InterestSolar panels tariff - Bing

Posted by jim_rusnak 6 years, 11 months ago to Education
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I am new to this group and wonder what are the main themes of current postings. We are so far in the wrong direction as a nation and not sure how we can return to a Constitutional firm of government. It would appear that Trump is doing some things to rid ourselves of the 'deep state'. I wonder how many like minded people there are out there? I recommend viewing the Hillsdale College courses as they are solid and informative. Where do we go from here?

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  • Posted by 6 years, 11 months ago
    It is comforting to be with like-minded persons who wish to return to the principles that our nation was founded upon. Let us go forward in unity. God bless our America.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 11 months ago
    As for the tariff' least they are only for four years and gradually go down. Time enough to get American production going and maybe some innovations that would make them worth while, more efficient and long lasting.

    Generally, I would not endorse tariffs but at least this one is only for a short period of time...let's hope those especially interested and politicians don't get involved beyond this point.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 11 months ago
    I have taken all the Hillsdale courses on line.
    Another great Institution of Truth is Prager University.
    The vault on the blaze tv and

    Start up conversations with...hey!...I just found out, we already had a black American President...ya, really, 1778 I think it was. His name was John Hansen. ... Or, Did you know there were not just Black American founders but also Indian founders.

    And to a global warming freak you might say...Hey, did you know it just snowed in the Sahara desert! or Man, The global warming group that took a trip to the north pole to see the lack of ice were just rescued by a coastguard ice breaker...the ice was so thick...they got stuck!
    Bummer man...NOT!...laughing

    Be coy while sharing the truth, just enough and see if they begin to question their belief system...if they don''s too late...on to the next potential conscious human. Maybe they might "chose to be...
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