Check mark for posts that have been read.
Posted by terrycan 12 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: Feature Requests
Is there a way to create a toggle box or a check mark on posts? This would
be to help members keep track of which posts they have read. I have been
liking the comments I have read. Not the right way.
be to help members keep track of which posts they have read. I have been
liking the comments I have read. Not the right way.
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- 2Posted by sdesapio 12 years, 3 months agoI'm thinking we might be able to add a simple "Mark as read" option to the comment's tools section near "Edit | Reply | Permalink." Then, we could just slightly dim anything marked as read - basically highlighting unread messages. We'll have to see what the performance implications are but, it just might be doable.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|