Seems the culture has ruined Star Wars too!

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 2 months ago to Movies
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What say you, have you seen it?...I have not but I don't care if I know in advance that it sucks.

Seems Luke (Mark H.) hates it also.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 2 months ago
    Saw it with my kids a couple nights ago. It is visually fun to watch. But, leave your brain at home. Too much magic... I sat there thinking, "If you really have such magical powers, why not solve everything and stop all wars?" Nope...still lots of war... Haha....
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
    Ok, I should have gone with my business group team and seen it for free, just didn't want to drive 60 miles to do it, but have seen a lot of the "spoiler filled" videos and reviews. One reason I was not willing was Hollywood has the imagination of a DDT laden rodent on heavy herbs and hallucinogens. So, I pretty much was able to sum it up: Rebellion is in danger, ratted out, new girl goes to Luke to get learned, but has to go to save Rebellion. A few side trips looking for secret thing or information to save said rebellion. Kill off a couple people who you might like, as they are too old and cost too much. Bring on new cheap labor and sell it as "politically correct, ethically mixed, tolerant" person who helps in some odd way, have a space station or big ass ship, big battle last 30 mins (oh yea, have several chase scenes in Millennium Falcon with cute weird creature making cute weird noise), new girl gets captured by evil dude in black outfit, who also wants to kill boss dude. Kill boss dude (sort of, he will be back in next movie, CGI is cheaper than humans). End on cliff hanger. Can you say "Empire Strikes Back" with cheap labor and way cooler effects? It is so sad that with all the awesome books they had (and this borrows from them, but not in a way they could get paid for, which is also why Disney declared all Star Wars canon dead except movies they own), they could not come up with a way to use that material and just make it somuch better, and still rake in the cash. Nope, they are "original", "brilliant", "new" and gloriously self absorbed with their own greatness. So, you get TLJ. I may get the DVD, maybe, on sale. JUst like I still have not got "The Force Awakens" after an exact rerun of "Star Wars" in the exact same manner. We were laughing in the theater as a group, and predicitng the next scene, like "Now Fat Guy in bomber dies" and sure enough, "boof", fat guy gone. Same thing happened to Star Trek, same thing with all the "remakes" of every movie ever made. There are only a thousand or so really good Sci Fi authors, who have books in series, that would be fabulous movies. But the suits rule, and the suits have the imagination of that DDT laden rat..... To prove my point, go look at "Prelude to Axanar" on YouTube and realize it only cost 80K to make. The late Richard Hatch (an excellent Klingon) said: "You can make a 150 million dollar movie for 15 million, and sacrifice nothing but the waste and inefficiency." Truth. But all the parasites would have to go....
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
      Don't go so hard on rats and DDT, nick. (grin)

      I have a friend who does special effects for Hollywood movies. She has lots of (otherwise low-value) souvenirs from working on Pirates of the Caribbean and other movies. She tells me that it is standard operating procedure for producers to have complete houses built for themselves and bury the costs in their current movie project.
      Surprise! Hollywood moguls are corrupt even beyond their sleazy use of power to gain sexual favors. Power corrupts and Disney execs have been corrupt for a long time.
      Solution? I agree with Mike. Don't give them your money. At least they can't come steal it on pay day like the scumbags they support in the Dark Center.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
        Thank you, sir. I agree with the don't feed the ras program, another small point people miss is that it is not the ticket sales, but tall the crap sales with it. I took my wife and 2 grandchildren to see Despicable Me 3 last summer, and came out 80.00 later. That was with the matinee discount.
        I go with the DVD model as usually within 6 months of release you can get it on Ebay for 6-7 bucks, which is the ticket price level. . Now, I would have gone to see Rogue One, if I had actually seen a trailer that solde me on it, but that didin't happen, and after the TLJ debacle, I wasn't going to fall for it again. Same with Star Trek. Although I did blow 49.00 on the special edition with the limited edition ship model ....
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years, 2 months ago
      (1) I sent $100 to Axanar and have nothing to show for it. That's the risk of entrepreneurship. While it looked nice on YouTube, the fact is that they attempted to steal intellectual property and ended up in court. Thus, I did not get the mission patches they promised.

      (2) The universe has more creatures in it than white guys, so I do not understand your problem with diversity. Ultimately, perhaps the mainstream creation will be a statistically smoothed humans of no particular ethnicity (or gender).

      (3) See my comments here, also. The downgrading of Star Wars (and Star Trek) is just regression to the mean, like Japanese beers. Disney is not a craft brewer. You want a Modernistic house? Any architect in America can stamp one out for you ... now... But it will lack that ineffable j'ne c'est qua of originality.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
        Mike, I have no problem with diversity, in fact diverse casts have been a hallmark of great movies for as long as there have been movies. Charlie Chaplin was about as diverse as it gets, that was his whole basis. I will disagree about Axanar, they never used anything specific to CBS when they were going to make it, it was a legal excuse to put them in the legal money drain, which is exactly what CBS did, hold them hostage for 12 months with BS accusations, then settle. There were other films out there that ACTUALLY used their characters (ST COntinues) and ships and specific property, yet no lawsuit. It wasn't about length either, it was about a million dollar fan film that would have matched their level, and then the questions start "How can they do this for a million and it costs us 7 million (ST Discovery average episode costs). Shareholders are not stupid. I had about 350 into it, and I do not believe any bad press on Alec, as Richard Hatch would never have allowed it. Go look at the 2015 SD Comic Con discussion he did where he spent 10 minutes or so detailing why movies today costs 10 times what they should. He had filming nailed, and Rob and Alec followed his process. The "downgrading" idea is just justifying the "let them eat cake" philosophy of a majority of managers in America. It is not related to their contractual agreement to provide a quality product for what is paid, whether directly or indirectly. Americans have been programed to accept mediocrity, one reason I like Seth McFarlanes "The Orville". It is a pretty good show compared to flashy Star Trek Discovery.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
          While Orville is better than Discovery, I don't watch sci-fi to see a sit-com on a starship bridge. It's as boring and insulting to my intelligence as nearly every tv sit-com. (I say "nearly" only because there may be a sit-com somewhere that is worth seeing, but I have not seen one in this century.) I am not the droid they are looking for.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
            Just from the little bits I have seen of the Expanse, I got season 1 to check it out, it may be a sleeper hit, seems very well made.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
              The Expanse is an entertaining space drama-tragedy.
              It has the conflicted main character who wants to do the right thing in a difficult complex situation- who is continually criticized by all the other characters for his integrity. It is professionally made and not too heavy handed with its pc commentary.
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              • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
                I am watching the first episode now, it seems very well made and laid out, and your summation seems correct. I watched the destruction of the Donneger on You Tube which was got me started with it.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
            On that front, I thought 'Fringe' was just such a sit-com that wouldn't insult but challenge thoughts on the likes of how Frequencies, quantum physics, time travel and other dimensions might work or even play a role in our lives one day.

            I got a lot of insights from the program, enough to make me want to study such things...most were theoretical and Big Question stuff but at least it was interesting and caused me to study frequencies when a special "Bell" was rung to channel the quantum essence of one 'William Bell".
            Not at all in our present reality but challenged one to think!
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
        2 is a sad commentary, too much is made of "ethnicity" but cultural diversity is the spice of life, although in a smaller and smaller world as mankind evolves, (hopefully) would and should adopt the best of all memes and culture. Like everything else, the idiots of society won't let the nature of things take their normal course and still celebrate our universal differences.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
    Haven't seen it.
    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the critics on rottentomatoes like it - a 91% positive rating.
    But viewers seem to be as unhappy as Hitlery voters. Only 51% give it a positive review.
    And that is from 159,843 viewer reviews.
    For comparison:
    Episode IV A New Hope 96% viewer reviews positive
    Episode V Empire Strikes Back 97% viewer reviews positive
    Episode VI Return of the Jedi 94% viewer reviews positive
    Episode VII The Force Awakens 88% viewer reviews positive
    Rogue One 87% viewer reviews positive

    Looks like a loser from the Hollywood people who supported Hitlery.
    Disney has been a ethically challenged cash cow since 1984.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 2 months ago
    It seemed to be one long set-up for episode 9 But they over-hyped episode 8 so that no matter what they do to rev up 9 it won't be as big as the final Star Wars Episode should be. Thats the trouble with a long series, wrapping up all the dangling questions and endings to make it all make sense is a daunting task , but apparently, Star Wars people will put up with all kinds of crap in order to get a few new characters to their figurine collection.
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  • Posted by dnr 7 years, 2 months ago
    Star Wars movies have always been light on dialogue, long on miracles and fun to watch. The Last Jedi is no different.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years, 2 months ago
    Star Wars is a product, like soap or beer. You can buy handcrafted soap and beer, locally produced from all organic and natural ingredients, and packaged with love. But those entrepreneurs are not millionaires supporting thousands of other employees. You can complain about MS-Office. You can complain about airline travel. You pay $10 for two hours of entertainment ... you and 20 million other people just like you. Well, maybe they are not engineers from Galt's Gulch... maybe they are just like you as measured by their shampoos and shirts.

    Something new and original comes along once a decade, once a generation, once a lifetime... Often it fails to find a market.

    I had a class in sociology of the workplace and it presented the usual leftwing line that businesses suck our money out of our pockets with crap we do not need or really want. So, I. did a quick search for "famous failed products." Vitamin water. Big now; failed in the 1980s and laughably so: who would buy that??? Handheld PDA... Heck, the personal computer. For what? Calculating recipes? Gimme a break. But some people wanted them. Innovators, new adopters, outside-the-box thinkers... Then they caught on.

    But to sell to a million people or a 100 million, you have to erase all the distinctions among them and between all of them and your product.

    Walt Disney is dead. Disney Studios are back to Herbie and the Love Bug (part 2) and The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again. So, go tell your local power company that you hate 60-cycle electricity and want yours at 27 square roots of pi.

    But BTW.... Anheuser Busch as the AB Inbev multinational corporation makes Goose Island and some other crafities. You don't have to drink Bud Lite. And maybe Disney will underwrite something more craftie later...
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
      Mikw, you are justifying why Henry Ford sold the Model T, and also you justify why Ford came a nano inch from collapse in the late 20's, when he was still making the ford T. Edsel Ford had to beat him over the head, and he still hated his son for the rest of his life for it. Yet he would have failed. See. movie moguls assume the "audience" are all the village idiots. They will pay the 10.00 and go stare at mindless crap for 90-120 mins, as long as you have a name, a line, a catch phase, an actor, a "something". Pixar does just that, and all the other cartoon movies. Some are "cute" but that's it. Star Trek and Star Wars have now entered that phase of "rinse, recolor and repeat", as well as the 50% of new movies that are "remakes". It satisfy the crowd enough to make them some money. Basic movie logic is you either sell to an existing need or want, or create it. That is the basis of what they do, Star Wars and Star Trek now sell to an existing want, with lots of flash and the same story in different clothes. Look at Valerian and the Hidden City. An awesomely well made movie, but from a European comic book. Problem was it was flashy and had a really predictable story. TV is doing the same thing, if it wasn't for Seth McFarlane both backing and doing the Orville, it never would have seen the light of day. There will probably be 2 or 3 more space series next year, and if they don't take, no more for another 10 years and we will have "NCIS in your toilet" (because every city has been used), and 350 series about black people, gay people, or addicts. As far as handcrafting goes, fan films were that equivelant, and people were going to pay for the privlidge. That was why Axanar was hammered. Go look at Star Trek Horizon, which was about as good as a fan film gets, near professional level, and cost in the neck of 30-40 k to make, almost 2hours. It got loose before CBS knew about it, because they did not go as wide open as Axanar did, but they got a C&D letter and told they had to comply with the new "Rules of Acquisition". No movie over 15 mins, no more that 2 episodes in a row, no professional actors even if free. CBS does not like competition, especially when they are a lot cheaper than they are.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
        Had to (sadly) laugh...must haves; a women in power, a person of color and at least one gay, in the cast...WTF!
        It is what it is...let it be!...let Us be.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago
          It was sad, people liked it because it was Star Wars. it was a little different so it was ok. I think that was why Rogue One did better, much more original. But the idea goes across all lines into society and politics, look at politicians, they will rerun the same idea 8 ways, all different, but still sell a new tax or fee. My Favorite (ugh) is "For the Children" and Oregon Dumbocrap favorite milking phrase....
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  • Posted by JuliBMe 7 years, 2 months ago
    I saw it. I'm not very critical of movies because I do enjoy them very much. Unless, of course, they hit me in the face with communist bias, gratuitous gore and/or immorality for no reason/lesson. I loved Star Wars (the original three starting in 1977) and I liked Rogue One very much. I thought Last Jedi was okay, visually fun to watch. However, I lament the fact that it could have been so much better and can never be "done over" since Carrie Fisher is gone. They totally botched Luke Skywalker's role, too. And, what was with milking that enormous blue walrus? Yuk! :-0
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 7 years, 2 months ago
    I saw it, I thought it was better than most movies. It was very long. There were some interesting plot shifts.

    I never really liked Mark Hamill or the Luke character anyway so I guess I don't really care about his opinion.

    Everybody has an opinion...
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 2 months ago
    Avoided seeing the first one when it came out, the advertisements for it didn't seem interesting. Finally went to see it after seeing how long it was out and how many people were still lining up to see it. Loved it! Went to see it over and over. Great affects for its time. Fighting the emperor and his minions in his bureaucracies seemed like a good idea. The next two releases were great. The following three were okay, lost storyline in attempting to make movie interesting with GCI. Magic of course does not exist, will not change anything but then neither will violence. If it were possible to convince even a small percentage of people to live free and ignore the use of government force to acquire extortion and obedience violent governments would collapse unable to contain the populace or make them commit murder (war) on a grand scale. It is not the case. Governments murder their own in greater number than perish in the wars they contrive to have an excuse for control. No one in the movie is concerned with philosophy only with magic or the use of violence to gain control of the populace.
    Still it was a fun movie for children.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 7 years, 2 months ago
    'The Force Remains Comatose' should have been the title of installment VII. I kept waiting for something significant to happen but it was just another action film without thought to how this was coming about. Too much time had passed from 'Return' without a real connection to the original trilogy plot line. The magic of that first chase in space when the first movie came out without a subtitle or number was gone. The second trilogy's expansiveness lost the intimacy of the characters in the first but did provide some needed information even with the sloppy writing that did not jibe with facts in the first. Han Solo is gone, the Princess Leia of Carrie Fisher has made her final bow, maybe it's time for Luke to return to Tatoeen and take up farming like Uncle Owen with visits to Mos Eisley!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 2 months ago
    I bet Mark Hamil doesn't hate it enough to give back his salary.
    I find it irritating that they went to"after" and the catharsis that was offered in "balancing the force" turned into a Rosanne Rosanadana "never mind".
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 2 months ago
    Due to tinnitus (in my case cricket sounds constantly chirping in my ears), me dino plans to see latest Star Wars, in the middle of January during public school hours at a theater that provides subtitles with a "cupholder device."
    That's how I saw the last two, that including Rogue One, which reminded me of a fighting to the bitter end propaganda picture made by Hollywood during World War Two.
    Always seeing a Star Wars in a theater has become a tradition of mine since seeing the first one the 70s.
    Tinnitus began to bother me during the late 90s and, save for the Star Wars tradition, I rent Netflix DVDs and only those that have subtitles.
    My son saw the latest flick with a couple of cousins and said it was enjoyable.
    I'll see for myself. So far I think the worst Star Wars is The Phantom Menace. Jar Jar Binks did not bother me that once, since I recall Lucas stating that the first Star Wars was intended to be a flick parents could enjoy bringing their kids to. Remember that race little Anakin Skywalker almost got killed winning. Ever since I like to call The Phantom Menace a tribute to child endangerment.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      My ringing started about the same time when I moved to the shore. The shore people blame it on the shoreline, doctors blame it on Loud Music and I think it has something to do with the bodies ability to adjust to altitude...still yet...they say's not in your's in your head but what the peddle doesn't work either...epic fail # 101.
      Most days, I hear fine, (except people the run their words together or don't enunciate well) in spite of the 110 decibel NOISE IN MY EARS!!!!

      I like to see Star Wars at the Movies too.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 2 months ago
        And I can't give an honest opinion about a movie until I see it.
        Sometimes me dino just has to show out to be noticed.
        I've been a show-off since way back.
        During the late 60s you shoulda seen how I could spin about on a water skiing disk.
        I acted out like a Jonathan Swift Yahoo on a slalom too, cutting hard to spray docks that I'd pass.
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