Riding a wave

Posted by GaryL 7 years ago to Politics
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Are they crazy? All of these big corporations returning to take advantage of the GOP economy and tax structure. What happens 3 or 7 years from now if the democrats win back the control? Most of these big corporations are in fact democratic by their very nature and will vote right back in those who chased them out to begin with. Every wave has an end and I fear when this one ends it will be very painful.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    With the surge in tax revenue that will be coming in with the growth incurred from Trump's tax policy, it will be suicidal for a Democrat President or Congress to kill the golden goose by changing policy. They will be tempted to eat up the increase with the urge to create the welfare state they've been dreaming of, with "free" college, "free" medical care, and anything else they think will increase the population dependent on government largesse.

    The welfare state idea is tempting to progressives, and the examples of how those states fail and have to revert are as invisible to them as the failures of Socialism. Failure is what they do best.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    ......And they will not have learned a thing. Money, like water needs to be directed or its useless. As it flows down hill it must be dammed to be diverted to generate electricity or to water crops. So must money be utilized to create projects that will make the money work to return a profit so that the money can create wealth which will employ people and cause prosperity, not just create a project with no return, a waste of time and effort.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years ago
    Dems are not going to get both houses and the presidency for a while. Going to be hard to switch this back completely, particularly if the economy is solid.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Democrats are right now in the fight for their life to maintain the future voter base of their party. May they burn in hell!
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years ago
        I'm hoping young people begin to realize that giving even more power to the government solves no problem. I see some signs of Libertarianism in young people, where I'd never expect it.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          Only because the youth are beginning to realize the Democrats are great about promising what they are incapable of delivering. DACA is just a talking point and not deliverable but jobs, economic growth and reduced taxes and regulatory restrictions sure can grow positive results. Pretty hard to re pay student loans when there are no jobs! Next we need to work on the studies these young folks chose. Not many openings for those trained in "Underwater basket weaving" these days and "African Studies" is running on full till overload. EZ PZ Degrees are about useless but real EZ to attain if they are free or cheap.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years ago
            Underwater Basket Weaving
            Sabertooth Tiger Hunting
            Woolybear Clubbing
            some of my dad's (Physics Teacher) favorite coursework icons!
            He also used to say things like: "I'm going to make you stand on your head underwater stack BBs and gargle peanut butter." That one I really liked.
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years ago
    Every wave has an ebb and flow. My hope is that the people who make it possible for the corporations to survive will pay attention and "reward" those who desert again with the proper treatment and loyalty.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      I'm not sure I follow you or you are following me. All of the companies that moved over seas did so to take advantage of lower tax structures. Trump/GOP just made it better here but what's to say the next time a new admin takes the reins they won't change it back or even make it worse? Sad to say but the Dumbocraps will win back the control some day.
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      • Posted by mminnick 7 years ago
        Now I followed you. My comment was more to the point that the people of the country do have a say in what happens. They can vote with the pocketbook on the efficacy of leaving the country and taking jobs with it by not buying goods from companies that do that.
        I fully understand the economic reasons companies move about the world. The less taxes they pay, the more they make. There is a semi-corollary that the less they sell the less they make. That is just as important or boycotts would not work.
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        • Posted by 7 years ago
          I do agree with all you said but how is that boycott stuff made in China working out for us? Take a walk through Walmart and see if you can find much stuff even made here any more. I don't believe many Americans put patriotism over the price they will pay for goods when the difference is as drastic as we see even if you can find the same or similar made in USA.
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