Alabama Legislation For Armed Teachers Being Introduced

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago to Legislation
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Guns have been used to protect homes for centuries, not to mention banks.
Why not schools where repeated massacres have taken place? Like that one this week in Florida.
Teachers would be trained to shoot, of course.
Hopefully, they would have an annual refresher course.
The State of Alabama required me dino to NRA qualify on an annual basis for 21 years as a corrections officer.
School kids will be better protected by teachers who remain familiar with whatever gun they use.
Me dino has the experience to vouch for that.
Come to think of it, enough time has passed that retired concealed carrying me needs to visit my favorite range sometime soon.

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  • Posted by chad 7 years ago
    There are never any mass shootings at gun shows where there are thousands of weapons and those 'gun nuts' are running around. This keeps occurring in unarmed schools. When an insane individual chooses a target he seems to think rationally about where he is least likely to be the recipient of a well aimed shot.
    When I was young we often carried guns in school and around the school. No shooting ever occurred there. The first line of defense is not the reaction of the police, they are always second at best. Being unarmed means the first line of defense is to stand in front of your students to take the bullets instead of stopping the intruder with your weapon.
    I don't understand why the socialists think this is a good idea and the only better idea would be to disarm every law abiding citizen. This often leads to the worst mass murders when the state has no one left to fear it turns on its own citizens and the numbers of dead soar from dozens to millions.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years ago
    Our local school have armed teachers. But I have trouble getting past teachers, well, being teachers.
    They usually are anti gun, so would they be effective? Also, that is not the solution to the problem, some of which began at the hands of schools, that is a band aid. Until schools address how they handle kids, call for medication, and what indoctrination they push, it will not be solved.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Methinks many an armed lib teacher could not stand by and watch their class room full of kids get slaughtered.
      Their own survival would also enter the equations.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years ago
        Yes, but would a bleeding heart liberal teacher hesitate that one second, esp. if the shooter was minority? I have seen from inside the classroom,a bully take down two boys at once, while the teacher stood and watched. She wanted to raise the beaters self-esteem, by not criticizing him. It became school policy to make the victims apologize to the bully for anything which might have upset them, even if it was nothing.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Ha! Suddenly I can just see a lib teacher who's reverently PC hesitating while a Muslim shooter from the Middle East is shouting, "Allahu Akbar!"
          King Barry would always give a little speech about how wonderful those poor picked on Muslims are after a radicalized one of those inflicted yet another body count.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
    Recently finished a weekend of CCW training. It was very enlightening. Unless I can be assured that nobody else in the world has any guns I think I'm going in the right direction. The training was interesting, with a great instructor, and it did open my eyes to facets of this that I might not have thought about. I do think teachers should have the option to be trained for and carry handguns.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Come to think of it, me dino has not any CCW training at all.
      Just the open carry training of a state corrections officer and my off and on semi-retirement training as an armed security guard.
      Dino getting older is fully retired for good now. I now carry a small 9mm Sig in my right front pocket where I used to carry my wallet.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years ago
    I can agree arming trained personnel in schools might help for now, however it's only a stop gap measure. It does nothing to solve the problem of why more people go berserk today than went berserk in the past. How much are we willing to spend on putting arms in our schools perhaps only to limit or reduce the number of casualties? How do we convince half the population that more gun laws and magazine laws may only limit the number of casualties during a given incident, not eliminate the casualties or incidents?
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      How much each state is willing to spend is pretty much up to each state. $0.00 is likely how much a state like Kalifornia is willing to spend.
      As for the half the population, there may not be a how.
      They're screwed in the heads for being indoctrinated without any let up.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    Giving inexperienced teachers a day or so of concealed carry training doesn't come close to providing them the skills necessary to respond effectively to a shooter scenario. I'd rather see veteran military and retired law enforcement volunteers acting as security. If the teacher is lucky, he or she will face an equally inexperienced would be shooter who wants to stay alive, and just the show of a gun will be enough to stop the event. If, however, the shooter is mentally unstable or suicidal, the teacher is not prepared for a gunfight.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years ago
    It should happen already. Also better security and access control to the environment.

    Finally, Dino... I have passed that test myself during some other multi-day weapons training. My favorite was having to transition from shotgun to handgun with a MALF and clear that with one hand, while holding the shotgun with the other hand, under time constraint, and back on target.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      That's different. My DOC training instructors required me to hold any and all firearms with both hands. Later I had to do the same for a couple of armed security jobs.
      But when it's just me I'll, of course, shoot any way I want as long as it is safe.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years ago
    if it is passed they should be required to wear the guns on an exposed holster.
    ALL male and female should be put through extensive training especially in quick draw.
    if they can't do it then they should be replace with teachers who can!
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Having been a semi-retired bank guard in a so-called "gun free zone," I was well aware that I was the first person bank robbers would want to neutralize.
      Nevertheless, if a wannabe school shooter knew there was an armed teacher in every other classroom or so, that should definitely be a deterrent unless the shooter wanted to commit suicide by teacher kinda like suicide by cop.
      As for "gun free zones," I concealed carry in such places all the time. I avoid metal detectors unless it's absolutely necessary for me to be unarmed in such a place, such as a courthouse or the local IRS building. .
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