Towards a new Declaration of Independence

Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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He whom the gods would destroy, they would first demoralize. Prince Obama, in the sixth year of his reign, is demoralizing America...

By rewarding evil and punishing good;

By elevating the incompetent to positions of responsibility while mocking the accomplishments of the productive;

By arrogating to himself the unlimited power that History has reserved for its worst dictators and tyrants;

By weakening our ability to defend ourselves in an increasingly hostile world;

By playing on the emotions of the uneducated that his educational system has produced, while ignoring the voices of Reason;

By surrounding himself with sycophants more servile than court jesters;

By proclaiming that all citizens on Earth are entitled to His welfare benefits thereby insuring permanent residence in the oval office for himself or others in his elitist family;

By inciting class warfare between Americans based solely on the artificial differences of race, gender, or creed and thus wipe away the meaning and essence of America - The right of the Individual to own property;

By relegating to the ash heap of History the reliance of people on their families, friends, religions, Constitution, and God so as to make of Himself the fount of all that is good and righteous;

It is time for a change...

Who is John Galt?

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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 6 months ago
    I think as Jefferson opened the declaration with the charges against The King, it's spot on. Now you need to annotate the results of these actions (today's news?), and then develop those thing into a vision of where the nation is heading without change. Lastly there needs to be a list of the corrections that need to be made and where those will lead the nation.

    Again, I feel that no higher pattern can be followed than the one laid out by Jefferson in the declaration. In fact I think you could just follow another of histories leaders and nail THAT to the door on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      I agree with you Star. TJs DOI is exactly the guiding light I'm following.. I just need to make it relevant to today but his pro-individual rights, anti-despot theme is eternal.
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  • Posted by TexanSolar 10 years, 6 months ago
    I am concerned that America is already lost.
    The country of my youth no longer exists. The moocher's have obtained control.
    My solution is to establish Off-Grid Co-operative Communities that will have the capability of being self-sustaining when liberalism completes its intentional destruction of our country.
    A primary requirement for energy independence is that we must not tie-in to the Grid.
    I have designed a Concentrating Photovoltaic Collector that produces both electricity and steam. I have also designed a Multiple Effect Seawater Desalination Plant that uses the steam product to desalinate seawater (or brackish ground water). The system will economically provide all of the energy and water requirements of an Off-Grid Community.
    I differ with John Galt in several ways. I am a Christian, he is not.
    My "machine" does not defy the second law of thermodynamics as John Galts machine does. His machine is not possible.
    I would never expect members of a community to do anything other than what they are good at. As a Mechanical Engineer, I will always do engineering design.

    Brad Snipes
    Principal Engineer
    Micro-Grids of Texas
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      John Galt is fictional as is his machine. Galt's Gulch is a metaphor. When faced with steep odds, I try harder. I prefer to plant the Constitutional flag and take on the Marxists sons-a-bithches head-on. If I lose, so be it.

      That said, I hope your machines are successful in allowing individuals the freedom to live off-grid.
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