Senator Joe?

Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago to Politics
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With Joe Arpaio running for the Senate in Arizona, it is bound to make gun control a big issue. Joe is a wiinable Republican seat, unless Joe Arpiao, the former ultra conservative Sheriff gets caught in a quagmire of gun control discussion. The once mostly rural Arizona has been invaded by hordes from the northeast and they came to the dessert in a Democratic bandwagon, not a Horse with No name. As a result an easy win for Joe isn't so easy anymore.If he's smart, there are concessions that Arpaio can discuss that will be acceptable to all parties. Since the Democrats have recently been proclaiming on CNBC and CNN that the SECOND AMENDMENT IS SACRED AND INVIOBLE NOW AND FOREVER then the following reasonable measures can be espoused by Arpaio, as follows: No more gun free zones anywhere. Immediate execution of mass killers treating them as terrorists. The end of playing games with criminal trials which give leftists lawyers the opportunity to spout off their nonsense. This is a war. And, in a war, you kill off the bad guys.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
    The left hates Sheriff Joe.
    He believes people should be responsible for their behavior. The left never assumes responsibility.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
      And that is why they cannot "respond differently".
      That is accentually what responsibility is.
      Responding differently is "Consciousness" in action.
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      • Posted by mrdenis 7 years ago
        The left will dig up some woman or girl Joe dated 40 years ago which he could have had a inappropriate relationship .....waiting for it
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          I think that ploy is getting old already. I suspect that it will wash off him like water off a duck's back. No one who has lived over 60 years has made some mis-steps along the way We have faced so many bogus scandals in regards to Trump that I think it will no longer work. We'll see.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
          Don't forget piling on phony charges of racism too. In Alabama, that two-fisted combo of racism and sexual misconduct was replayed, replayed and replayed as Judge Roy Moore attacks on local TV stations, thanks to money that poured in from California and me dino suspects George Soros had something to do with that bankrolling too.
          If a poor minority family has anything in the USA, it will be a TV that at least picks up the local TV stations.
          In Alabama, blacks turned out in droves to vote against Moore.
          Arizona has lots and lots of Hispanics that Joe has already been accused of profiling. If me dino were Gloria Allred, I'd be thinking that there ain't just white women in Arizona eager to take money to make accusations.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      If people are held responsible for their actions based on bogus beliefs, then they need help when they fail. Those of us "lucky" enough to have the resources to help, should do so. If not you will be forced to help. it is only humane. So Sayeth The Left Handed God.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
    I honestly don't know that he could stand up to the leftist scrutiny...somewhere along the line this past year, I read some, (probably made up) questionable stuff about him.
    I like the platform though.

    Justice should always be swift...would be a whole lot cheaper too.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      You might be surprised at how beloved Joe is. Like Trump, people who bad-mouth him still wind up voting for him.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
        Yes...I have observed that.
        But, with the left there is always somthin.
        If they weren't so hypocritical and inconsistent we might be able to have a conversation...it's like talking to my mother in law...they cease upon a word and won't let go!
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          You cannot argue with irrational people. Don't waste your breath. What I find remarkable is how libs can build an entire philosophy on a false premise. The struggle becomes getting them to go back, and back, and back until they finally see that 2+2 doesn't equal 6.
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        • Posted by $ Snezzy 7 years ago
          That'll be "seize upon a word" rather than "cease", right?

          Herb's right, it is not worth arguing with irrational people. Instead turn the conversation to something else, either something productive, or something that sends the irrational or difficult person on a fool's errand.

          The fool's errand can be quite effective. Donald Trump uses his tweets to deflect critics. A hundred years ago our family used the technique on a difficult but very sweet aunt. She would try to help in the kitchen, and the result would inevitably be either argument or disaster. So instead the family would set her doing something else. "Aunty, the flower pots in the garden shed need to be rearranged. Could you please go and do that?" She might break a flower pot or two, but the scalding-hot kettle would not get tipped over, and a peaceable and delicious dinner would be saved.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years ago
    I have stated numerous times on the Gulch that it is the refugees from Kali that are bringing with their Socialist Philosophy to Arizona. Unfortunately, for them this is one of the heaviest armed states in the Union. We have a state gun owners group called: Arizona Citizen Defense League that informs members on any anti-gun bills passing through the State gov't. They have been very effective in defeating such legislation.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years ago
    I can't go along with denial of due process.
    While "gun-free zones" are idiocy, getting rid of them should apply only on public property; private property owners have the right to prohibit them on their property. (With the possible exception of private properties where children are gathered, in which cases the people in charge have not only the right but the obligation
    to protect the children).
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years ago
    I love Sheriff Joe....but we will be putting too much faith in someone as old as he is. Even if he gets elected he wont finish his term. I see him as a figure like Judge Roy Moore. Looks great but may not be able to be elected. Too may pinheads out there who will look at his age ...and he does look crusty...and not vote for him.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    While Joe may not have much of a chance against the Republican establishment candidate, Martha McSally, there's an interesting wrinkle if McCain's health continues to deteriorate. A special election for the second Arizona senate seat could be interesting. The Democrats would pounce on that, but they have a limited stable to throw up.
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