The cost to this nation over the last 100 years has been much, much more than blood and wealth. In converting from a population and industry of traders and wealth creators to a nation of war and imposer of right and wrong, we've gained the complete corruption of our economic, political, and government systems along with all the affiliated institutions of society and liberty.
We've lost ourselves in this madness and it seems that the world is still at war -- has never actually stopped or even slowed, and may very well be worse. What would this US and the world be today, had we remained committed to our founding ideal of only protecting ourselves from actual attack?
We've lost ourselves in this madness and it seems that the world is still at war -- has never actually stopped or even slowed, and may very well be worse. What would this US and the world be today, had we remained committed to our founding ideal of only protecting ourselves from actual attack?
Except for WWII where it was a popular war against blatant evil.