Bizarre thought experiment - Toxic thought?

Posted by robgambrill 10 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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The linked article is about a bizarre result of Bayesian reasoning combined with game theory and acausal transactions that was considered too dangerous to be discussed on a certain internet forum. I think in the safe confines of the "Galt's Gulch" philosophy section it more likely to cause laughter than panic. However I wonder if I shouldn't disclaim it as "not suitable for children".

What is perhaps more interesting, is that towards the end of the article they describe an identified mental condition in which certain students of philosophy suffer a mental breakdown from the subject of their studies. The clinical name is "Philosophical Depression". Maybe in the interest of public safety, they should post a sign at the entrance to the philosophy department that reads... " Your intellect must be this tall to get on this ride".

I think most of the readers here would agree that following a bad philosophy (or none at all) could lead to physical harm (That would be easy to demonstrate). But does anyone here actually believe that holding any philosophical tenant could lead an otherwise healthy person to madness? Wouldn't reason alone be enough to shield against such dangers?

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