Supreme Court allows Florida uncompensated regulatory taking of private property

Posted by ewv 7 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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The Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal against a Florida viro "zoning" regulation taking private property rights for bird habitat without compensating the owner in yet another uncompensated "regulatory taking" bypassing the Fifth Amendment.

"Earlier this week, we learned that the U.S. Supreme Court would not hear the important takings case arising from the Florida Keys known as Ganson v. City of Marathon... Gordon and Molly Beyer purchased an undeveloped, nine-acre island off the Florida coast known as Bamboo Key on which they planned to retire, as many northerners do. The island was originally zoned to permit nine homes, and it was later downzoned to allow only one. That was consistent with the Beyers’ plans, and they did not object. But then Monroe County and later the City of Marathon rezoned the property to forbid any construction whatsoever, choosing instead to designate the Beyers’ property as a “bird rookery” – that is, an avian breeding ground. The only human use authorized by this new plan? Temporary camping."

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