Guardians of the Galaxy

Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 7 months ago to Movies
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Guardians of the Galaxy / Rated PG-13 for sci fi violence and a rude gesture by the leading man. Apparently improvised on the spot.

The film makers who created GOTG were brilliant and smart not to give anything away in the preview. It was actually filmed for promotional use and is not in the move in the preview form. This film is a delightful surprise. While the promotional preview looked promising it also looked Star Wars etc. derivative. In some ways it is. The gigantic outer space battle scenes. The character fights. All stuff we have seen before in one way or another.

As you get into the film you find that this movie has a lot more to offer. Originality. Humor. Irony. A clash of Galaxy wide cultures is cleverly incorporated into the story. And they never forget to be entertaining. They do it in 111 minutes with another 10 minutes of end credits leading up to a final scene with some ties to the same scene in the end of the credits in the original Thor film. One of the surprise cameo’s has been credited as Cosmo the Marvel Space Dog. Considering where he appears and the insignia on his space suit I would argue it is a famous dog named Little Curly and later called Laika or Barker (Born 1954 died November 3rd 1957) Those who lived during the time of Laika should remember this historically famous animal.

Chris Pratt (he lost 60 pounds for the film) plays Peter Quill aka Star Lord. CP also acted in Zero Dark Thirty and 128 episodes of TV’s Parks and Recreation as Andy Dwyer. He is currently filming the new Jurassic Park movie and may be in a forthcoming big screen version of Knight Rider. Zoe Saldana continues her successful career in space. She remains as Uhuru in the Star Trek series since 2009. She was also in Avatar and in three Avatar sequels in pre production and we assume the 3rd Star Trek film. This time she is green. David Bautista plays the big and heavily muscled Drax. His prior acting experience was primarily on the Pro Wrestling circuit. You will figure out why right away. Recent Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper is the voice of Rocket the Raccoon (?) and Vin Diesel voices Groot the Tree. He looks like an animated version of the trees in the first Tin Man scene in The Wizard of Oz. These folks make up the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The special effects are brilliant. With 170 million in the budget they should be. Tyler Bates provides a wonderful score best noticed during the End Titles. The rest of the time hit songs of the 70’s and 80’s take center stage. Can’t tell you how or why.

Producer, writer, director James Gunn does a terrific job of guiding the film to a highly satisfying conclusion. This is his biggest assignment to date. He also penned Scooby Doo and the 2004 version of Dawn of the Dead. A sequel to GOTG is announced in the end credits and planned for 2017.

Those who experience and were surprised by how great Star Wars was in it’s 1st release may be in for a like experience. I was.

Rated 4.0 out of 4.0 hopes the surviving Guardians remember to do the necessary watering.

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  • Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 7 months ago
    $5Au's pet pieve (well, one of many, actually) is that trailers give away half the film. Thus, this trailer is refreshing. One of the all-time best trailers was the one Orson Welles shot for "Citizen Kane" in which he introduced the cast with that superb voice he had.
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