The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates
Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago to Government
Gates has gone full statist looter. Typical action to eliminate future competition by inventors smarter than Gates. Disgusting.
A Guy goes into a bar where all the bartenders are robots:
The guy sits down at the bar and the robot asks: “What will you have?
The guy replies, “Whiskey.” The robot brings back his drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy say, “168”
The robot talks about physics, string theory and space exploration.
After the guy leaves, he pauses at the street corner and thinks about what he just encountered, and decides to go back.
The robot asks, “What’s your drink?”
The guy answers, “Whiskey.”
The robot serves the drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
This time the man replies, “100.”
The robot talks about Budweiser, and football.
The guy finishes his drink, leaves, but decides he'll try again.
The guy enters the bar and the robot asks him what he wants to drink.
The guy replies, “Whiskey.”
The robot serves the drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
This time the guy answers, “50.”
The robot leans in real close and slowly asks: “So, are you people still unhappy Hillary lost?”
I foresee some effort on narrowing the legal definition of 'robot'.
Jobs for lawyers.
Reminds me of the story when Milton Friedman visited a site where the workers were
using shovels instead of machines. He was told that shovel use created more jobs.
He replied- Why not use spoons?
posted on another thread Nickursis
Regardless, a "robot tax" would give a competitive advantage to any robot company located in a country that did not impose such a tax.
imo, Microsoft has gone more toward the dark side after Gates stopped managing the business. But so has Gates;^)
That was certainly true of Ballmer, but Microsoft's current CEO is actually encouraging more adoption of open standards, adherence to open standards, and collaboration with other software vendors. Overall I'm encouraged. Of course I think the primary impetus for this has been the disruptive innovation in the cellphone market, which is currently dominated by Google and Apple. Microsoft's marketshare is a paltry 2-3%. They're doing slightly better in the tablet arena, but they are nowhere as dominant as they are in the PC market. Hooray for competition!
This slavery seizes the power rightfully belonging to We the People and abuses the People with it. End Income Taxation and replace it with the much more honest FairTax (H.R. 25) or with a transparent Wealth Tax -- again designed to be obvious, open and transparent.
Replace income tax with much lower (limited constitutional) spending. The taxes are what allow centralization of power and statist meddling that destroys liberty and destroys free markets. While the source of taxes matters somewhat, its the agreement to allowing anything that funds large government that is a bigger problem.
Income Tax = SLAVERY!
Tax consumption/transfers (Vat/Sales/Fairtax), but NEVER EVER EVER Income.
What people do not understand is that TECHNICALLY, bartered items are taxable.
If you grow your own food, and were completely self-sufficient, the courts have twisted meaning to IMPLY that you CREATED AND BOUGHT that stuff, simply by bartering your time to get it, and therefore, it is taxable income.
Also, why does a business get to write off it's COSTS against its income, but people don't, per se. I mean, to live/feed myself, they give me THEIR allowance. BS. I need Energy Costs, Cost of ALL insurances required. Cost of my car.
They are taxing GROSS Income, not NET (what I take home, after what it costs me to LIVE/OPERATE).
Again. I support the Fair Tax. Or a Flat Tax on products. If I don't buy, I don't pay. Then EVERYONE, including Illegals will be forced to pay their fair share. Also, only pay for products NOT SERVICES (A service is income).
But Governments want ALL the revenue they can get.
The real issue is what IS a robot, and if the existing ones are grandfathered in.
We are surrounded by "robots"- elevators are robots really. How about those fast food soda machines we use every day. Most foods are made using automation, which is a form of robot technology. Your car is run by multiple automated robots to control combustion in the engine, help you steer and brake. What about the automatic tuners in your radio and TV- more robot technology.
As I have said many times, I do think that the day will come when a robot based economy can make all the goods and services that we need for everyone to have at least a "middle class" living with less than 5% of the people working.
When that happens we will have to have something like a universal income so that the 95% can actually buy the stuff instead of it piling up in warehouses while people starve in the streets.
Where the money comes from to pay that is an interesting question.
People are going to have to up their game in order to be of use in that sort of economy. Sort of like what has happened with the rise of China. People in america by and large havent upped their game, and as a result have lost a lot of jobs permanently to the Chinese. American workers are a far cry from chinese workers in terms of motivation, requirement for pay, and learning. Very few things are actually made here in America, and more and more creative things are being developed and made in china. It means USA is in trouble in years to come. We have become far and lazy.
Add automation to the mix, and the lower level jobs Americans have been satisfied doing will be taken over by China today and automation with robots tomorrow. People here just have to find ways that the chinese and robots cant yet do.
The threshold event is robots that can not only do repetitive work but deal with varied environments and have the ability to manipulate objects that humans do. I think of being able to clean hotel rooms as an example that's harder than picking fruit.
When that happens, we will all be pretty much on that farm.
I very much am ready for fast food ordering and food delivery by robots, as well as order taking in sit down restaurants thats done at the table with a robot that LISTENS to what I want and doesnt expect some exhorbitant tip for simply taking my order.
Did you happen to see boston robotics youtube videos of the dog and random farm animal shapes- kind of amazing how far robotics has come
Seems to me that taxing a business based on his robotic workers so as to pay for Real Humans to do nothing, should cause one to think...why don't I just employ Real People.
Robots don't "Earn" a wage but the company does...
I went on to do other things and don't even know they did this. In theory I invented it, but how much credit for invention can I claim for an invention I don't know exists. And I'm certainly not supervising.
If the robots built by the factory are sold, who earned the money?
Our economic thinking assumes that the automation is clearly designed, built, and controlled by humans. An assumption that is starting to get a bit fuzzy and will become more so as our AI becomes better.
No matter who earned the money, the robots and or the inventor...the robots are not humans and have not human needs.
They might be successful a imitating humans, human awareness of their environment, awareness of their production and an imitation still will not be human and never have the same consciousness, self introspection, privy to the insights the human mind is capable of and perhaps the same effect upon existence, creation, that humans may have.
They are and should always be, a machine.
That's my view and I'll be sticking to it for now.
Didn't the parasitical humanoids get enough sales taxes for every itty bitty part and the sales taxes on the finished product...not to mention Taxes on the company by the town/ city as property/machinery!?!?!?
I think Bill may have always had leftist leanings, not possible for me to know for certain but he seemed to be uninvolved in politics until the size of his business suddenly became apparent to the power mongers who then threatened to destroy him for being too big by claiming that he was a virtual monopoly and had to be controlled. I think it was Senator Orrin Hatch who stated something along the lines of; "He should have come to us sooner to make sure what he was doing was okay!" He managed to keep the government from breaking up his little company, cost him millions in lawyer fees and corporate donations to the power brokers and then he turned hard left in his political leanings. I think it might be more to protect his holdings but it is probably what he really believes too. Those who have large enough holdings can protect themselves from destruction by going along with the socialist program. If he ever strays he will be destroyed and then he will be complaining; "But I was on your side!"
I find this a very interesting premise and am reluctant to dismiss it out of hand. I intend to think it through. :-) BTW I believe AI will eventually become a reality. At least to some extent and to some extent it is a reality right now and smarter than some politicians