Immigration Wars

Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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There is a war going on and we're losing it to the criminal left. It's a war that wants DACA and chain migration as well as world Muslim immigration. And once they get here, they are given countless billions in social spending. And more importantly, who knows how many places Democrats permit illegals to vote and their votes be counted. If Trump cannot put the brakes on this, we will have a nation in the image of George Soros instead of George Washington.

In addition in the last eight years our military is so depleted that when China moves to take over Taiwan (And it will)we don't have the Navy to stop them and with nuclear war as a fall-back, it will be a series of surrenders by America no matter how much Trump tries to beef up the Navy.We may not have a chance given what we have allowed the Democrats to do to us..

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 1 month ago
    We're about to see a roaring economy, thanks to President Trump, and there's already a nearing employment crisis. Companies are having trouble finding semi-skilled and skilled workers, and it's only going to get worse if we don't adopt a merit-based immigration system. We need more immigrants, but they have to people who can bring value to the economy. Uneducated tribalist cultures that can't assimilate and wind up in balkanized ghettos, living off welfare are not the immigrants we need.

    The idea that assimilation requires sacrificing one's culture is baloney. The Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese retain many elements of their culture generations after the arrival of their immigrant ancestors. It's about pride, dignity, and respect. It's worked well for Asian immigrants, who are a vital component of American culture, and an example for others.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
    Just a note, but the US military would kick the Chinese all over the Yellow Sea. It's not even close - even in the US Navy's current state. Add to that the capabilities of several hundred Tomahawk strikes...

    Actually - China's best weapon is the US economy and our dependence on China. They don't have to fire a shot to win a contest. And their second-best weapon is technology.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      China is to world economy as a cancer is to an adult human.Unless you can destroy it all, it will continue to menace the world. We have allowed it to get too big and powerful, the population alone makes it a menace to everything.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years, 1 month ago
    Yes, and we have a president who WANTS to do the right things, and wants to BE NICE to some "DECENT" people that came here illegally.

    But the rule of law should be clear. I will limit the number that can become citizens to the SMALLEST Number they talk about (800K) [assuming we have to give something].

    But I want added:
    - Removal of Birthright Citizenship if you are here illegally
    - New Law: You can NEVER Become a citizen if you come here Illegally: From this day forward
    (And you can be stripped of all assets if caught in the country illegally)
    - New Law: All Asylum cases must come through foreign embassies (getting here and screaming Asylum is a NO GO)
    - Also, it should be limited to people (DACA) that came here BEFORE Obama created DACA, and NOT AFTER!

    And still including the wall, and everything else we have asked for!

    But the problem is the Globalist DONOR CLASS to BOTH parties isn't interested in preserving America.
    And quite frankly, most Americans are too damn lazy and disenfranchised to even show up and vote!
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      Not lazy -- contented, We are rich, and while some Washington issues impinge on our consciousness, most of it fails to be very meaningful. We are busy doing life. Earning, playing, procreating which is what happens in a free (somewhat in this case) society.
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