From our Gulch To Yours -

Posted by starznbarz 6 years, 9 months ago to Video
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Have a Great Christmas Gulchers & Gulchettes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XiOs...

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 9 months ago
    It's been rainy and/or dreary here in neighboring Alabama for far too many days with weather only Morticia Addams would like.
    Right now on Christmas Eve it's overcast and drizzling droplets you can't see.
    But the forecast for tomorrow Christmas Day is SUNNY! Yay!
    Makes me feel like breaking out into song~

    I'm dreaming of a bright Christmas
    Just like the better ones I've had before.

    Enough of that. Never had a white Christmas. Don't want one.
    Alabamians don't know how to drive in snow. Car crashes are all over the place. I've seen it.
    Cops don't even come. They just park some place safe for out of the way and keep warm with the engine running.
    And me dino don't need some yahoo scoring a telephone pole and knocking my power out. Brrr!
    Also, relatives and myself will want to drive to a Christmas party late Christmas afternoon.
    Merry Christmas, y'all.
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  • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 9 months ago
    Looks like a cool place to call home there Starznbarz. Nice photography also. Out here in the ABQ, it is 50's during the day and 20's at night. No snow (yeah), which is great with me. I grew up in Wisconsin and lived in Colorado, so I have had more than enough snow. Add in 2 years stationed in Iceland, 6 years in Idaho and 4 years in northern New Jersey and you can see why I am eventually moving to my property in Belize. Cold and snow is nice to look at in the news and on pictures but I don't want to live in it anymore.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 9 months ago
      Thanks, glad you like the site. Weve been here almost 30 years, they are building all around us, but because we are grandfathered in and own the road, we can hold them off some. Spent 2 years in the North Colo. mountains on a jobsite in the early 80s, best trout fishing on the planet, but way too much snow for me. I`ve seen some of Belize, took a tourist bus to the Mayan ruins on the coast several years ago, beautiful place.
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      • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 9 months ago
        My parents moved there (Belize) in 2014 and I went to visit them for a couple of months in 2015. I loved it so much I bought 3 acres just outside the capital of Belmopan. I plan to retire there and just live a nice quiet life with little to no political Bull Stuffing like we get force fed with here. I figure it this way, I would rather live in a 3rd world country that I know is corrupt instead of a first world, corrupt country that is working hard to become a 3rd world country. I figure with all these other country's citizens trying to come here, their countries will be cheap and clear of citizens.
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