The World According To Herbie

Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago to History
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A Little History
The world was changed by a lie put forth by a President. Not so surprising since most of them have been quite adept at the ability to lie convincingly to Americans, throughout history. The Gulf of Tonkin was a lie by LBJ, possibly one of the most lying of all Presidentsand this lie led to the Vietnam way going full scale.But It was all started by the assassinate President, JFKafter he had on very bad advice, Ngo Diem, the Catholic Prime Minister assassinated which was supposed to heal the Buddhist resentment of the Catholic takeove rafter1954.Then, Johnson and McNamara ran the war from the White House instead of the battlefield and didn't seem to care how many civilians were killed and wounded and driven into the arms of the Vietcongand thus the table was set for what became abortion on demand and the 50 to 60 million babies killed so that women could have sex without responsibility and with George Soro's mulri billions funding the growth of the radical left takeover of the Democratic Party.Meanwhile, Republicans not understanding the culture of America, was changing into a hatred of free market capitalism and hatred of the American ideal .

At that time it was still possible for Reagan to rebuild our military because there were still enough Democrats to vote pro-USA but somehow, that got lost through the Clinton years and then Bush made things a bigger mess because he had no understanding of the scope of Muslim terrorism throughout the world and mistook Saddam's secular Sunni dictatorship for the hegemonic growth of Shia Iran tat felt destined to conquer the world for Islam.Then came Obama. His 8 year mission was to terminate the USA as a world power and he succeeded beyond his dreams leaving Trump with a depleted military, and what just passed was a lifting of the squestration by a level of continuing leftist type spending that guaranteed the USA as a 3rd world country. Make America great again? We'll see.

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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 1 month ago
    After fighting this trend for over 50 years and watching it become worse than what I expected to see in my lifetime with no success in even impeding the progress of socialism I must admit I don't feel it will move toward liberty in my lifetime. I think it will continue on the road of democratic communism and America will die with a whimper instead of a bang as the sheeple continue to vote away their liberty by asking that everyone be plundered for their benefit.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Don't give up. Even if you remain a stalwart post against the power of destruction you're doing the right thing. There are 7 billion out there half of whom have never seen a book let alone read one.Remember the illumination you felt when first reading A,R.
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    • Posted by Maritimus 7 years ago
      Hello chad,
      Unfortunately, I have to object to your term "democratic communism". In my considered opinion it is a clear contradiction of terms.
      Early proponents of communism, Marx and Lenin, openly and approvingly called it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". Its name is derived from Paris Commune, an attempt at revolution after the defeat of France in its 1870 war with Prussia. It was bloody and murderous, ending in the "bloody week" and defeat, after it lasted only two months.
      I lived for 18 years in one of the communist "democracies" and could spend your lifetime giving you examples after many examples, showing that it is a brutal dictatorship masquerading as democracy and "freedom for the people".
      It is now about 58 years since the slide into socialist hell started in America. around 1960. Notice that it was the working class voters that understood and begun the change in 2016 election. But it is like turning a humongous aircraft carrier by 180 degrees. It may take another 58 years to point it to the proper direction, toward individual freedom and prosperity that all working people deserve. On the other hand, it may be just a tremulous variation in course with no bright future as its target. As someone else in this discussion said, it will be up to the American people to decide which way the course will evolve.
      As you can tell, communism invokes some emotions in this old guy. I could not refrain from trying to remind everybody within the ear shot of its true nature. I think that it is very important that the people know the truth behind the leftist propaganda. Ask Ayn Rand. She felt it on her own skin!
      Stay well.
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years ago
        You lived under Communism for 18 years?! (To Maritimus) How horrible. Where did you come from and how did you get out?
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        • Posted by Maritimus 7 years ago
          Hello, LibertyBelle,
          I do not feel comfortable writing it here. I will send you the story privately. It is a long story, I need to warn you.
          All the best to you.
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          • Posted by 7 years ago
            My grandmother's cousin Benjamin escaped from the gulag. His story is also a long one. I was gratified to see him get to America, become a citizen, and get married starting from the time I was a teen up until I got engaged myself.We were also fortunate in that he was a sweet and, intelligent, man.
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            • Posted by Maritimus 7 years ago
              Hello, Herb,
              Many of the immigrant stories are fascinating and show that luck always plaid a part.
              All the best.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                Everyone in my family with the exception of my father and me were born in the "old country." In the case of my father, of his 8 brothers and sisters, 4 were born in Poland, and he was the 1st to be born in the USA. So, we were very close to new immigrants. It was like we had one foot in America and one foot in Europe.
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      • Posted by chad 7 years ago
        I agree with your definition. What I was trying to point out is that America is sliding into communism by voting it into existennce and at one point it will be as you pointed out a communist dictatorship pretending to be a democracy as China and Russia liked having the word Republic in the name of their countries although they were nothing of the kind. Many dictatorships pretend to be for the people allowing them freedom of speech, ownership of property, right to public trial under their 'constitutions' while of course none of those rights really exist. The example I use is not turning a ship around but Gulliver, imagine being tied down by millions of ropes none of which individually could hold him down and a few being undone while others are still being applied. I guess after fighting this trend for so long and not seeing any positive results I tend to believe that nothing will be done at this point to actually 'change course' as it were. Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          In 1776 people in North America had no choice. Wealth and well being was there for the taking so long as you were willing to work for it. It was unique in that way. There were no lords and ladies, land owners or centuries of inheritance. It was work and become wealthy or starve, nothinh much in between.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 8 months ago
        Good evening Maritimus,
        I would be very interested in reading your story. if ....... it is not to much trouble and not so personal that you don't want to rehash it.
        Warm regards,
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    We do have the government we deserve, sadly enough. I always liked the line from Shakespeare's Henry the VI, "let's kill all the lawyers." We have become the most litigious country on the planet, with more lawyers per capita than doctors, and the lawyers control the government. We have been so trained to fear the law that we are frozen from stopping government overreach, even when it is truly outrageous.

    Why are things so out of control and corrupt? I'll tell you why. Law involves the criminal and the corrupt. Eliminate those, and the lawyer is out of a job. The goal of a government controlled by lawyers is to weave so complex a net of laws that it becomes impossible for a sane person not to be in violation of one of those laws at any time. Become an identified enemy of the government, and you find yourself the target of a legal assault that will find you in jail or bankrupt, and most likely both. As one honest lawyer once told me, "It isn't a question of whether or not you've broken the law, but which law you've broken."

    The Deep State involves both lawyers and self serving bureaucrats. Trump is a danger to them mostly for his demand that more regulations be rolled back than created. That threatens to create holes in their carefully crafted net, resulting in a truly free populace for the first time in quite a long time.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Dr. Z., you are preaching to the choir. I have for many years been posting similar text. Damned if you do or don't, because the web of laws will get you either way. A simple prohibition becomes an entanglement of 20 pages rather than a single paragraph.Any law that takes more than ten pages to be written is no longer a law but a government control piece.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years, 1 month ago
    Follow the money (which buys pull).
    One of the problems became lobbying and the outright purchase of protectionism (pull).

    So, I create a company, do very well, but competition is going to come at me hard. What do I do. I can innovate, adjust, etc. Or, I can buy a lobbyist and get the laws changed so my competitors have to abide by different rules than I do. Lets say that I am a drug maker. And Burzynski has an interesting way to cure brain tumors. We can't let that come to light. So, WE vote that the FEE to the FDA to test ANY cancer drug is now $75 Million. This helps us justify our huge prices on the dugs, and it closes the door on any little guy from even TESTING his drugs.

    Play this out, and the government changes from referees to make sure the game is fair, to referees who "protect" the people from "risky small companies, with no ability to absorb lawsuits". And we wonder where the innovation went.

    We forced it to die in a foreign country! Technology and Intelligence are the last 2 areas that are hard to attack, but they do, with Patent Books, and INSANE Employment Contracts!

    It took down the Sumerians, it will take down EVERY civilization. BECAUSE like Businesses in capitalism, where Bankruptcy is REQUIRED to clean up the old stuff and create new opportunity...

    I believe societies must fall to make room for the improved ideas, and to clean out the "crust" that grew within them. We might simply have waited too long, to the point that are people our so dumbed down that they don't see the pressing urgency!
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      In every plan, there's always a catch. From Catch 22 to Catch 456, no plan is perfect. Ours comes closest. Lobbying is the unforeseen catch of the founders. That's why one of the most profound sentences in the English language is "Follow the money."
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years ago
    Well, things are getting worse and worse. But if we can convert enough Americans to Objectivism by
    rational persuasion, and showing them the truth by getting them to read Atlas Shrugged and other books by Ayn Rand, we may have a chance. But it will take a long time. (Though we'd
    better hurry up; if we don't, we might not have much time left).
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  • Posted by $ prof611 7 years ago
    ",,,50 to 60 million babies killed so that women could have sex without responsibility,,,"

    You say this without apology, when there are many of us who hold that life does not begin until birth. The time at which a fetus becomes a human is a philosophical issue that cannot be determined by logical reasoning.

    I wish that "pro-life" believers would confine their proselitizing to forums that deal with the abortion issue, and stop infusing their beliefs into every discussion.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      My main concern, while it seems uncaring, is for the lack of responsibility shown by the prospective moms. It would be different if there were no other options like adoption. Or the shaming of the woman as in the past. But neither of those are true any longer. Instead, giving birth is not convenient. so have an abortion. In a nice clean clinic with sympathetic faces all around. A few hours in the afternoon versus nine months. I may just be shallow enough that if I were a woman I'd opt for an abortion. I'm notc ondemning. It's the woman's body after all. But you must admit that carrying a child to term gives a person a lot more options than abortion.
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      • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years ago
        I'm a little bit younger than you, so I wanted to discuss this with someone up to the challenge, wink wink. You said that carrying a pregnancy to term gives a person a lot more options, but I agree with this, or atleast I don't understand what you mean. As I see it, there are only two options a prospective mother that finds out they are pregnant has: let the pregnancy continue or terminate. Its a decision that the mother (only in the case of an unwanted pregnancy, mind you) is faced with every day until the pregnancy reaches full term. Like you, I know I am too shallow to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term when I know that I don't want to have a child at that point in my life, and there is a means to terminate that is safe for me to do so. What do you mean by a prospective mother having more options by carrying a pregnancy to term? I have considered myself in how this would go if I hypothetically was pregnant and carried to term, what would be my options. I could only come up with keeping the baby or giving it up for adoption, and based on my background, I'd probably force myself to keep said baby and therefore sacrifice what would be my life if I had only decided to terminate when I knew that was what I wanted. In each case, it is still a choice that the potential mother has and must make each and every day, and therefore, they must live with the consequences of that decision. The responsibility is there whether you chose to continue the pregnancy, or terminate. To me, it just takes it's toll on a person in different forms depending on the decision and the psyche of the person. And shaming women who choose abortion still occurs today.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
    I would love to see the USA terminated as a world power, but I don't think we will in then next 30 years.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
      Why? What advantage to any but our enemies would that be?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
        In my view of America, we shouldn't have a significant standing army (or fed income taxes to fund it) beyond what's absolutely necessary. We should have militia composed of citizens with weapons, medical equipment, and repair equipment for the People to protect their country against invasion. There would have to be a minimal standing military for things like missile defense.

        Part of this is to save money and limit gov't power, but part of it is to underscore that the people grant rights to the gov't, not the other way around. The citizens are responsible for maintaining a republic, not government authorities maintaining an empire.

        In this fantasy scenario of mine, US would not be a world power and would not have bases from which to deploy troops, missiles, airstrikes, etc when one country takes over another or gives criminals safe harbor. Americans would hate to hear about tyrants abusing their people Venezuela or Syria but would not be able to do anything more than to serve as a model of what life looks like with pluralism, individualism, very few laws strictly enforced, guaranteed rights, impartial courts, and low taxes.

        Regarding enemy nations, I think we're moving slowly toward a world without nation states as we've known them. My desire is to have free places I described above in that future post-national world. My hope is that people are slowly abandoning ancient brother's-keeper values that maybe applied to small agricultural community but don't make sense in an advanced free economy.

        Sorry for the block of text to explain why I want USA terminated as a world power.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          There is no Shangri-La, nor will there ever be.I cannot foresee a time when there's any hope of an independent free country that is so powerful that it can remain free. To date, it is not in the nature of man to live without envy and greed. If it were we would have achieved a free state centuries ago.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
            "If it were [in our nature to live without envy and greed], we would have achieved a free state centuries ago."
            We have shown an ability to rise above our nature. We created democratic governments with constitutional limits to keep it from becoming a mob. Educated people who have their act together no longer turn to violence to resolve their differences. The foibles won't go away, but people can and hopefully will create freer ways to organize society. (I'm resisting the word state because future structures may not be similar to the nation state.)
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              I think I'm turning bitter. In the last few years many of my heroes have turned out to have feet of clay. In reviewing my posts of the last few years I have noted a definite downward trend, topped off by the horrible treatment of Donald Trump by people of whom I once respected.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
          No need to apologize. I like detailed explanations far more than "bumper sticker" vague statements. Here's where we disagree: the militia you envision already exists, as the 100 million American gun owners with 300 million guns and over 10 trillion rounds of ammunition. However, unlike the Swiss (the model I feel you're using as an example), these private owners do not have government standard equipment, coordination, or training. Facing an invading force, leaders and guerilla tactics would develop over time, but it's a clumsy way to rely on for defense. We might decide to better organize a segment of this ad hoc militia (10% would create a 10 million man army), disbanding the standing ground forces like the Army and Marines, transitioning more of them to trainers to take advantage of their combat experience to better train the militia.

          I do see the birth of an unpiloted air combat force that, combined with ground based antiaircraft and antimissile batteries could be a dependable element of a militia-manned defense. In theory, the unpiloted interceptors could be minimally guided by ground radar and GPS to their targets, with the actual intercept done autonomously.

          A standing naval force, to protect our coasts and ocean commercial activities, is a necessity. Large vessels like aircraft carriers could be mothballed. A submarine fleet of some composition will have to be part of that force.

          That would be my approach, probably in tiresome detail in achieving the goals you desire. In reality, I just don't see any scenario where we could go in that direction without inviting existing power brokers to demolish our connections with allies and the broader global commercial market, and possible even invasion. Russian President Putin has frequently "joked" about retaking Alaska, and China is longing to have Hawaii in its grip.
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          • Posted by 7 years ago
            Small arms are no defense against real weapons of war. One tank could easily obliterate a hundred small arms regiments.Not to mention some of the newer contraptions.
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            • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
              The idea would be to have the veterans train a militia to operate the more powerful weapons. Tanks are not always successful against a well trained infantry using mines and antitank weapons. When people say "militia" they often depict an unorganized mob, but a real militia has discipline and training. Anyway, I share your view that CG is engaging in fantasy.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
              "Small arms are no defense against real weapons of war."
              I know, and I'm not imaging relying only on small arms. I know small arms are insufficient, but I think you may underestimate the power of an armed population against a force that wants to invade and control a country.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                Perhaps. Letme say that I believe in an armed citizenry. But, I also do not want to delude myself or others into thinking that arms alone can change anything. If coupled with a just cause, now, we're talkin'.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                It will be a matter of guerilla warfare against standard army. Check out every rebel insurrection, and you find that hiding and striking is very effective and if it can be sustained it can make it too expensive for the regular army to continue throwing million dollar shells at the enemy.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
                  "you find that hiding and striking is very effective and if it can be sustained it can make it too expensive for the regular army "
                  Plus the regular army's objective may be to make the occupied people do specific things, while the occupied people's objective is just anything to disrupt the aggressor and make them leave. That gives the occupied country an advantage.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                Better than meekly marching off to unchallenged destruction. I am armed. Not as highly as I'd like to be, but my various disabilities only allow me a limited type of firearm.My point is that an armed citizenry can make a statement and cost the government dearly, but in the long run, can't win, unless the generals see the citizens as a better option. It happened under the Czar, but never again once the "people" were in charge.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
            "We might decide to better organize a segment of this ad hoc militia (10% would create a 10 million man army), disbanding the standing ground forces like the Army and Marines, transitioning more of them to trainers to take advantage of their combat experience to better train the militia."
            In my fantasy, there would be some system of coordination and training. It would be something like what the Founders were thinking of with a "well-regulated militia". It would just aim for being less of an institution, less of a portion of the economy funded by taxes, as big as it needs to be, but no bigger.

            My hope is the incentive to take over a country is decreasing. The spoils aren't land or gold anymore. Now it's Google, Amazon, and Apple. It's hard to take over and steal them.

            We talk about China invading Hawaii, but what about it invading South Korea or Japan? We talk about Russia invading Alaska, but what about it invading Finland? My thought is they don't because NATO and the UN won't allow it. In theory means groups of countries with pacts to defend each other, but in practice it means the US providing most of the security. It's a thankless job. I don't fully understand the history of how it came to be and why it's not a subject for debate. We're supposedly very divided, but everyone agrees we will spend a trillion dollars a year on war-related programs.
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            • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
              China is doing a pretty good job of buying Hawaii as it is, so no need to invade. Taiwan is the more likely target for China to physically invade. They did make an attempt to invade Vietnam, when that country invaded Cambodia to stop Pol Pot's massacre of his own people. That was a case of a Russian proxy, Vietnam, being challenged by China defending its proxy, Cambodia. That invasion did not turn out well for China, that was embarrassed by its troops being shown as incompetent to wage war against even a smaller enemy that was fighting on two fronts.

              China has backed away from another confrontation with India, even though they were victorious in their earlier border tussle. Despite building up an impressive war machine,, China appears to be using it as an elaborate jobs program.
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              • Posted by 7 years ago
                They need lots of sabers to rattle. Building a well armed military is cheaper than actually going to war. They may well win their battles bloodless and cheap.
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                • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
                  Remember, it was Sun Tzu, the Chinese general who wrote "The Art of War," who said that one who is always prepared, wins without fighting. Martial display and war games send a clear message about a nation's ability to be a dangerous enemy.
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            • Posted by 7 years ago
              I'm sure that there's a plan at the Pentagon for every contingency. In detail worked out to the nth degree with both win and lose. If Trump's election and nomination has taught me anything it is that there's not a politician around who can be trusted. Whose motives are not truly what they say they are, who won't turn on you the moment that they see it would be to their advantage. We saw it play out before our very eyes when pols who I thought stood for something and had integrity if even that they had the wrong ideas faltered and became just filled with hatred, lack of morality and venom toward anyone who was different. All the animus against Trump is nothing much more than bigotry. The hatred of those who hate because someone else is different, which is the very definition of prejudice.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          In my view, the primary reason for the existence of government at all is the protection of its citizens. We can take care of ourselves in all other circumstances, thank you very much.
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