. Sweet memories of childhood boredom.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
              Big businesses can absorb the regulations and pass it on to the consumers after the small fish are eliminated and competition is stifled. I am deeply concerned that Amazon will be the only source of many goods in the future . If we have a a Carrington type of event destroying our electric grid ,how will we order product?
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          I often wonder if some of you read the same post that I posted. None of your reply seems to pertain to it at all. I was born during the great depression in Detroit. A town that lived or died with the auto industry.Lots of hardship. I remember my parents finishing the food I left on the plate because my mom had a budget of $5 per week for food. (Good thing I was a picky eater). Funny thing, though, all of the small auto makers were still in business when things started picking up. Hudson, Packard, and Studebaker were still chugging along. It wasn't until the 50's when things were booming that they started going out. I wonder why?
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
      Funny how so many Americans believe that there is a money tree which will provide money for those whose jobs never are created because of the shift of money to the tariffed goods. Pay more for something and you have less money to buy from those possible new jobs which produce other goods and services. Tariffs are just an example of the broken window fallacy of seeing only the apparent and missing the unseen which no longer can come into existence.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
        Not in all cases - nations like China subsidize industry, so the sale price of their products doesn't necessarily reflect the cost of producing it plus a reasonable profit. Their idea is to undercut competitors to the point that they capitulate. Once gone, the predator can raise prices to any level desired, control the market availability, etc.

        Genuine competition that is more efficient is good for the economy, as you say, when on a level playing field and just better at what they do. Subsidized competition damages legitimate businesses.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
          Why try to punish those who subsidize their products and sell under your higher price which means that less money is available for other goods for not having to pay the unsubsidized price? They are punishing themselves already. Just buy the lower cost goods that compare in quality with the higher price good and have some money left to purchase elsewhere in those businesses which you do no see being created with the money that went toward higher priced tariffed goods.There is no fair or level playing field, just those who wish to get something that the market will not provide without force (law). If someone wants to sell at under cost, take them up on it. Their behavior will improve as the losses increase and you will be back to those higher prices that seem to be wanted by POTUS. What seems to be wanted are some kind of guaranteed jobs with wages higher than a free market would provide. That would mean those not in those by law enforced jobs would get the shaft due to less money for their employments. Of course, it will be said that the consumer will not see higher prices and that others will not get the shaft because the producer will not pass on the costs due to the tariffs.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
            Because while you are enjoying a "lower priced good", 85% of the federal budget is being sent to entitlements and welfare and it is definitely not a better "deal" to get some cheap shit from Walmart and send the rest of your paycheck to the government in the form of income tax to support the unemployed with. The only way we get the country out of the economic malaise is to get the able bodied working again. Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, others are zombie economies. While the CNN-lefty argument is that we "will" sell finished goods back to the Chinese and Germany, in reality, it has never happened. They buy very little from Boeing or Caterpillar, the Chinese are building their own jumbo jets, and Germany only buys from the French government-owed Airbus because the EU tariffs the hell out of Boeing. You see... everyone else manipulates their currency quietly or openly just imposes protectionist policies. We're the only dumb-shits that don't and we send trillions a year of wealth out of the country, it shows back up in our stacking national debt.

            Complaining about something doesn't get action, Trump knows that, slap a tariff on them to get their attention. They will either adjust their behavior, or sell less, or reach a new deal.

            The Chinese have to be dealt with before they become too wealthy and too powerful. Right now they have a row boat of an aircraft carrier and a token military force, 10 years from now if unchecked, they will probably overtake us, their pace of improvement has been impressive and they steal everything they don't have.

            Millennials have no concept or recollection of full employment... we have been in a phony paper-inflated economy their entire lives. They will jump off the lefty train when they see American industry pumping at full speed for the first time in their lives.

            The old plan hasn't worked out very well.. ever since Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton jumped us on the free-trade wagon, we went from about $500 billion in national debt under Reagan to $22 trillion now. 3 years from now, 50% of Federal annual revenues will be allocated only to INTEREST on the debt. It really is time to try a different approach.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
              Why are you considering what other countries do in trade with their governments causing all kinds of market misbehaviors.
              Recall that under Reagan, the debt increased by almost 1.7 trillion dollars.
              Back in the early 1960s, I started to watch how the slow exponential growth of government budgets and debts were going and knew that they would be running away in the future. That future has arrived. There is no painless cure. The debt growth sometimes declines a bit but the exponential growth rate will continue.
              You seem to make balance of payments an important thing. You buy something and give something in return. You buy something from Japan, say, and give a, somewhat quasi-value as dollars, in return and somehow believe that those dollars are still yours! They belong to whomever you bought from to do as they desire with them. Do you get all worked up for the balance of payments of purchases with another state? Is the other state required to buy from your state with the dollars you payed? It is no different between countries. In fact, it might be good to send worthless paper out of the US economy since the government keeps inflating the money supply which would cause price rises if it were suddenly returned. In the market, that money can be returned if you produced something desired that the other countries peoples would want. USA does that in certain areas but as more wealth is created, many countries produce most everything that the citizens want. New technology is the main way to get the money back. Just keep producing new killing machines that the money holders want and the money will trickle back to the USA.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                I re-read my post and then, put it side by side to your post.I guess I'm missing something.I think you're answering someone else's post.Either that or I'm still asleep and dreaming.
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              And so -- what do you do? Refuse to fund the waste you see accumulating all around you? Well then, be prepared for the (in the words of Jerry Lewis) "The soldiers up the street are coming down." "They" have the military and rebellion is greatly frowned upon.
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              • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
                No, rebuild the economy to be less reliant on (higher education and skills-based) services, and provide more of the opportunities that used to employ the inner cities. If you haven’t noticed, it’s working, hundreds of billions in new plants are being built - we haven’t seen that since the 60’s.

                Then you stop throwing fish, and teach them how to fish for themselves.
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                • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                  There is no "the economy", it is just a abstraction and thus does not exist to be repaired. There are only individual actions which may be in the realm of economics. Get government out of the way and then individuals can learn to repair their own actions such as in education, drug usage, and all the thousands of areas into which a government interferes. You want more government to provide more for the individual which, as more is provided, you get those problems of the inner cities and most every where else.
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          • Posted by 7 years ago
            You talkin' to me?When I was in retail, I was at the forefront of trying to repulse government interference. But even back then, all I heard from many other retailers was competition meant " dog-eat-dog" and that was bad.. What could I do.? give everyone a lesson in free market economics? My generation was already the recipients of the philosophy of the children of the Great Depression.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          It's an old trick. We here in the USA do it to one another all the time. The solution is to cut back on costs and hang in there until the predator either starts to run out of money or feels the loss isn't worth the game. Seen it over and over in our own competition with each other.I'm afraid that raising tariffs, while it feels good and vengeful will bite us in the ass in the long run.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
            No, you wont be able to hang in there that long. China produced more steel in 1 Month (any month) last year than the whole of the US economy did the entire year. Unlike the undercutting competitors you speak of, their industries have the depth of resources of the world’s largest economy and government behind them. You can’t wait it out.

            We are about to embark on a trillion dollars or so of much-needed and very overdue infrastructure repair. My wife is a civil engineer for storm water systems on freeways and an expert on water-scour degradation on bridge embutments. You have no idea how bad it is, the freeway collapsing in Minneapolis into the river could happen in any American city, in fact, that one wasn’t even the worst-rated one.

            If we don’t do this, we would borrow and spend a trillion dollars that would basically go straight to China for materials, and only create more temporary “installer” jobs here. Building the stuff here gets 5 times the economic effect, and for materials, it at most would add 5-10% to the project cost.

            We are not going to nationalize our industries and convert to socialism (at least now that Obama is gone), but we do need to protect our struggling businesses and workers.

            We just gave them a great tax cut and the ability to repatriate their money - now protect their business wile they recover.

            We cannot keep supporting people with the socialist safety net, that never fixes the problem and only fetches more gangs, drugs, and violence.
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              Thanks for the input. Many contingencies that I had not considered. You know, the presidency is a herder job than first revealed. How did we mange to survive Barak and Billy?
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              • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
                the core problem is our failed k-12 education system, it's caused mostly by the failed family structure, but big ticket costs to our economy stem from not educating big swaths of people.

                If you look at the debt, it has gone out of control since Bush 41 in lockstep with free trade. Sure crap from China got cheaper, but then we incurred massive welfare, Medicaid, housing allowance, and food stamp costs. Around 25% are on some form of welfare, and that doesn't include social security or the questionable permanent disability claims.
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                • Posted by 7 years ago
                  Peel away the fancy economist names and phrases and its as simple as money in less than money out at an ever increasing rate. Sort of like the big bang theory. The universe, created out of nothing, yet keeps expanding. As to our education system, the tthree most important subjects are not taught.
                  History, Economics, and how to handle money.
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                  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
                    Exactly, common sense business people don't buy into inflationary economics. Wall Street loves free trade because it turns companies into distribution warehouses with lighter overhead, but it's not good for the economy as a whole.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
                Both of them only concerned themselves mostly with holes .One on a golf course the other well you know....
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                • Posted by 7 years ago
                  Yet, we elect them. Saved by the bell this time.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
                    Evidence of the perils this country faces due to ignorance fostered by our public education.
                    Many in this country have been taught and it is reinforced thru the media to react emotionally rather than considerate reasoning.
                    An example is the uproar from people
                    Because Trump suggested Teachers arm themselves. You never hear any uproar about armed guards in banks and armored trucks.
                    Is that because money is more valuable than children? I have never heard of a an incident caused by those guards harming the general public. Can't say I actually really ever thought about it.
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                    • Posted by 7 years ago
                      The very thought of causing physical harm to another person is so repulsive as to make it the greatest of crimes. My solution would be to create a new Devil's Island but unlike Guantanemo, it should be run under the harshest of conditions, regardless of what the bleeding hearts say. The Libs will tell you that when you do that you're no better than the criminal. Nonsense. If ever there was faulty logic, that is it. You didn't initiate the violence. The punishment is well advertised. The criminal is telling you that in spite of the possible punishment, they are resorting to violence, they deserve isolation from the human race, whipping, and rotten food.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
      Agree, with one exception: there are no conservative Democrats. Joe Manchin, Senator from West Virginia, sounds conservative on occasion, but he pretty much votes the party line.
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      • Posted by 7 years ago
        Once upon a time, the south was awash with conservative democrats. This is no longer true. In their place, we find far left radicals. It has become the anti-American party Wishing to turn the land of George Washington into the land of George Soros.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 7 years ago
        Agree, although I think the Dems will have to shift at some point. They are a fraction of their power they had in the Tip O'Neill days as it is. They are at best, a regional political power. If they continue on their current path, the next step will be adding "Armed" in front of that "Resist" slogan. They fired on Fort Sumter... eventually they will move beyond burning cars and stores and smashing Starbucks windows to terrorism to get their views published. Recently I've started seeing even moderates hinting at the possibility of civil war. They won't win, obviously, but if you keep pushing a caged animal back into a smaller and smaller corner, eventually they explode.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          They are beginning to realize that their ideas suck and they must resort to violence. This is no longer the democratic party as we knew it in the past. This is now, the anti founder's party, they might call it the Revenant Party.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
    On the wall above my PC hangs a Founding Fathers Calendar sent to me by Judaical Watch (along with a donation request, of course).
    Each month features a quote by a Founding Father.
    I just glanced up at a drawing of John Adams' face after hanging that calendar back up. I pulled it down to again read a quote George Washington made on the January page, which is~
    "Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light."
    When I first read that during New Years Day, I immediately thought of all of Trump's Tweets about Fake News.
    "--pains taken to bright it to light" is not what Obama's "It's Bush's fault" did about being lied about. Even while he was president, Bush would just smile and be what he thought was being presidential above it all while the fake news merchants smeared the crap out of him.
    I prefer Trump's approach over being a sitting duck for a bunch of jabbering feces-throwing chimpanzees.
    Me dino apologizes if I have offended any jabbering feces-throwing chimpanzees for making this comparison to the toxic lowest of the low life forms of the drive-by media. I only did it for illustrative purposes.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
      911 was on Bush's watch. It could not have happened without complicity and utter stupidity. Bush's response was to destroy our liberty and wreck America's economic future. He ranks with the worst presidents in history, and that's not fake news. (Yes, Obama was worse, but Bush's actions/inactions opened the door for him.)
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
        I recall Bush's response to a stock market crash was jacking up the national debt because culpable institutions like Fannie Mae were "too big to fail."
        Forgotten is the lesson of how the government handled the stock market crash of 1920. That time some things failed and some things didn't because the free market was allowed to correct itself in its own way. Next thing that happened was the boom called The Roaring Twenties.
        What goes up must come down and along came the crash of 1929 that was handled just the opposite way by an all-knowing all-seeing progressive Big Brother.
        Bush set his own self up as the perfect fall-guy for Obama's "lookit him not me" art of deflection.
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      • Posted by 7 years ago
        America was salivating for revenge. Remember the outbreak of American flags and super patriotism?Had he done nothing I'm pretty sure the nation would have turned its ire on him. No one had heard of bin Laden to any extent, but Saddam had a bull's eye on his back.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
          That part of "America" was brainwashed by the bullshit government generated MSM media disseminated conspiracy theory.
          How much of that so-called "salivation" was "fake news"?
          "America" doesn't jump to such conclusions without lots of widely spread lies. Bush was the "decider" at the time. He had the bully pulpit to counter the lies, but he encouraged it instead.
          Bush gets the blame for his actions and inaction, whether complicit or just stupid.
          Bush agreed to policies that bankrupted the country and destroyed privacy and liberty. Obama carried on those policies and added more; he knew the GOP would not stand in the way. They all betrayed all Americans and are deserving of execution for treason.
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          • Posted by 7 years ago
            Make no mistake, I am in total agreement with you, going all the way back to Pearl Harbor where we now know that FDR knew almost a year in advance of Japan's plans for the December 7 attack.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
      Judicial watch is a good organization IMHO.
      28 years of Bushes Clinton's Obama's painstakingly destroying the American way of life.
      I don't know if I ever heard anything come out of any of those oh so presidential mouths that wasn't a lie. Except this but we were not supposed to hear it.
      Trump is more presidential in one little tweet
      than all of them combined.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
        Thanks for posting that King Barry slime.
        That hot mic catching that Obamanable treasonous kissing up to Putin should be played over and over much more.
        Entitling future displays as "Real Russian Collusion" would work for me.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          Russian collusion? There you have it!
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
            All wrapped up in a few seconds of Bozo Barry incriminating himself.
            No way, Jose, could The Donald get away with that like that being a special progressive with a skin pigment did.
            On second thought, methinks any progressive can get away with that, especially The Evil Hag.
            So far $hillary has gotten away with all kinds of crap--way, way more than Tricky Dicky.
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              More advanced technique.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
                And birds of a feather fluff together.
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                • Posted by 7 years ago
                  Do you know what a "fluffer" is?
                  Hint: Its related to porn.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
                    I know what a "fluff piece" is and it isn't related to porn. Think CNN interviewing The Evil Hag.
                    Just looked up fluffer. Golly gee whiz boy howdy!
                    One thing I keep a-saying about The Gulch is that I keep learning stuff here.
                    Wonder if Slick Willie needs one of those these days.
                    Now imagine a flick made of Bill and Shillary--NO! Oh, no! I just p;physically cringed!
                    The horror! The horror!
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                    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
                      Several years ago during an office meeting.
                      Some one mentioned the cialis commercial
                      Where the couple are outside watching the sunset in separate bath tubs. Judy my secretary
                      Who had seen better days several decades before and had let herself go so to speak. She said "Can you imagine Donald and me in those tubs?
                      Yikes . I just thought about the stress from that sexual innuendo and think maybe I should contact the HR dept. and claim harassment and disability
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                      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
                        My first semi-retired job was that of a security guard at Bellsouth Data Center where a fat female cook at the center's eatery had a female supervisor of mine hound me about becoming interested in her.
                        We, me dino just said no. And I just said no. And I just said no. Sometimes I'd just shrug but that also meant no. No. And no. No. Another day another no. No. No. No.
                        Then one day the security company won another contract and transferred me to a fancy outdoor shopping mall called The Summit.
                        Yes! Yes! Yes! Yay!
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          • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
            The DNC Emails released by wikileaks came from a murdered Seth Rich.
            The DeepStateCrimeColluders killed the source of the leaked emails then blamed the Russians for hacking. Nobody gave a second thought to the Podesto "Satanic Spirit Dinner" or other stomach turning corruption. They were so proud of that false flag (Russia) it has been their lifeline for a year. Of course the truth is prevailing. Some long vacations to gitzmo are in order . Military tribunal style for the treason. Crowdstrike a cybersecurity firm claimed evidence of a hacked DNC server. They are like Fussian GPS a hired tool for deception.
            CrowdStrike is owned by a guy who is a member of the Atlantic Council. Evelyn Farkas is also a member of the Atlantic Council. Evelyn was one of Hillary Clinton's campaign advisers and she worked as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia under Obama. Such cozy incestuous connections happening last year during the campaign! Even though Evelyn was done in 2015 under President Obama, she was obviously still getting security updates (most likely through Hillary Clinton) and during the transition period from November to January, Evelyn has admitted that there was a second surveillance going on against Trump and his transition team, because she told Mika on Morning Joe that she was worried that all the information that had been gathered by Obama's people would be lost forever and then she pointed out that that's why there were leaks to the media in January!
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
          They always accuse what they themselves abuse.
          The elephant should be a hippo for the hipocracy
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
            Me dino thinks it's criminal human nature to smoke and mirrors divert attention from themselves by playing a blame game at the expense of others.
            I can think of four different corrupt corrections officers who were into that shortly before they got caught.
            Such misuse was made of a reinstated officer who was transferred to our prison after he won a lawsuit against against a warden who fired him from another.
            He was called a crook by an officer who was caught smuggling in marijuana the very next day.
            Another officer caught drug smuggling the very next day told me dino he was smarter than me.
            Noting that the dude seemed to be acting a tad intoxicated, I was all like "Well, you made the highest grade point average when we went to advanced training last week."
            That was the last time I ever saw that genius, though I did hear that deputies took him from the prison to the county jail.
            Once officer who ran ICS (Inmate Control Systems) picked on me dino when I was getting a divorce. He even told a deputy warden to look out for me because I "may go off in One Block" where I was being assigned a lot at the time.
            Turned out that the ICS officer was making parents pay him cash if they wanted Inmate Sonny Boy assigned to preferred prison job or moved into cell blocks with relatives, friends, lovers and whatnot.
            One morning I was assigned to a tower and headed for the front gate when I saw the cur in handcuffs escorted by the warden and a couple of DOC detectives. Feeling kinda raw over what the cur had been saying about me, I actually had to force myself not smile as I pretended cur was not there and merely said, "Morning, sir," to the warden, who looked just a tad amused. He wasn't that deputy warden but those uppity-ups do talk to each other.
            Last I heard about the cur was that he was doing life without parole at a prison beside Montgomery. Guess he committed other crimes when released on bond.
            A gray-headed officer who liked to laugh and cut up while joking about the failings of other officers was caught having homosexual sex with an inmate in a cell. That inmate had. That officer had actually given that inmate photographs of himself.
            BTW, we lost two females for having heterosexual sex. One was doing with an inmate and the other with a male officer, who also was fired. The last two got caught because they were too busy up in a dorm cubicle to notice inmates fighting.
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              The reproduction of the species is a powerful incentive. Which is why the entire concept of marriage came to the fore. Otherwise men, and compliant women would be sexing, drinking, toking, and enjoying the fruits of the earth. And then, there's that troublesome big brain that keeps curiosity buzzing atound the electricity of the brain generators.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                One of the scout leaders did a masterful rendition of "The Man with the Golden Arm " and with the final shout "You took it!" the accused jumped up fell into the campfire and got soaked with the pail of water used to keep the fire from flaring up. too high. Some day I'll write a guide on "How To Make a Memory."
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
    I'm starting to think that it's not that Trump is in's that the leftist progressives are not. Man, they leave a path of destruction. I still don't consider myself a Trump supporter. I don't really support any candidate anymore. But, I'm certainly not a Dem supporter. They all should be limited to only working one week out of the year, with no special interests. Problems solved...
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
    What a great title. I have been called a republican because I hate what the leftist frauds are all about.
    I self describe my self as anti establishment.
    Trump has the establishment reeling .
    His resilient strength and confidence coupled with honesty and ............a true desire to improve the USA.
    The Political parties be damned
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 7 years ago
    The reason I preferred Trump to Clinton (though I voted for Johnson) was that he's loathed by the establishment of both parties. I figured that no matter which party controlled Congress, it wouldn't cooperate with Trump the way it did with Dubya (when Republicans had a majority) and LBJ (when Democrats did). And so it has been. Trump hasn't created any big new agencies or spending programs. These days, I'll take that as a win.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Doesn't look as if he's likely to create such institutions.If anyone thinks it is tough to get something passed, just try to get rid of it once it has passed. It's the old irrisistible force meeting an immovable object.
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  • Posted by exceller 7 years ago
    Much has been said about Trump's Twitter messages. Two reasons: 1) no President has ever done it the way/extent Trump is; 2) the country has not known before the personal side and thinking of the president in office. Through his messaging we know exactly what he thinks and why. He effectively took out the media, that is why they hate him. He is not trusting the PR lawyers like Obama did with doing the job for him and announcing that "there is not one smidgeon of evidence" in the IRS scandal when everyone knew there was.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
      Scandals usually result in trouble for the participants.Cover ups, lies cheat use the govt illegally no problamo. True that President a Trump took out the media or bypasses them but The media hates him because he represents success and also the majority of the producers in this country.
      In case you have not noticed the media is a joke they are a propaganda machine for the statists and are useful idiots (to be kind).
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      He also uses Twitter for misdirection. When the libs get suckered in to reply to a tweet, its as if they are on a mountainside shooting off canons until the avalanche hits.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
    It's like he does what the left does to us often...Hey!...look over here!...while slight of hand hides their collusion with russia, ongoing marxist tactics and in general taking down what it is to be an American.

    Except!!!, in Trumpets case, behind the fake shadows, his is doing America's work, reducing regulations, getting rid of undesirables and working on eradicating the left's agenda.

    Today, was a bit weird though, but, I hope, it was the same kind of thing, sounding like democrap, he states: "we have to take the guns first because the justice system is too slow."

    I agree, the justice system is way to slow and way too costly but...if he means what he just said and the way he said it...I might just jump OFF the band wagon...
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Never take anything Trump says at face value. He uses language like a guy doing find the ball under one of the three cups. While saying seemingly crazy things, he suckers the left, every time.It's not unintentional or dumb. Most persons have nor caught on to him yet..
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 7 years ago
        My leftist friends STILL seem to have no idea of how they are being snookered. I have waited all my long life for something like what is finally happening, years and years of Republicans and conservatives caving to the Left's statement of their own moral superiority.

        My so-called libertarian friends who had read Rand proclaimed that everyone should support them because their causes were inspired by Rand. Trump comes along, has obviously read Rand but hardly ever mentions her, and uses a style of communication and misdirection that drives the Left batty.

        I've been a fan of H. C. Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes" since I was a wee lad, wishing someone would pull a trick like that in the Real World. Now the little kid with the orange hair seems to be doing it, but I think he was preparing during the entire time I was waiting.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          That little orange haired kid made himself a billionaire, don't forget. When I hear of politicians calling him dumb, and a show-off, etc. I think, "How many of you created an empire worth Billions?" He is far better at negotiation than any of them, And he's great at cups and balls. You'll never guess where the ball is unless he wants you to.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
          Leftists have been so angry, for so long, they've lost their sense of humor. They made the mistake thinking it was their rage that took down Nixon, but missed the fact that Reagan showed their rage didn't mean squat. Bush Derangement Syndrome didn't keep Dubya from serving two terms, and it's looking like Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't serving them very well, either. Staying irrationally angry all the time distorts thinking. Humor (real humor, not the nasty name calling that passes for Democrat humor these days) is a balance to rage, restoring the ability to think logically.
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