Shrugging Galt's Gulch (online)

Posted by flanap 12 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
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Unfortunately, I will be needing to "shrug" this forum. I have asked too many questions without satisfactory answers from those who are Objectivists, or at least those who adhere to Ms. Rand's teachings/philosophy.

I won't list those questions which I do not believe have been answered because I won't be here anyways, so why waste the 0's and 1's.

I have enjoyed the banter and hope that those who have not seen the light which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord, will do so before God calls you away from this earth.

Take care,

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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 1 month ago
    I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this post. Have you read enough of Rand to know that objectivism is incompatible with faith, the existence of a god, and Christianity? Clearly not, and if you have, you've blanked out on it.

    Your rhetorical tricks are rudimentary. It is not a waste of digital space to ask questions because it's NEVER a waste to ask questions and it's not possible to waste digital space. You also haven't received satisfactory answers to your questions because NO answer will be satisfactory to you.

    Finally, since you've decided to be condescending, I will as well. I hope you stop believing in fairytales sooner rather than later so you can realize it's actually more comforting to accept responsibility for your 80 years here than to abdicate it to some higher power that predicates your redemption on obedience and selfsacrifice.
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 12 years, 1 month ago
    What?? NO! Stick around in the Gulch and continue to be the annoyance of those who refuse to believe! Because in the End, they will 'see the Light' and think 'Crap! They were right!' Don't go! (kicking stuff in the office, throwing things around)

    Ok, to be a bit more calm...Why don't you take a break, leave to the Outside for awhile & THEN decide?
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    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 1 month ago
      You say "refuse to believe" As if anyone who disagrees with you doesn't have a legitimate concern to raise. Either someone agrees with you, or their denial. Then you proceed to mock anyone who doesn't believe by saying in the end they'll get their comeuppance and behave like James Taggart at the end of Atlas. It's no wonder your beliefs gain no traction here.
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      • Posted by WWJGD 12 years, 1 month ago
        Oh, COME ON! You can't seriously have a problem with someone who "refuse[s] to believe" in omnipotent Invisible Beings, talking animals, that the Sun revolves around the Earth, that man is born depraved, that the universe was created en masse about six thousand years ago and all of those dinosaur bones in the ground are a lie, and on and on and on ad infinitum ad nauseum.

        Framing this as "anyone who disagrees with you doesn't have a legitimate concern" is a Straw Man of the highest order.

        And yes, such idiots deserve mockery.

        And in case you didn't notice the "whoosh" sound, US was being sarcastic.
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      • Posted by UncommonSense 12 years, 1 month ago
        Greetings again, it's been awhile. Actually, I think the concerns of those who don't believe are legitimate, and I believe you have offered some good points against believing in past posts.
        Somethings can't be explained. Some people can't be convinced by other people. But that doesn't sway my faith in my Savior. Besides, I've had things happen to both myself and friends of mine that no scientist, or non-spiritual person can ever explain. I won't go into them here.

        You're FREE to choose, in this country and in this era. Most of the time throughout history, this wasn't the case in both Christianity (pre-Reformation) and in Islam. But in Islam, it means actual death both 1400 years ago and today. (So much for tolerance) But here, no penalties, no problem. Oh, I don't condemn anyone for not believing.
        I can see where you think my perception of one day all who don't believe in JC will have to make a choice as mocking, since it is sort of a challenge to your belief. So yes, it is a challenge, but I am not picking on or making fun of those who don't believe. I would at least think you would rejoice in that nobody is threatening you to believe. And that's where Christianity and American ideals shine: people in other countries are not so blessed.
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        • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 1 month ago
          You're social threatening, using veiled rhetoric to ridicule those who don't believe as you do. They're tactics that are used on the playground and I will point them out every time they are used. You're not challenging anything. That would be putting forward arguments. Rather you're simy saying "they'll get theirs."
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          • Posted by UncommonSense 12 years, 1 month ago
            If you believe in JC as your Savior, then great! If you don't believe in JC at all, fine. Am I threatening you? Nope. Am I condemning you? Nope. Am I making fun of you? Nope. Am I humiliating you? Nope. Do I think less of you? Nope. Where's the threat?

            Now what is the challenge? For me, it's to prove that JC is real and that you will at some point, have to make a choice. By the way, not making a choice, is still a choice. (check the lyrics for Rush, Freewill, you are a Rush fan right? 10 Points for you if you are) Anyways, for you, it's proving to me that JC doesn't exist. Right?

            But since I believe in Christianity and you don't, and I am not an atheist, and you are, I don't see how either of us could ever come to some conclusion in which both of us are satisfied with each others' examples, points, etc. If you believe we can, go for it. I'm open to your ideas.

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            • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 12 years, 1 month ago
              And to quote Rush, "Fly by night away from here",
              I have an uncle that tries, unsuccessfully, to get me to read the bible and profess that I am a sinner, but will be redeemed if I accept JC into my life. This is the brother of my aunt who shrugged. Weird, eh? But the facts of dinosaurs, and evolution are concrete. I don't have issues with folks who believe, just don't expect me to feel as you do, and don't spout rhetoric that I really don't wish to hear. I won't force my opinions on them, either. Usually they fall on deaf ears, anyway...
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