End of property rights?

Posted by andrewph 7 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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Is DeBlasio that deluded or just another symptom of atlas shrugged prophecy?
SOURCE URL: http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/02/de-blasio-really-has-an-issue-with-a-basic-american-right/

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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 1 month ago
    Property rights exist only on a very limited scale already, he just wants to remove what is left. The government can already tell you what you can or cannot build, what color to paint it, rent control it and indebt it without the owners permission (property tax) and remove it if the owner fails to pay the debt he did not incur and did not want because after all his neighbors wanted the debt and voted for it and they feel the fact that the owner didn't want the debt is irrelevant. Then Donald Trump proved that you don't own your property when he sued some owners for their property claiming that he could build something that would generate more tax revenue and the socialist thieves used the argument and socialist Supreme Court backed them up ruling against the individual property owner. We are slaves of the state.
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years, 1 month ago
      Trump is the fascist side of socialist anti-private property rights in contrast to the more openly communist ideology of De Blasio. The collectivist, explicitly anti-individualist anti-private property rights trend is becoming more open and more dangerous.

      But you have mixed several different things together in your post, though the essence is the same.

      The regulator takings through restrictions and prohibitions like rent control, forbidding choice of color when painting your house, and Greenline park "zoning" prohibiting building on your own property in a "natural" area are examples of state police powers controlling you while otherwise conceding private ownership. In the worst examples they leave you with the deed and the property tax bill while taking the control.

      Seizing private private property outright under government eminent domain takes the property away from you entirely. That is what Trump advocates and exploits himself.

      The Supreme Court case you referred to over taking private homes because an industrial development would pay more property taxes was the infamous 2005 Kelo decision siding with the city in Kelo v City of New London, Connecticut. Trump was no involved in that but loudly supported the outcome in his usual swaggering manner.

      Trump is well known for his (failed) attempt to use eminent domain to seize a woman's home in Atlantic City for a parking lot for his casino and has boasted that he has used eminent domain routinely for his businesses.

      There have been many discussions of Trump's anti-private property Pragmatism here on this forum, and it is well worth the time to review them. Here are some of them:

      "The Widow and Eminent Domain" https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...

      "Trump: Eminent Domain 'Wonderful'" https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...

      "More on Trump eminent domain anti-private property" https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 1 month ago
        That reminds me of why I voted against Trump in the primary.
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        • Posted by ewv 7 years, 1 month ago
          It should be no surprise when even his pro-business policies are promoted in collectivist terms as for "the economy" or to "make America great" or for "jobs" -- all as if the rights of the individual had never been heard of. He even did it in his tax cuts for business, making the tax on individuals more progressive: substantially raising some individuals' taxes, taking more low income earners off the tax roles entirely to put the entire burden on fewer people, and increasing the "negative income tax" (from Milton Friedman) welfare with more "credits" for those who don't pay income taxes.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 1 month ago
    Socialism like Communism and Fascism is a socioeconomic system that must be protected by force if it is to remain in power. This is not true of Capitalism. Capitalism is a system that people enter into freely. No one will ever force you to become a Capitalist.
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years, 1 month ago
      "Becoming a capitalist" compared with a "socioeconomic system" is an equivocation: Individuals choose to become entrepreneurs, investors, etc. as "capitalists", but you are normally born into a social system and a social system of freedom does have to be protected by force -- against power seekers trying to overthrow it. There are increasing numbers of people who do not "freely" enter into or remain in a free society. The distinction is reason, egoism, individualism and freedom versus anti-reason, altruism, collectivism and statism, with fewer openly advocating the former as the De Blasio types more openly demanding the latter.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years, 1 month ago
    I think the entire world has gone made.
    Schools teach that Socialism is good, that Arguments should include Feelings, and that Math is racist.

    There is only pride in Virtue Signaling... All other forms that could allow someone to be proud are labeled as Privilege.

    In CA, Illegals are welcome, and Spreading HIV WILLFULLY is lawful.
    In WA, Defecating in public is now legal.

    The media has allowed people to spread the lie that ILLEGALS commit fewer crimes than regular Americans. But instead, they are 4 times as likely to commit murder. Oh, turns out NOBODY had numbers. The trick was to use IMMIGRANTS and ignore the ILLEGAL part. Turns out that Immigrant crimes don't get recorded as Immigrant Crimes if you are here ILLEGALLY. Also, it is a BLATANT Lie, and a huge difference.

    Finally, Climate Change... Oh the insanity. Ignoring the distant past Fear Mongering:
    (1920s Warming, 1970s cooling, 2000s Warming)

    We start with CO2 (not a toxic gas, but required for plants/trees to live/grow). It is a greenhouse gas. Meaning it is useful if you WANT a greenhouse to function properly (grow green things better, consuming less water). And in a MOIST Environment, adding CO2 CAN/WILL increase temperatures.

    At a PLANET Level: Global Warming. Got it. Makes sense. Warmer Temperatures created because of CO2 Increases, PLUS moisture (to help hold/escalate... Always a requirement, BTW).

    Now the INSANITY Starts (because of Globalists Providing GRANT MONEY ONLY in one direction, and editors encouraged to stick to that side of the argument)... We go from Global Warming (Theory), to man made (because man causes more CO2 to be produced) Global Warming. WITHOUT PROOF that the first theory works on a planet level.

    And after 17-23 years of COOLING while CO2 has been increasing.... They are forced to rename to Climate Change, because POLLING People who live in northern states results in LAUGHING at global warming, when it is Freezing cold every year, and the trend is COOLING overall.

    So now we have Climate Change... Man Made Climate Change. Spun up like the Russian Collusion Story with LOTS of support from Media, and Ridicule if you don't bow to its altar.

    And now, this is supposed to include EXTREME WEATHER in either direction. (Higher Highs and Lower Lows, or Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold, Extreme Rain and Extreme Drought). So, ANYTHING can be labelled as "Man Made Climate Change". (They drop the man made, because it is totally IMPLIED nowadays).

    And that is where we stand today. With NOBODY being able to ask the simple question.
    How do we go from a GREENHOUSE GAS which helps "warm things up", to that same gas CAUSES Extreme Cold, and Extreme Droughts? (oh, sure, it's because when you screw with something on one side of the world, the other side compensates??? is that it? Well then. Exiting the Paris Climate Accord was the RIGHT THING, because us fixing it, will just cause the opposite problem somewhere else. That argument would say the system is well designed to fix itself...)

    Whenever I hear someone say Climate Change. I literally hear: "Virtue Signal. Told Ya! I'm a clueless dolt who can parrot headlines, but NEVER ONCE thought through a complex problem in my life". And doubly so when it's in response to record cold weather.

    So, Trumps first year in office, and Global Warming is Dead! #ThankYouTrump
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
    Rent controls have been shown to be a bad idea - especially for the poor. Why? Because they focus on the tenant and completely ignore the landlord. Buildings under rent control are typically run down (because there is no incentive or remuneration to repair them) and attract the lowest levels of society. They other result is that new housing - which would economically resolve the shortage - never gets built in the areas where it is needed, but in areas where they can demand premium housing prices. New York City is a classic example of this.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 1 month ago
    Well, it appears he is that brazen. I'm just glad that
    I don't live in New York.--But I'm reminded that in
    Atlas Shrugged, it is the lights of New York that go out, and if the New Yorkers tolerate that kind of s***,
    they will deserve it.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago
    Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Clause and his name is De Blasio. And yes, dear, he Is that stupid. He failed to realize that his bag of goodies were not free, His elves want to be paid.
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  • Posted by brkssb 7 years, 1 month ago
    And next, city government determines which person goes where, how much to contribute, what to do for the public good, and how big the soda can be. I once loved the skyline, no more, it has come to represent the takeaways.
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 1 month ago
    I have heard it said several times, although without source or any attribution, the the mayor is a "Card Carrying member oif the ACP". Not sure that is strictly true, but his comments about planned economies etc sure lend credence to that comment.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 1 month ago
    The Mayor is a Marxist and just another Obama. They both will use any excuse to take away private rights. They are part of the Agenda 21 crowd which demand an end to property rights, meat consumption, and birth by certified approval only. They want control, and that ha nothing to do with climate whatsoever. Tehy are power mad, and this idiot is just plain insane.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 1 month ago
    the people of the city of ny are getting what they deserve for electing him and then reelecting him.
    he is probably stating what so many other politicians will not, and this is get rid of personal property but that is happening anyway but not fast enough for jackasses like deblas!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 1 month ago
    Of course he'd love to see this. He's already got his.

    Ever speak with somebody who experienced their country going commie? I have. I know a couple people from Viet Nam who are about my age. They have very vivid memories. Talk with them in case you think this guy is sane. Another exercise to help with clarity - read the book "The Stones Cry Out" about a Cambodian childhood. That will shed light on this collectivist piece of work...
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