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    Posted by 7 years ago
    I am not prone to seeing the “sky as falling” or drawing conclusions based on limited evidence. However, after viewing the Democrat’s behavior during the State of the Union address last night, coupled with everything else I have seen from the left, I am now convinced that we are, indeed in a battle for the soul of western civilization.

    Just a few related notes:

    1. Black members of congress could not even bring themselves to cheer when the lowest unemployment rates for blacks was touted. Call me silly, but that seems like good news.

    2. Some members of congress were wearing some sort of silly wrap…not sure what that represented. It was particularly noticeable when a black congressman left in the middle of the address in a huff. Can anyone tell me what Trump said that was so inflammatory that this idiot just couldn’t take it anymore, and just had to leave? Can anyone provide evidence that Trump is a racist, as he is so often depicted?

    3. Trump is offering a fair immigration deal (more than fair from my perspective…these people are here illegally…facts are facts). However, no one on the left seems to be even considering the proposal. Let’s be honest, the left wants to enroll millions of new voters, quickly, so that they can use their votes to mold this country into their socialist, left-wing dream-state. Adding millions of left-wing leaning voters is the fastest, surest path to making that dream-state a reality. Make no mistake of this reality. The left doesn’t really care about the plight of immigrants. They are just a tool for the left’s grab for power.

    4. Finally, who the hell do the members of the entertainment and music business think they are…that they feel empowered to foist their illogical left-wing thinking on the American public at every opportunity? Who in the hell does Stephen Colbert, a hack comedian, think he is? I will answer my own question. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and it is job to educate the great “unwashed” public.

    There are so many other examples that I could write non-stop through next week. However, the real question is this…what do we do to stem this tide? I have but a few answers:

    1. Engage any left-wing acquaintances you have with facts. Make sure that they know that you are communicating from a logical perspective. Most won’t “get” it, but perhaps a few will.

    2. Boycott those performers who think that they should be preaching to you. Just to mention a few…Matt Damon, Meryl Streep, Steven Colbert, George Clooney, Jimmy Kimmel, Samantha Bee, and each and all of the preachy Grammy performers. You can watch movies that include these actors, but just don’t line their left-wing pockets by going to theaters to see their movies.

    3. Speak out…let your thoughts be known. And while we are all pretty darn emotional about what is going on, let’s keep emotions out of our arguments. Even though it often fails, logic is really our only ally.

    4. Campaign and make whatever donations you can for those candidates that closely align with your thinking (and remember, no candidate is going to think just like you).

    A final point…our country is thriving again, even with a limited amount of change. And think about it…other than a couple of small, almost homogenous countries (Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc.), no country has thrived under left-wing socialism. This is a point that cannot be disputed.

    I have a company to run, and a payroll to meet, so I don’t have a lot of time to put against politics. However, I have been pushed beyond my personal tipping point, and will be making an ongoing effort to communicate what is the truth about this country.
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    • Posted by Ben_C 7 years ago
      Excellent points. Robert Gore has also posted an excellent assessment of our immediate and long term outcomes. For me, if truly off shore money returns to the USA and capital investment accelerates (as I have been told by my captains of industry friends will happen) then the one question to be asked by the RNC is "are you better off today than four years ago?" in the next presidential election cycle. People vote with their wallets. Of course, as Robert Gore points out, the caveat is the Fed and how they will manipulate the economy.
      Yes, it is really hard to be optimistic for my kids and grand-kids. I really think the glory years for our country was from the end of WWII to the sixties. From that point on it I have watched the steady decline of our country.
      Tytler is right....
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
        Agree with the decline. In my life (60) the decline has been steady from the late sixties on. The most dominant figure in that fifty years has been the Bush Monarchy. Little known to most Americans, Prescott Bush, George Bush's grandfather was Nixon's top financier from Wall Street. The Nixon campaign was funded by big Eastern financial interests…He was a pharmacists kid and a pawn for the Bushes. Then Bush as VP.
        For Reagan. Then GHWBush 4 yrs
        Now we see Bush /Clinton love affair and then the GWBush 8 years . GW Who couldn't find it in him to interfere with Obama's entire eight years has already criticized President Donald Trump hmm.
        If you take away Carter ? ,ClintonNWO and ObamaNWO it's really all been The Statist NWO Bushes30+ years of influence or more.
        We need the Trump / Gowdy/ Cotton types to push out the old rot.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 years ago
      On your number 2 comment, I am guessing that the "wrapped" individuals are all members of the Congressional Black Caucus (not sure why they're not the Congressional African American Caucus, except that it has "American" in the name and it offends them).

      Also, I gave the leaving member a pass, on the assumption that he had to pee, really bad.

      I particularly enjoyed the part where the President stated that Americans "stand" for their flag and national anthem.

      I even clapped when he stated that he supported our Second and First Amendments.
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    • Posted by peterchunt 7 years ago
      The three countries you mention as trying socialism found out their growth stumbled and stopped, and so to get richer, went back to Capitalism. That said they have allowed unvetted immigration which in the case of Sweden has caused a spike in crime so much they say they can't keep up with all the rapes.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 7 years ago
      Outstanding comment, Trpikl,...clean sweep, fore and aft...a left over expression of my Navy days. To me it means you have totally nailed the problem and given a solution which is ultimately the leftists idiots, dims and rinos, out of office.
      Thank you.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years ago
    There is change in the air... But the Republicans are SO INEPT Locally it's horrifying.

    Right now in the 2 largest counties near me, the REC are literally dousing themselves with gasoline in their excitement to find a SPARK in 2018 mid-terms... Which will blow themselves up.

    I feel one of the challenges we face is that NOBODY is knocking on doors, and connecting to people. EVERY person who changed from DEM to NPA in FL should be visited by a republican asking for their vote and their help to right this ship.

    But internal political in-fighting, and people who are in it for the Prestige are the norm. Nobody wants to do the hard work. (and I get it. The left is willing to LIE when they talk to someone. The Republicans are stuck with values. We can't say "Hey, vote for us, and we will make sure you get YOUR FAIR SHARE!") We have a marketing problem, and a motivation problem right now.

    Finally, Independents will choose the winners. And we are not making sure they know they must vote.

    The SOTU was AWESOME. The State of the Future 2018 Mid-Term Elections REQUIRES us to show up, and get ALL of our neighbors to vote!
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  • Posted by coaldigger 7 years ago
    Democrats have gone so far over the edge due mostly to their personal reaction to Trump, the man, that they have lost the ability to present a different point of view. Just like a 4th grader, on the playground, they resort to making rude gestures and name calling in lieu of a rational argument. I fear that a big part of their anger stems from the fact that Trump is not a professional politician and does not follow the code of deception and corruption that they and even their fellow congressmen across the aisle have agreed to perpetuate their scam. He is instead, a businessman, which they hate and deem evil but they don't know what to charge him with.

    We, the people, are left with two options: blindly follow the flawed but honest neophyte or oppose him, allowing the wolves the run of the henhouse. There is no room for debate, negotiations or the introduction of better ideas. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 7 years ago
    Trump's State of the Union speech was superbly crafted, orchestrated, timed and delivered for maximum emotional impact, basically an infomercial in simple language that any fifth-grader could understand.

    Carefully selected wording and opportunistically selected "heroes" paraded at key points kept his team rising and applauding after nearly every sentence while the Dems' butts stayed glued to their seats. Well, no, twice they did have to get up, when their patriotism was on the line about flags and anthems, and when Trump gestured them onto their feet with the bone he threw them for the 1.8 million aliens to be given citizenship, albeit in 12 years. A great showman performance, something Trump has trained for his whole life.

    Note also the subtle way in which he slipped in seeds for future policies that will put the American people under ever more controls, and pinned them in with "faith and family" memes. His side applauded wildly, blinded by the gleam of all the extra money they will get and by the power that Christians will gain. He also elegantly reassured Israel of America's total support, even if other formerly friendly countries would have their financial support curtailed. As Spock would say, -- "Fascinating."
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    Trump has risen above himself. Much like Harry Truman he became more than advertised. The actions of the Democrats made them look worse than foolish. Is there a word for foolish and stupid? Some were actually playing games on their phones. What a bunch of $#@!@#$!!
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years ago
    Love your suggestions as to what to do. We do boycott certain recording 'artists" and definitely skip movies with liberals hags on top of the billing. I don't even watch network TV, if they start on political anti-Trumps rants - as was the case on the only "Will and Grace" redo I sampled.Who needs to watch or listen to stupid people. Cher? That has been is dumb as they come. I have started looking up artists who seem stupid, to see how educated they are not, like Carly Simon, who could not quite handle the stress of even year of college.Rappers are poorly educated, and ignorant, esp. about black history.Save us all from Maxine Waters and Pelosi, who seems to be getting senile.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 7 years ago
    My favorite SOTU observation was seeing Pelosi very unhappily chewing. In Gestalt Therapy, the therapist often has a psychologically damaged patient "chew" on their hostility and resentment until they're almost literally sick of chewing and are willing to puke it out. It was wonderful seeing Pelosi getting this therapy during Trump's SOTU.
    Chew, chew, chew, Democrats, then chew some more, until chewing makes you sick.
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