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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years ago
    Re: "We want to increase military spending, increase infrastructure spending, and keep welfare spending the same (apparently) but reduce the government's revenue. If that's what you plan to do, then there's only one way to fund it: more debt. In other words, young people today and people yet to be born are having their futures mortgaged." Not true! We can begin issuing pure “unbacked” fiat money to fund the deficit, rather than going further into debt. The inflationary impact of unbacked dollars would be no different than the inflationary impact of the same amount of debt-backed dollars, and such a policy would call a halt to the increase in the national debt and its crushing $400+ billion in annual interest payments. See .
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years ago
    What I find interesting is how many people have received $1000 bonus checks and some immediate pay raises. This includes some of the most vicious critics of the tax plan. Are they going to trun down the bonus checks and the pay raises?
    Most likely not.
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