Breaking: Special Counsel Robert Mueller Charges 13 Russians for Election Interference

Posted by $ haseloff 7 years ago to Politics
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Here are the charges:
INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY, LLC was created as a 'software agency'
INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY, LLC received funding from a Russian
INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY, LLC operated social media pages and groups designed to attract U.S. audiences
Social media pages posted divisive political and social issues
Some 'defendants' traveled to the US under false pretenses (working in a software company)
INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY, LLC posted derogatory information 'about a number of candidates' and 'disparaged Hillary Clinton'
INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY, LLC bought political ads on social media
Some defendants 'posed as US persons and communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign' hoping to coordinate political activities (they are not being charged with being successful, just trying)
Defendants are charged with "making expenditures in connection with the 20167 U.S. presidential election without proper regulatory disclosure".
These are the charges?
On a scale of Influence-Operations up to Hacking-the-Election-OMG-Trump-is-Illegitimate, this represents child play that occurs in Every. Election. In. Every. Country.
SOURCE URL: https://steemit.com/news/@libertylol/breaking-special-counsel-robert-mueller-charges-13-russians-for-election-interference

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  • Posted by mia767ca 7 years ago
    I am confused...does free speech only belong to Americans??? or are they "natural" rights of every individual...and the govt fears that those who attended the govt indoctrination program known as "public high school" could be tricked into thinking other than how the govt wants them to think...lol
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years ago
    I agree, Mueller should be under investigation for Uranium One and the hiring of both lovers in the FBI case.
    Also, why is he not investigating the use of NOTmillions of our tax payer dollars to send his personal brown shirts to Israel to try to make sure BiBi was defeated, and they were making a difference. Then he did influence in the elections in Canada and Europe. I am more concerned over the fraud in the use of my taxdollars tto throw foreign elections, than in some silly Russian posts.
    Also, why is Soros getting off for doing more even than Russia did, hiring blacks to create violence and disrupt Trump rallies?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
    Briefly watching Fox News when TV surfing during lunch, me dino heard it said that the indicted Russians will now have problems passing through international airports.
    I was so impressed that I watched the ending of Sand Pebbles because I forgot how it ended since I saw it way back when.
    Spoiler alert! Steve McQueen's heroic character is killed off by some Chinese shooters sneaking around at night. Russians had nothing to do with it.
    Found something and came back here in time to edit. Those Russians got indicted just in time since passports are to become more expensive.
    Just send someone else to take care of your business when international airports are involved.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    Dastardly, demagoguing, democrats can't find anything negative to charge Trump with, but they hope to get the House and Senate back,in '018 which means an impeachment for sure.for Trump.
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  • Posted by RonC 7 years ago
    My take on this? Mueller didn't find anything on Trump or his campaign. He's a good democrat so he's not going to indict Hillary or Obama. He's been at this thing for months, now what to do? !!!How about indict foreign nationals (Russians) that will never be arrested because they are not in the US.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years ago
    Of course other countries "interfere" (which means put out their agendas". So did Hillary against Trump and Sanders. So did Trump against Hillary. So did Wikileaks against Hillary. So did Obama by going over to England to campaign against BREXIT. So did Obama trying to knock Netanyahu (sp) from Israel. BIG DEAL.
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