Preppers in the Gulch?
Posted by trackman13 12 years, 1 month ago to Culture
I have been watching events unfold in the world and I have started to see that some of those in the "Prepper" movement might not be so crazy. I find it fascinating to surround myself with people that are the best at what they do. Some of these people have the best work ethic I have come across both in their profession and their craft. Which is another reason why I like to pop in and monitor the gulch from time to time. I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter and I look forward to where the conversation might end up.
I hope to have a book of collected works out by the March.
white rice? I'd mix it up a bit with rice a roni if that were the case. For me, storing water is an issue. I live in the desert and short of a mini desalinization plant, my camping water filter is only part of the equation.
What are the risks you need to mitigate? Here in Colorado we don't need to prepare against a tsunami -- but in the Pacific Northwest where I grew up, it's pretty much the #1 risk now that The Volcano has gone back to sleep.
In some places, it's tornadoes. Where I live, it's forest fires. Where you live, it's water.
And so on.
But I don't fit the stereotype. Most of the people I meet & see in the "prepper" subculture are IMO batshit insane.
So the Preppers of yore were ostracized for (correctly) believing that nuclear war IS survivable, and worth surviving. The only thing that's changed from then to now is the focus of the ridicule.
What would you see as the most possible scenario? Zombie Apocalypse (HaHa), Collapse of the dollar, or just utter fail to function like seen in Atlas Shrugged. The latter I believe will take quite some time. There are still far to many willing to prop up society in order to make money.
Captains of industry now days are not the same men and women that Rand wrote about. Most are manicured and pedicured lobbyists who achieve their success through the board room and not from actually running their companies.
Since the Second American Civil War's "shot heard 'round the world" has yet to be fired, we cannot yet talk openly of killing angry mobs of people. So we instead joke about "zombies" as if they are not real people.
I'll give my answer to your question in a separate post.
Civil unrest will happen. Societal collapse is already happening. And we have a pretty good idea what that looks like because it has happened several times throughout history.
The short version: it bears little resemblance to the fantasies of the nut cases who are the bulk of the "prepper" movement.
Food production, trade and commerce will continue (but probably not with U.S. fiat currency -- my own prediction is that silver will be the new currency). Energy and transportation will exist, but be problematic. Defense against food-seeking mobs will turn some places into war zones and be unnecessary in others.
Above all, each of us needs to THINK. Listen to Dmitry Orloff's address to the Long Now Foundation called "Best Practices for Societal Collapse" (I don't have a link but it shouldn't be hard to find). Some of his experience is USSR-specific and won't happen here, but most of his advice is right on the money.
After listening to his lecture, THINK about how all of his points will apply in your locale, and prepare accordingly.
this is a link to written version of the speech
Precisely. As Ronald Reagan famously said (prophesied?) in 1964, "If we lose freedom here, there's no place left to run to. This is the last stand on Earth."
If you live in a city, it might be wise to leave (to somewhere that you can grow your own food). There are probably certain U.S. states from which it would be wise to leave.
But most of us don't have the zillions of dollars to do what Doug Casey has been advising his clients to do for several years now. THOSE people are the Midas Mulligans of the post-Apocalypse. We will need them when the time comes to rebuild.
I live at Galt's Gulch (I really do). Have been an Objectivist since 1971 (40 of my 60 years). Over those 40 years, I have read most everything Ayn Rand wrote. My home is in a very remote area of southern Arizona where I moved when I decided to strike in 2003.
I swear - by my life and my love of it - that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)
Khalling's response from 2 days beginning with, "somewhere in here I posted the (real) prep list...." accurately shows the issues we face, IMO. One thing is certain, America is the last stand for Freedom. I feel like we (in the Gulch) are like the ones who fought at The Alamo. Except instead of Mexicans surrounding us, it's our own politicians. How pathetic.
that's sobering about the hoarders. seriously, if they lived next to me Id be over there in the middle of the night throwing Clorox around
(Even Clorox wouldn't kill the creepy crawlies in the hoarder houses.) I always feel sorry for their neighbors. ig!
it is important to restate that you have to "prep" no matter where you're living in the world, if intend to be an efficient survivor opposed to helpless drain on others
But in the MSM words have no meaning, other than what some libtard wants them to mean at that moment.
As an example, look at the myriad meanings that have been assigned to the phrase "assault weapon" -- which has no definition -- and the number of times we've been told that an "assault rifle" -- a weapon which has been illegal to own since the 1930's -- was used and/or brandished at this or that event.
The definition of "prepper" will change tomorrow, or next week, at the whim of a libtard journalist (which I prefer to pronounce with the German "J") anyway.