Posted by $ haseloff 7 years ago to Government
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The NYPD got a whopping 1,526 requests from the feds to detain immigrants in President Trump’s first year in office — and rejected them all, officials said Wednesday.​

ICE recently arrested nine people in New York who were in the country illegally and released by the NYPD despite active detainers and pending criminal charges, the agency wrote.
The NY Daily News Reports that every single request from the feds to detain illegal immigrants was denied last year.

If we can view this objectively, regardless of your thoughts on illegal immigration, it's illegal to be in this country without citizenship or an appropriate via. It's the law.

What is Law Enforcement's duty in this case? If it's illegal, Law Enforcement should enforce the law. If we actually see deportations increasing and 'hard-working families getting torn apart' as the rhetoric goes, then people will start to get angry. If people get angry enough, we'll start demanding the laws are changed.

SOURCE URL: http://www.libertylol.com/libertyblog/nypd-got-1526-requests-to-detain-immigrants-under-trump-and-tossed-them-all-out

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
    I recently heard a commentator state that the leftist/globalist/progressives are going full-tilt in their war to bring down the west. So...no surprise here...
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years ago
    The simplest solution. Employ a SINGLE Judge to convert these Detainer Requests to full fledged warrants. Failure to hold on to someone AFTER you have been given a WARRANT IS against the law. The detainer has been a Fast/Polite way.

    That's the loop hole. Start issuing warrants when you KNOW they exist in a specific area.
    Also, can we deputize 2 full time people per police station, and a paddy wagon? Start with the worse offending police stations. Take them out of the jail, put them in the paddy wagon until a "collection bus" comes and picks them up. And/or drop them off at the end of the day.

    Do the math. 1,526 requests. In a single city. In one year. That's about 5 people PER DAY, every day!

    Either get ONE Full-Time Judge for NY, to convert Detainers to Warrants, or Assign people who can pickup locally IMMEDIATELY. If you have TIME to issue a detainer, you have time to get someone there if you have enough people.

    Guilianni is blamed for starting this. He created "Compassionate Sanctuary City", where someone HELPING the police by REPORTING a crime, or GIVING INFORMATION to the police would NOT be asked about their citizenship.

    The Democrats TWISTED this "Helpful Tool" (That most Americans think of when asked), into a "Criminal Sanctuary City" where they do not get rid of the criminals EVEN when they arrested them, HAVE THEM in their possession, and KNOW the feds will swing by and pick them up...
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    The sad part is that MS-13 gangs pretty much run things in poorer Hispanic neighborhoods in sanctuary cities. People are afraid to tell police about them, for fear of their lives, as any really honest cop will tell you "off the record" (because telling the truth pretty much is a career killer).
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years ago
    Instead of overpopulating our prisons we should just send all the criminals to New York and California. Let them deal with what they espouse they want. In fact, Trump should write a Presidential Order pardoning all incarcerated criminals across the country if they promise to go to and stay in New York or California. Maybe it could go down to specific cities or counties in those states. And as far as building a wall, I think we should start considering building one each around New York and California. That surely would tick off the left, two walls instead of one. Those are just my opinions, I could be wrong.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    The answer to this is so obvious that even a brain-damaged solopsist could figure it out. Except,that is, far left Democrats. Apparently when it comes to immigration these people 's minds go south and stay there.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 7 years ago
    The solution is simple! If cities (and their police departments) refuse ICE requests regarding illegal aliens (criminals by definition) especially with criminal warrants out for their arrest and detention, cut off all Federal funds to that city (or state) until they comply! You don't have to be a brain surgeon to understand that these petty bureaucrats (I.e., mayors and governors) understand the pain of losing those ill gotten federal dollars. Make the pain too great for them to continue their criminal and treasonous activities!
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  • Posted by LynnAG 7 years ago
    So, are there specific laws that have been violated (seems like it) and if so will there be any accountability? I'm so sick of there a lack of rules for the rule makers/enforcers and a gazillion rules for the rest of us, where any minor infraction can give us many years of wearing an orange jumpsuit.

    As long as there is no accountability, we will just continue to have more of the same, and worse and worse actions by elected and appointed people...
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years ago
    The only reason the police would have them is if they were arrested regarding criminal activity. This creme de la creme group of wonderful people, most of whom have only been exposed to the Aristocracy of Pull theory of government and have no idea about anything else, should be released in the name of diversity to insure we have enough criminals on the street to maintain the crime statistics and demand a larger budget.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 7 years ago
    My yard guy is deeply offended. When he came to the U.S. from Mexico, he enlisted in the Army for 4 years in order to help with his application for citizenship. His family members had to go through the legal process when any of them came here. He thinks everyone should have to follow the same rule he did.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years ago
    Maybe we have to shut down NYC airports' international flights to control the situation, since the police won't act. Seems within the purview of DHS.
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